- Comment on Ant smell 8 months ago:
Celery man. Everyone tells me it has no taste, but to me it tastes like an entire lawn's worth of grass clippings compressed into a stick. Extremely pungent.
Same with cucumbers. They taste awfully strong and bitter to me.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Definitely not a stupid question! Networking infrastructure is complex. I've been working in IT for years and still find myself scratching my head at times going, "Wait, how does the OSI model work again?"
Connecting to a VPN on your phone while using mobile data basically means the cell phone tower handling your data only sees encrypted data. Whoever your VPN provider is will see your traffic instead of the cell tower.
However, in modern times it's fair to be wary of backdoors and exploits that can compromise your device and render the VPN encryption moot. There's not much that regular people can really do to mitigate that possibility other than not use a phone.
If you're interested in learning more networking fundamentals, I'd recommend starting with the OSI model and its layers.
A handy mnemonic I whipped up with ChatGPT last year for better remembering the order of the layers:
Precise Data Navigation Takes Some Planning Ahead
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I run my own wireguard VPN at home and connect to it from my phone when I'm traveling.
Grant's me privacy (but not anonymity) from my mobile carrier. Sure, my home ISP still sees my VPN's traffic, but that's still one less company able to monitor my web traffic when I'm mobile.
- Comment on As someone who is aging. Late thirties. How can I keep my finger on the pulse of current trends, particularly in music? 9 months ago:
I enjoy listening to college radio stations. They're usually varied in music genres and tend to reflect what college students want to put on the airwaves.
I'm a fan of 88.3FM Central Carolina Community College Radio.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I don’t think it’s morally incorrect to eat another animal.
I don't think most vegans think so, either. It isn't the eating in and of itself, but the suffering that occurs on the path to being food. Gas (petroleum) is widely considered vegan because, even though it's made from dead animals (dinosaurs), they didn't suffer and weren't exploited to create it; they died of natural causes. Vegans (typically, I believe) don't consider eating meat to be cruel if the animal dies of natural causes. Steer, aka castrated bulls, get their balls chopped off because it helps produce more meat (ironically steer are more muscular than bulls, TIL). I'm a guy (albeit not a vegan), and it isn't hard for me to see that's unnecessarily cruel and inhumane treatment.
We can debate the treatment of animals in how they are kept. But that’s another topic.
It's not a separate topic at all. Vegans primarily care about animal suffering, which is a direct result of how the industry largely operates. Not all vegans are opposed to simply killing an animal to survive; that isn't the core issue for most. Yes, killing an animal for food can be avoided, but as long as it's a quick/clean kill, like an arrow to a major artery, it's fine from a survivalist perspective because it's humane and not unnecessarily cruel.
The meat industry is accountable for the undeniable mistreatment of animals in the course of producing food for the masses.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I’m not against vegans, but where the hell did you read that meat is bad? You can have an opinion, but that’s just not a fact. Period.
I mean, the meat industry is factually bad for the environment at its current scale. That's not really in dispute, is it?
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Millions of vegans worldwide miss that opportunity every day. You just assume every vegan is a loudmouth jerk when that simply isn't the case. I have vegan friends and co-workers who have never, ever shamed a single person for their dietary choices. Your comment is wildly ignorant.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
People complaining all day long about "annoying militant vegans" but have apparently never met the equally annoying, militant meat-lovers who deludedly believe the liberals are gonna make burgers illegal. Sure, I find opinionated vegans as annoying as the next guy, but I've met way, waaaay more annoying, militant Americans who would rather die than eat one less angus burger per month when their doctor recommends it to help prevent cardiac disease.
Like they'd literally rather die in their 50's than cut out a few burgers from their diet. It's nuts.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I don't necessarily agree that being vegetarian/vegan is inherently more expensive than being an omnivore, but I'd like to point out the meat industry receives a lot of government subsidies and that helps keep costs down. Vegetarian/Vegan options would be more affordable if they got the same government subsidies as the beef industry. Sure, things like corn/wheat/soybeans receive decent subsidies, but most of that is for feeding, you guessed it, livestock.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
How can you hate a concept that doesn’t even make any sense.
