- Comment on What are the best games you can play on a laptop? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on What are the best games you can play on a laptop? 3 weeks ago:
Pillars was awesome. I need to grab deadfire
- Comment on What are the best games you can play on a laptop? 3 weeks ago:
Stardew valley :)
I wish there were a site I could report my specs to and get a list of playable games.
I have an 8th gen Intel i7, 32 gigs of memory and beyond SNES style games I have no idea what options there are for me
- Comment on An honor 5 weeks ago:
A better plan could not be :)
- Comment on An honor 5 weeks ago:
Do you have any plans?
- Comment on Why are US states, school districts banning smartphones in schools? 5 months ago:
Respect. You and yours are the educators that treat kids as people and not cattle to be controlled. Mind bending how revolutionary that act is. Thank you
- Comment on Bernard Stiegler’s philosophy on how technology shapes our world | Aeon Essays 8 months ago:
I loved the read and think the archive link was classy. Archive is a most dope tool of the internet, it makes sure the content you shared lives long after the publishers whims or capital.
- Comment on What's the best thing about Lemmy? 2 years ago:
The people!!! You all expose me to cool stuff. Thanks!
- Comment on Have you ever tortured an insect? 2 years ago:
I have a pet spider I feed bugs I find in the house