We used to have free speech and an open internet in the UK. Now I need a VPN to access because Labour has turned Britain into an Orwellian Nightmare.
- Comment on Rachel from accounts causes the economy to shrink. Blames everyone else. 2 hours ago:
Typical lefty propaganda.
You continue to live in your bubble of ignorance if you like.
- Comment on Rachel from accounts causes the economy to shrink. Blames everyone else. 5 hours ago:
Found the Labour voter.
- Comment on Rachel from accounts causes the economy to shrink. Blames everyone else. 5 hours ago:
I blame her for the pathetic 0.4% growth in December. She inherited the fastest growing economy in the G7 with low inflation. Now inflation is going up, growth has plummeted and businesses are firing the lowest paid staff and curbing their new hires as a DIRECT RESULT of the disastrous budget.
Not to mention pensioners going hungry to be able to afford to heat their homes, food bank use is in the rise again and next they are coming for the disabled, weakest and poorest in society with their looming inhuman welfare cuts.
They are planning on sending more SEND children to mainstream schools that aren’t equipped to handle them which will be damaging for the schools, other pupils and the SEND children. All in the name of saving money at the expense of the most vulnerable children in our country.
They are removing our rights to free-speech. Trawling social media looking for right wing comments and arresting people for hurty words on the internet. Making employers legally responsible to ensure their staff never get offended while at work. NOBODY has the right to go through life without being offended.
They have already removed our right to privacy by restricting the use of end-to-end encrypted services while loudly claiming its to protect the children. Bollocks, it’s to monitor for anti-government behavior among the general population.
Hell, we don’t even have freedom of THOUGHT anymore. A woman was arrested for not divulging the content of a SILENT PRAYER near an abortion clinic. Not for being near the clinic, not for praying, but for not explaining what she was praying for.
Labour supporters are very quick to point out that regulations that have enabled this Orwellian surveillance to happen are all Conservative inventions. Which for the most part is true.
What is also true is that while in opposition Labour very loudly and publicly opposed all of them with Kier Starmer himself bringing evidence to the house that cutting the winter fuel payment will result in 4,000 deaths.
Now they are in power we see them not only embracing policy they were so opposed too just 12 months ago but actually abusing this power to rid the people of as many rights as possible.
Sp to sum up. Don’t you DARE try and defend this government when their record speaks for itself. They are liars, a disgrace, dangerous, anti-British and the biggest threat this country has faced in 80 years.
They were elected on a manifesto of lies and are guilty of deceiving the voting British people.
- Submitted 6 hours ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on More SEND pupils could go to mainstream schools as support shake-up is considered 7 hours ago:
As the parent of Autistic child this is incredibly dangerous for the children.
If they need a specialist setting and are forced into mainstream schools they will be suspended very quickly and will be without any formal education. Which is precisely what this horrible government wants. To hide them away so they aren’t costing the state any money. It’s why they are going after the disabled in the evil benefit cuts.
- Comment on UK residents need to take action to protect their data, privacy and freedom of speech NOW! 7 hours ago:
Unless you live under a rock you’d know.
Demanding unrestricted access to encrypted data.
Removing free-speech rights in public places with the new Employment act.
Trawling social media looking for “undesirable content.” Which in practise is anything anti-Labour or right wing.
I’m not scouring the internet for links for you. That’s what search engines (not Bing or Google) are for.
- Comment on UK residents need to take action to protect their data, privacy and freedom of speech NOW! 7 hours ago:
Preferably keep your most important data OFFLINE.
- Submitted 16 hours ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on Is The Online Safety Act A New Threat To The Fediverse? 16 hours ago:
Only to instances based in the Orwellian nightmare that is the UK.
All the other instances should follow’s lead and block access to UK users. They can still be safely and easily accessed from the UK by using a VPN and setting it to a country with actual rights and freedoms like Switzerland.
- Comment on Apple launches legal challenge to UK ‘back door’ order 16 hours ago:
Apple will pull out of the UK before implementing a back door.
Oh sure our authoritarian government can pretend these orders apply worldwide but in practice they simply don’t. The richest company on Earth can afford to just not do business here anymore and be beyond the reach of Two Tier Kier.
Word of warning though. As these orders are secret you must assume every cloud provider on Earth has been served the same notice to break encryption. Don’t trust any of them. They can’t all afford to not comply as Apple is doing.
The ONLY way to protect your data is local encrypted storage with ghost and dummy partitions. It’s really simple to do and when Comrade Starmers woke police come knocking to look at your data they can go get fucked.
- Comment on Petition Apply for the UK to join the European Union as a full member as soon as possible 16 hours ago:
Petition to ignore and overturn the democratic decision and will of the British People.
Fixes the title for you.
I don’t really care if we’re in or out. But to overturn the result you would HAVE to have another referendum and with Reforms surge in popularity you would never win.
- Comment on UK couple fined £1,500 after reporting Channel stowaway found in motorhome 16 hours ago:
Should have just let him go on his way. Don’t report anything to the police, especially if it involves foreigners as you will likely be the one in the shit.
- Comment on High School Runner Charged with Assault & Battery After Bashing Opponent in Head with Baton 18 hours ago:
- Comment on The Last of Us season 2's latest trailer once again skirts around that Big Narrative Event 3 days ago:
Well duh. The trailer for The Empire Strikes Back didn’t give away who Lukes father was either.