- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
you… opened my profile… and didn’t read my bio? “so it’s clear: I primarily use lemmygrad, I am not trying to hide this”. so I’m a grad “alt” whatever that even means, what is this weird obsession about people having accounts on different instances
additionally, I’ve made multiple comments in this very thread about it:
I’m not gonna go looking for your interactions with hexbear to actually see but I’ll answer any questions you have right now. also, you haven’t been banned or had any action taken against you by hexbear mods at all. you could always pose respectful questions in one of their general mega threads, or in ask chapo
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
easily the most baffling comment I’ve received today what are you trying to say???
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Yes, that’s the issue.
you, once again, are a liberal
This was another very difficult question I had to ask my interview subjects, especially the leftists from Southeast Asia and Latin America. When we would get to discussing the old debates between peaceful and armed revolution; between hardline Marxism and democratic socialism, I would ask: “Who was right?”
In Guatemala, was it Árbenz or Che who had the right approach? Or in Indonesia, when Mao warned Aidit that the PKI should arm themselves, and they did not? In Chile, was it the young revolutionaries in the MIR who were right in those college debates, or the more disciplined, moderate Chilean Communist Party?
Most of the people I spoke with who were politically involved back then believed fervently in a nonviolent approach, in gradual, peaceful, democratic change. They often had no love for the systems set up by people like Mao. But they knew that their side had lost the debate, because so many of their friends were dead. They often admitted, without hesitation or pleasure, that the hardliners had been right. Aidit’s unarmed party didn’t survive. Allende’s democratic socialism was not allowed, regardless of the détente between the Soviets and Washington.
Looking at it this way, the major losers of the twentieth century were those who believed too sincerely in the existence of a liberal international order, those who trusted too much in democracy, or too much in what the United States said it supported, rather than what it really supported – what the rich countries said, rather than what they did.
That group was annihilated.
—Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Method
i have never seen anyone be able to respond to this passage (or the book as a whole). of course, you will probably just call me a cultist for using all evidence available to me that reform is not possible. I personally would not like for me and my friends to be annihilated, thank you very much! and if you actually are a liberal sealioning and thinks capitalism is actually cool I’d like you to explain how we will deal with climate change!
That’s on you for assuming that just because you don’t like an argument it must be those smug libs.
uh no it wasn’t because “I didn’t like your argument” it’s because liberals constantly use the “we are the only nuanced thinkers in the world smuglord” argument. Once again, it is reasonable to assume other people’s positions based off of things you’ve seen them say, every single person on the planet does this.
Black and white thinking pops up again …
It’s another cult-like behavior that is rampant with tankies …
I called myself a “tankie” because I wanted to get it over with, but you clearly agree that I am what you would consider to be a “tankie”. why use that label if you think it’s bad to assume people’s positions on things?
I call out silliness when I see it, but most lib stuff that I come across is of the bland, inoffensive variety
have you EVER been anywhere on the internet at all? I constantly see “black and white” thinking from liberals all over the internet. is it not black and white thinking to immediately accuse something of being “see see pee propaganda” when they see a post about something about china on reddit? did you see any of the threads about the DPRK’s olympics teams? etc.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
By “neat and easy” I mean, “The root of all evil is capitalism and we solve that with revolution”.
this isn’t what we believe once again. class society predates capitalism. you know nothing of marxist thought but arrogantly assign beliefs to us, but once again that is not “black and white thinking” on your part. we believe revolution is the solution because we believe that all evidence shows that the bourgousie will not let us take power peacefully, just like the bourgousie were forced to use violence to take power when they were oppressed by the aristocratic class. this is baby baby basic marxism and you don’t even know this and yet you deign to talk down on us? it’s pathetic, truly.
“This person thinks this, so I will assign these other views to them as well, so that I may dunk on them”.
this is a thing literally everyone on the planet does. When you see someone say they think gay people should die, is it unreasonable to presume they are a reactionary conservative and assume they have other wack beliefs? I see you making a smug liberal enlightened centrist argument, and thus I assume you are a smug liberal with similar beliefs. Why would I put the effort into getting your opinion on every single topic. why would you do the same for mine? that’s why you call me a tankie, isn’t it? there is someone I got into a slap fight up with further in the thread that is a liberal and tried to make me mad by saying that putin “fucked male prostitutes”. he assumed I would care because I am a “tankie”. Do I see smug pricks like yourself going around calling his ass a cultist? No!
