- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 1 week ago:
The crash at Charles de Galle contributed along with 9/11, the sonic boom limiting flights and the inability to fly across the Pacific. Also the plane is super narrow making seating uncomfortable.
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 1 week ago:
My favourite example is Concorde, which remained profitable throughout its service life but was cancelled because bigger profits can be made with slower planes.
Patents expire after 10 years so technology being locked away isn’t the biggest concern. The bigger problem is the dismantling of supply chains and loss of skills and experience when the workforce moves on.
- Comment on On May 5, Microsoft’s Skype will shut down for good 1 week ago:
Some of us live overseas and need to make official calls to government agencies and companies from time to time.
- Comment on TikTok Ban Fueled by Israel, Not China 2 weeks ago:
I like how the article presents this as some super secret conspiracy when Mitt Romney and others made public statements openly admitting to this.
- Comment on ‘Mass theft’: Thousands of artists call for AI art auction to be cancelled 3 weeks ago:
There are cases progressing through the courts. If the courts rule that copyright has been violated by the AIs under current laws then we won’t need to create a new offense or expand IP laws currently on the books.
wtf are people actually buying
A unique work of art I guess since it’s unlikely anyone would be able to replicate the prompt in order to get the same results.
- Comment on ‘Mass theft’: Thousands of artists call for AI art auction to be cancelled 3 weeks ago:
When someone makes use of a service and doesn’t pay afterwards that is considered to be theft even if the provider hasn’t been deprived on anything. For example, if I snuk into an art gallery without paying I won’t remove anything tangible since the gallery’s overheads and running costs were fixed long before I arrived.
A better word would be copyright infringement if the AI is making use of other works without a license or other permission. Based on my reading of the article it appears those involved only fed the AI works in the public sector or works that they had created themselves. The letter of complaint appears to be signed by artists who are unaware of these circumstances.
- Comment on Marvel game, developed with the Chinese firm NetEase, ‘bans’ the words ‘free Taiwan’ and ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’ 1 month ago:
They ban reporting on the stock market if it closes 64 or 89 points lower than it opened.…/20190604-8964-china-stocks-referen…
- Comment on With a TikTok Ban Looming, Users Flee to Chinese App ‘Red Note’ 1 month ago:
The BBC spoke to someone who acquired a large following shortly after signing up.
Some social media users tell the BBC that they find themselves scrolling on RedNote more than TikTok.
“Even if TikTok does stay I will continue to use my platform I’ve created on RedNote,” Tennessee tech worker Sydney Crawley told the BBC.
Ms Crawley said she got over 6,000 followers within 24 hours of creating her RedNote account.
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
The thread is about tiktok being banned in Albania. I thought you might be familiar with Australia’s threats to ban tiktok whilst ignoring the crimes other tech companies commit and making no effort to protect Australians from them.
Did you miss the comment I made about Instagram? That was specifically about the content of the site having a negative impact on users.
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
I commented on your post so yeah I think I managed to click on it. Did you bother to read mine and think of a coherent response before typing? Nah just ignore my efforts to put this in a wider context and dismiss me as a tankie. I’ll just dismiss you as racist since you only complain when it’s a Chinese company doing it.
I’m all in favour of robust privacy protections like GDPR. I don’t support yellow peril bullshit when a Chinese company successfully operates in the same space that US companies do.
- Comment on Self-experimentation: How TikTok radicalizes Austrian teenagers 2 months ago:
Is it a bad thing when political leaders have a presence on social media? Would you prefer it if the leaders of the 2 biggest economies in the world were actively censored and suppressed by these platforms?
Seems like a weird complaint to make.
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
Everything TikTok is accused of is either just a true for other social media/ website or more so. Thanks to Edward Snowden we know for a fact that US tech companies forward your emails and data to the NSA. There is no evidence of Tiktok sharing any data with any government. Yet it’s tiktok that get’s threatened with bans rather than facebook and gmail.
Instagram is notorious for making girls feel bad about their appearance and pushing them to anorexia and self harm yet no one’s proposing to ban it.
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
Because the tail doesn’t wag the dog.
You may as well ask why Toyota sells right hand drive cars in Japan and why it sells left hand drive cars in USA?
Why do you think that is?
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
The truth, duh
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
Not at all. When google operated a search engine in China it looked nothing like the Google you can access in other countries.