I hate lots of concepts. Nazism, for example. You could call it a concept or an ideology, but I hate it all the same. I don't just hate the people who practice it; I hate the concept in and of itself.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
There's definitely animosity toward veganism as a concept itself. The types who use the term "soyboy" and boomers who consider eating lots of red meat some kind of manly recreational pastime.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I think "the money is made from animal parts and there are no fully vegan cars so you're arbitrarily picking and choosing when to be vegan" misses the point of ideological veganism. I'm not a vegan, but I believe the goal for ideological vegans (in contrast with those who are vegan for medical reasons) is to minimize suffering and exploitation within reason for the specific reasons you said. No one can be 100% free of animal parts unless they become an off-the-grid self-sustained homestead.
Vegans know that. But most come to the conclusion that just because you can't live 100% animal free doesn't mean you can't try to get to 80% because you want to live your life in a manner you consider morally and ethically consistent with your collective ideologies. You get as close as you can within reason depending on the various constraints of your individual circumstances. "I am still a vegetarian, and I try to be a vegan, but I occasionally cheat. If there's a cheese pizza on the band bus, I might sneak a piece," to quote Weird Al Yankovic.
I'd say most people, including vegans, have more than one goal in life. The "lines in the sand" you're referring to are at the intersection of their goal to minimize suffering and their goal to, say, keep living. Like if a vegan were told by their doctor, "If you don't start eating meat, you'll die from this weird disease," the vegan likely wouldn't be like, "Well, I might as well indulge in eggs and milk and all other animal products now since I can't be 100% vegan" and chow down. They'd probably eat just the amount prescribed by their doctor, because they still don't like eating meat because its origins bother them.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
My guy, I'm an atheist and a lot of the peeps on that subreddit were unbelievably obnoxious. Atheists, like any group, including vegans, have some amount of people who get to that obnoxious state with their ideology.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
When I'm hosting an event, guest comfort is my highest priority. I'm not a vegan, but if anyone coming to an event that I'm hosting has dietary restrictions, you can bet your ass I'm going to be accommodating.
It's not giving them "special treatment" in my eyes; it's giving them basic respect as my guest. I invited them to an event because they're a friend/colleague/fellow human who I invited to attend. It's my responsibility as host to make sure everyone who decided to join me at the event is fed a good meal.
I'm not vegan, but I sympathize with anyone who has a restrictive diet (for medical reasons or otherwise) so I consider this high on the totem pole of tasks involved in event planning.
- Comment on Multiversus, WB's Smash Clone, Is Coming Back This Spring 11 months ago:
I enjoyed playing around with it for a few weeks last year. I liked that they had voice acting and context-sensitive dialogue like Velma saying, "Let's see who's really the world's greatest detective" when Batman was on the enemy team.
It's also just fun to speculate about all the characters that could show up (but probably won't). I'm still rooting for Granddad "Bitches" Freeman to join the roster.
- Comment on Let's discuss: LEGO Games 11 months ago:
I enjoyed the original songs on the jukebox in Lego Island 1. Ran at 1fps on the old family computer back in the day. Good times
- Comment on Akira Toriyama, the Father of Dragon Ball, Has Died 11 months ago:
What a tragedy. I don't even have the words. I was just posting in another thread about how I thought Dragon Ball had stood the test of time and the new content was still good, even sometimes better than the old stuff.
RIP Toriyama. You were a titan
- Comment on How do I find organisations that support causes I want to fight for? 1 year ago:
Perhaps OP is looking for a local organization to pick up trash with. Some people like working in groups for a common good.
- Comment on How do I find organisations that support causes I want to fight for? 1 year ago:
After a little searching, I found a couple of resources you might find handy: - find activist groups near you - browse nonprofit social justice groups you can join - browse global crises that need funding - tangentially related, this organization focuses on discussion of contentious ongoing issues - Comment on People who dont particularly care for or celebrate Christmas, Whats your favorite Christmas song? 1 year ago:
There's nothing objective about that opinion at all. I think Mariah Carey's song is cynical corporate kitsch written for one reason and one reason only: to make money. That's why I hate it.
OP said it was "well produced". I don't believe that is meant to imply it isn't a soulless cash grab. Big production companies hire skillful producers to write/record/master these cheesy songs because it appeals to a larger portion of the population. Since most people prefer high quality records to something that sounds like it was recorded on a tin can in your garage.
That said, I disagree with OP's use of the term "objectively" when referring to something like the quality of a work of art. Even if I agree with OP that it is a well-produced record.
I love the Vince Guaraldi tracks from Charlie Brown Christmas, too. But I love Christmas and Christmas music in general, so this thread isn't for me, lol.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Excuse me, we're gonna need you to add more snark to your comment. All you did was offer helpful advice as to how OP can fix their problem.