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
They feed off of righteous anger at the state of the world, and promise neat, easy solutions
communists don’t think there are “neat, easy solutions” this is fundamentally a misunderstanding of our positions. this is the entire point behind why people constantly accuse tankies of being bootlickers and what not: we think transforming the world will be hard, and will involve making harder decisions than me you or anyone else on this website has ever or probably will ever have to make, and that mistakes that socialist states make in these circumstances are entirely understandable even though they are tragic. Of course, socialist states are evil or something which is totally not black and white thinking by your side, of course. America’s enemies are totally doing worse things than america does which has very nuanced and reasonable reasons for overthrowing democratically elected socialist leaders and replacing them with fascists and socialists are evil barbarians with no nuance to try to use whatever methods they can to stop them
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
this is very strange reasoning to me, posting on a post you see scrolling through all is now bad because… other hexbears already got there first and you dont want to be annoying? what the hell?
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
it’s not even material analysis so much as a complete lack of creativity. again, they are so fucking boring and unimaginative, I feel like I have deja vu everytime I even get into a slapfight like this where we’re not arguing anymore just hurling jabs and dunks and what not
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
kinda sad really it’s all so boring and it’s all just the same conversations with libs like this over the internet, they say china is collapsing i make fun of them for being an acolyte of gordon chang, they call president xi winnie the pooh I point out it’s a really old boring joke that smacks of racism, can’t they come up with something new for once?
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
yet another classic. you have displayed president xi as a beloved children’s cartoon character (that just happens to be yellow 🤔 ) what ever shall I do
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
all good no worries, tone can be very hard to show through text 😅
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
well, views are pretty much the same. typically, grad users shitpost less and are less active as a whole but are more sectatarian because the rules of the instance allow for it, although there really isn’t that much sectarianism on there, the comm with the most sectatarinsm “shitultrassay” has only 20 posts in the last six months, whereas the equivalent comm for dunking on social and conservative liberals has over 100 posts in the last month alone
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
i see gordon chang taught you well my friend. I’m sure china will collapse for sure this time next year. wait sorry I know you don’t read books you must watch those yt channels that spam a vid every couple of days about china collapsing next month for the last however many years its been since that infinite money glitch was found
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
I wasn’t clear enough, what I meant wasn’t that the admins literally never said anything to the mods, I meant they made it relatively unclear what exactly they needed to do to stop getting warnings and eventually getting banned. no conversation, just relatively vague commands from down high also, as you can see in the SRD thread it was never made clear if they were removed for anything besides the john brown posting. However, even this is more clear communication than I remembered so I’ll admit fault on that at least.
funny thing though is this comment about why chapo got banned, which mentions brigading, something people constantly accused/accuse hexbear users of doing:
The second aspect of this is that chapo is becoming so large that it is capable of effectively “brigading” threads without any direct co-ordination on the subreddit. By this I’m referring to stuff like the police dog situation, in which any meaningfully upvoted thread on /r/aww and other “cute” subreddits gets a shitload of “40%”, “ACAB”, and other anti-cop rhetoric. While screenshots of this often get posted to /r/chapotraphouse, the vast majority of the time this is AFTER the thread has already been “brigaded” by chapo users scrolling through /r/all or the specific “cute” subreddits. This behavior is not against the TOS, but it is incredibly annoying to /r/aww mods and therefore concerning to the admins, because the “cute” subreddits are the easiest to manage and please, and more importantly, the most advertiser friendly. When chapo users fuck that up, there’s a problem.
sounds familiar doesn’t it?
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
also implies they don’t think prostitution is rape in the first place too I think, just terrible comment all around really
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
I think my comments have been too ambiguous then, I didn’t mean for anything I’ve said to come across as hostile in any way. I’m a lemmygrad user, made this account because I browse through .ml at work and been meaning to make one so i can comment while there.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
o7 happy to hear that!
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
All the computational resources the users tested the code base on must’ve been free.
fair enough I just think of direct monetary donations or something when I see financing like that but looking at like that isn’t incorrect
Identity politics from .ml?