Why would google or tiktok handicap themselves and operate a less profitable, less competitive version of their service when that isn’t required by local regulations?
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
Don’t forget this line;
The social media platform told the BBC it had found no evidence the person who allegedly stabbed the 14-year-old boy, or the victim himself, had TikTok accounts.
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
It’s a huge failing by government regulators. It appears China is the only country capable of policing tech companies adequately.
- Comment on Albania declares one-year TikTok ban over stabbing 2 months ago:
Except no one involved uses tiktok
- Comment on Is this the first casualty of the Online Safety Act? An online cycling community web forum with over 60K users shutting down 2 months ago:
We have the power to fine companies up to £18m or 10% of their qualifying worldwide revenue – whichever is greater – and in very serious cases we can apply for a court order to block a site in the UK.
Firstly I’d expect regulators to focus on the big fish rather than this minnow. Secondly losing 10% of revenue isn’t a huge deal whilst any fines larger than that would get the entire news media rallying behind you. Shutting down the site is premature to say the least.
- Comment on Tech companies put on notice as Australia passes world-first social media ban for under-16s | CNN 3 months ago:
It’s not enough just to discuss it in the abstract, they need to interact with it in a controlled environment
- Comment on Tech companies put on notice as Australia passes world-first social media ban for under-16s | CNN 3 months ago:
I’d prefer for kids to learn to navigate social media whilst they have access to adult supervision and oversight. 16yos aren’t going to listen to their parents’ advice.
- Comment on New oven and they lock the air fryer functionality behind wifi. 3 months ago:
There are toilets that analyse your waste and send the results to your doctor. They ID you by scanning your anus since everyone’s anus is unique. Maybe one day the results can be sent to your kitchen and your fridge and airfryer can deny you access to unhealthy foods when your toilet tells them to.
- Comment on X's Objection to the Onion Buying InfoWars Is a Reminder You Do Not Own Your Social Media Accounts 3 months ago:
That’s an immature argument. “If you don’t like guns don’t buy one.” “If you don’t like abortion don’t get one.” Maybe we could think a little deeper?
One of the reasons the internet is so centralised is due to network effects. I have a facebook account because everyone else has one and it’s difficult to maintain a social life and a family life if I exclude myself from that space. I can choose not to drive a car, too but again that would make life much harder for myself. Perhaps we could subject these businesses to some basic standards of accountability and oversight and put the public interest ahead of private profit once in a while.
Given that they can rewrite their T&C or sell to facebook at anytime avoiding practices you dislike isn’t practical.
- Comment on X's Objection to the Onion Buying InfoWars Is a Reminder You Do Not Own Your Social Media Accounts 3 months ago:
I misspoke in my previous post. The tech companies conspired to act simultaneously when they banned Alex Jones to minimise the blow-back they’d suffer from his fans. Destroying his business/ career was a byproduct.
He/infowars broke their ToC so they acted accordingly.
How do we know that? Did they make their case in front of a neutral 3rd party? Did Jones have the oppourtunity to defend himself or appeal any decisions? No. If 20 gov’ts announced that Facebook broke their laws and its license will be suspended tomorrow Zuckerberg doesn’t just have to suck it up. He can go to court and appeal that decision. He’d even be allowed to continue operations whilst the case was pending as Uber, which is guilty of breaking numerous laws, did in London.
This bootlicking for the robber barons that dominate society is ridiculous. “It’s only oppression if it’s done by the gooburmint!” he said with Apple’s boot on his neck.
- Comment on X's Objection to the Onion Buying InfoWars Is a Reminder You Do Not Own Your Social Media Accounts 3 months ago:
It’s interesting that this is happening to Info Wars after the tech companies conspired to destroy it and Alex Jones’ career by simultaneously banning it from all their problems at once. As I said at the time; it is very concerning that the tech companies could deny a business access to their platforms without proving their case in front of a neutral 3rd party, without offering their target a chance to defend themselves and without any oppourtunity to appeal their decision.
It was very difficult to say anything in defense of Alex Jones, even in the abstract, so they were able to set this precedent with ease.
- Comment on Young people were becoming more anxious long before social media, and we should not be fixated on simplistic explanations that reduce the issue to technical variables, researcher says 3 months ago:
Actually near nearsightedness is due to brightness levels being much indoors rather than focal points. Even on cloudy days it’s much brighter outdoors. There’s also evidence that natural light has a calming effect on people.