- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
Need to block everything we can.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
Over a million no confidence calls already. He will be out. Just a matter of time.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
Nobody likes him anymore. Even the liberals are saying he’s corrupt. It’s only a matter of time.
- Comment on Go ahead and add it. Wolfballs won't ban it. 3 years ago:
Oh Reddit……the slums of libtards. I left that place for good. All bots in there.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
I’m in the prairies. You are right.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
Trudeau will go down in history as the Coward of Canada. Pierre Poilevre is running for PM soon as Trudeau is thrown out.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
So far there is 3,000 semi trucks and hundreds of tractors and thousands of 4x4’s. They can’t move us. We hold the power and they know it. They are scared right now and only conservatives are actually trying to help us out.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
More than a million protesting. More like half the country is protesting and if they aren’t they still support what’s going on. You have to remember it’s cold and old people and young people don’t travel in winter. Just wait till she warms up.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
We have millions of protestors. This is why the government is trying everything they can without firing a bullet. We will hold the line! We are stubborn and want a free country.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
We have plans upon plans. This convoy didn’t start overnight. This has been behind the scenes for two years now. We have military, police, the borders are being blocked and now the waterways are going to be blocked. We will hold the line until mandates are lifted. Trudeau is a tyrant.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
Thank you. Still holding the line!
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
It isn’t cool, I agree. Finally people are taking a stand. It honestly felt like a two year nightmare livng here not knowing when people would wake up. I was mandated as well. We got suckered.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
One hundred percent.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
We aren’t anti vaccine. We are anti mandate! We need to move on with life and not let them dictate our every move. They’ve been spying on 33 million cell phones during the pandemic. That basically every single cell phone in Canada. Fuckin crooked and they all need to be kicked out and we need to start fresh.
- Comment on Reddit mod here 3 years ago:
Hahaha awesome. I have been banned by basically all of Reddit. I deleted that account so they can go fuck themselves.
- Comment on Canadian convoys for freedom mega-thread 3 years ago:
I’m Canadian. Can confirm we are pissed off. I was in the convoy on Tuesday. They are trying to call us terrorists and the minority. That is not true.