- Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 3 weeks ago:
While I might make similar choices, it still sound like a horror story. My immortal soul stuck eternally among the empty make-believe-people of GTA or the solitary existence of Minecraft?
I might still prefer the peace of non-existance.
- Comment on How can Doge access critical government infrastructure and fire people if it isn't even a real department? 3 weeks ago:
I watched similar thing happen in my own country. It was just one decision (so far) and made with a very comfortable parlamentary majority. The problem was that it was supposed to be unconstitutional according to wast majority of constitutional experts. That turned out to be absolutely no problem for the parlament and the administration.
It’s not even that I am too much against what they decided, but it did change my views on the nature of law. Any law or constitution is just a paper if it isnt enforced and will carry no weight, when it is simply ignored.
- Comment on We cosplay as free individuals on the weekend. Sometimes you just gotta get another taste of freedom. 5 weeks ago:
I’m in a situation where I work only three days a week and get by just fine. As much as I love not having to work 5 days a week, I’m not really feeling “free”. Mostly because I still can’t find to do stuff.