- Comment on What is a metaphor you like in your language? 5 weeks ago:
I really like the german “Geburtstagskind”. It refers to a Person whose birthday is today but literally translates to “birthday child”. However you use it for any age. If its your grandfathers 80st birthday he still is the birthday child this day. Usually people just use the word without thinking about it , but i really like the idea that everyone can get childish again on their birthday. :)
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
Netherlands and scandinavian countries have a lot of courses in english. And ireland of course. Also in germany slowly but steadily english courses are more offered. I would advise you to srudy in english because its hard to study in a foreign language even if you already speak it very good. However i also advise you to learn the local language to connect better to people and culture.
- Comment on How do I realistically get out of the US? 1 month ago:
Wow is that true? :D thats a crazy long time ago…
- Comment on How rare is it for people to live without anger? 1 month ago:
I know what you speak of. I am of course unhappy or disappointed or frustrated ih certain situation, but really rarely angry. In those rare situations its usually not longer than 5 to 10 min. In situations my friends are angry I am more often sad. Only once in my life (let’s say after 5yo) I shouted at someone - to defend a good friend who was treated incredibly unjust. That’s 17 years ago…
I never hated anyone. I think I could hate some politicians but I know them not personally so I cannot have that much emotion for them. For people I know I always have explanations for their behavior keeping me from being angry about them. Still wanting excusions so I am not excusing them for their actions but knowing (or thinking I know) why they behave like they do I cannot be angry. I think its too much emapthy in my case?
- Comment on Missing Comments 3 months ago:
Interesting. So it changed from visible to invisible.
- Comment on Missing Comments 3 months ago:
For example i cannot See the comment you answered to. From which instance is it?
- Comment on Missing Comments 3 months ago:
I also See these missing comments a lot ( almost in Every third discussion), but i did not block anyone so far. Also no instances. Is it possible that these are comments from instances my instance defederated?
- Comment on Is it expected to tip for furniture deliveries? 3 months ago:
I dont want to be part of toxic tipping culture but alsowanrt to be nice.
Therefore -if service was good- i would offer a coffe / fresh lemonade /cookiesb etc.