- Comment on Why can't people make ai's by making a neuron sim and then scaling it up with a supercomputer to the point where it has a humans number of neurons and then raise it like a human? 10 months ago:
To add to this, a new type of brain cell was discovered just last year. (I would have linked directly to the study but there was a server error when I followed the cite.)
- Comment on Vanguard takes screenshots of your PC every time you play a game 10 months ago:
Didn't it just roll out to league of legends?
- Comment on Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics 11 months ago:
And making assumptions like that is why you will continue to be out of touch :/
- Comment on Fact check: Biden repeats his claim that he ‘got arrested’ defending civil rights. There’s still no evidence for it | CNN Politics 11 months ago:
You're kinda opposite reality on most other things you've said in this thread so I guess that tracks
- Comment on How do you tell the difference between dream and reality? 1 year ago:
I hardly dream so I guess I would say "it's a dream when I wake up afterwards"
- Comment on Anon loses his virginity 1 year ago:
Nothing wrong with asexuality if you arrive there by choice. I just think it's worth troubleshooting that loss of pleasure a little bit if you would like to be able to feel it, because it's pretty core to the human experience
- Comment on Anon loses his virginity 1 year ago:
I think you ought to try a therapist first. I don't know your life but it kinda sounds like arousal might not be the root cause and something deeper is going on.
- Comment on Exciting news! The free API you were using is no more free! 1 year ago:
That's an unorthodox side dish to say the least, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers.
- Comment on Exciting news! The free API you were using is no more free! 1 year ago:
I can't believe that all this time I could have been getting my lunch for free at
- Comment on Programming questions for beginners 1 year ago:
Well most replies already suggested a LLM but good old fashioned search skills work fine too.
For simple questions, as long as you know the correct terminology that is relevant, just asking the question of a search engine is usually good enough to turn up articles or stack overflow answers that'll help
If you don't know the terminology or you struggle to ask a precise question despite your knowledge, going up one level , so to speak, and consuming more information about the stuff in the immediate context, can often either fill in the gaps to allow you to ask the right question, or sometimes it's the missing bit of info you didn't know you needed to solve your actual problem.
- Comment on What the Hell Happened to my Cookies? 1 year ago:
Oh, lol, sorry for the sass in that case.
- Comment on What the Hell Happened to my Cookies? 1 year ago:
did you try reading the article?
If you’re sure you used butter at the correct temperature, you may have accidentally ‘warmed’ your butter by mixing it with an electric mixer for too long.
Many cookie recipes start by creaming together the butter and sugar – this is just to combine the ingredients.
If you do this for too long, your room temperature butter will get super warm – and then you’ll face problem 1. all over again.
- Comment on Amazon anti Union propaganda 1 year ago:
Pretty sure it's been in that territory for a dozen years or two already. 😞
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
This is why we need unions.
The autoworkers union the article refers to as an example is seeking a 46% pay rise to coincide with the transition to 32 hours.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay 1 year ago:
"No loss in pay" as far as I can interpret it would mean getting paid the same for working 32 hours as you would have for working 40, yes
The autoworkers union the article refers to as an example is seeking a 46% pay rise to coincide with the transition to 32 hours.
- Comment on How would you explain the need for three writing systems in Japanese to a person who only has had experience with one? 1 year ago:
- Comment on How are slavery reparations fair? 1 year ago:
By raw amount usually yes, by proportion of earnings/income usually no
- Comment on How is former president of the US Donald Trump still free when a lot of the accomplices in things he has been indicted for are already in jail and or prison except him? 1 year ago:
Nice, a three sentence callout without any refutation or detail.
If you are so confident in their confident incorrectness, put at least a minimum of effort into furthering the discussion.
- Comment on Is there a way for me to upload my rifd Keycard to my smartphone? 1 year ago:
Even if you can pull this off, it seems like a quick way to get fired or worse. You might consider whether there's an alternative means of affixing your badge that's less distracting/frustrating
- Comment on Where are you? Can you move? 1 year ago:
Username jokes can be low-hanging fruit, but I thought that one was fairly wholesome.