I mean kinda? I normally expect people who hold sympathies towards hexbear to use an account on like so they don’t have to use more than one account to browse everything they want to see
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
I’m well past caring
you are crying about upvotes and downvotes you can’t say this when you’re doing that
Putin fucks male prostitutes.
in awe at this one, why would I care about this
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
nah sorry the general megathreads are mostly just people randomly commenting about their day and what not, I just meant you can just go in there and ask for someone willing to talk about some topic. Like, just say “I am a visiting liberal and would like to discuss XYZ that I don’t understand” and if someone responds you can go into detail about what you want to discuss. lemmygrad has a communism 101 comm that has heightened civility rules but your instance is defederated from grad.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
don’t pretend like you care about that, your fellow chuds might find this comment on accident and you wouldn’t want to make them mad would you?
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
I had assumed you were a bog standard democrat but I apologize, didn’t realize I was speaking to someone who likes to watch “FEMINIST OWNED AND TRIGGERED!!!” youtube compilations
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
glad it managed to reach someone! If you want the best nuanced review of Stalin from anyone anywhere, you will have to read Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo (free pdf here!). It is well sourced, and also uses western sources that should be biased against stalin to make its arguments! review on the same site as the tankies article here: additionally, some other articles I highly recommend if you want to understand our position better:
most of these are quite a bit longer, so sorry to flood you with them, but I’m always eager to share these excellent articles with anyone who will consider reading them!
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
riveting comment. truly, I’ve never read this type of comment before and now I’ve been owned!!!
I will now give the obligatory response: amerikkka is a dying empire and will not be able to stop China and socialism. die mad about it loser.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
thanks for satisfying my curiosity anyways 👍
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
The thing is, delinking socialism from Stalin also means delinking it from the Soviet Union, disavowing everything that’s been done under the name of socialism as “Stalinist.” The “socialism” that results from this procedure is defined as grassroots, bottom-up, democratic, non-bureaucratic, nonviolent, non-hierarchical… in other words, perfect. So whenever real revolutionaries (say, for example, the Naxals in India) do things imperfectly they are cast out of “socialism” and labeled “Stalinists.” This is clearly an example of respectability politics run amok. Tankies believe that this failure of solidarity, along with the utopian ideas that the revolution can win without any kind of serious conflict or without party discipline, are more significant problems for the left than is “authoritarianism” (see Engels for more on this last point). [5] We believe that understanding the problems faced by Stalin and Mao helps us understand problems generic to socialism, that any successful socialism will have to face sooner or later. This is much more instructive and useful than just painting nicer and nicer pictures of socialism while the world gets worse and worse.
this is directly preceding it. Even if I accepted your frankly hilarious black book of communism death tolls, the argument here is that the soviet union and China still greatly improved the lives of the average citizen compared to what came before while facing huge problems that you would crumble upon immediately upon encountering, like imminent war from the west that they predicted and prepared for correctly. As far as your other claim, it’s not nearly so simple as you make it out to be:…/why-do-so-many-people-miss-t……/us-ebrd-transition-survey-idUSKBN14…
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
is tankist a translation of the french word for tankie or something? i’ve never seen anyone use “tankist” before
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago: has both hexbear and lemmygrad defederated yes.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
I’m a grad user not a hexbear user but views are pretty much the same, I’ll say here: it matters a ton in the thread and way in which you tried to do this. if you give the slightest hint that you’re asking questions in bad faith, they’re going to pounce on you, because communists online constantly have to deal with bad faith trolls. There are an extremely small number of communists in the west, we are outnumbered basically everywhere online and in real life, so we are naturally protective of the very few places where we hold the majority opinion.
I’m not gonna go looking for your interactions with hexbear to actually see but I’ll answer any questions you have right now. also, you haven’t been banned or had any action taken against you by hexbear mods at all. you could always pose respectful questions in one of their general mega threads, or in ask chapo
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
got it. for anyone else reading this: why exactly is jumping straight to mental illness as the source of any disagreement not ableist? Does someone who struggles with mental health get no say on literally any topic?
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Unlike a lot of liberals coming from reddit, communists often don’t have delusions about the neutrality of moderation and so they’ll ban you on a whim if they think you’re there to stir shit.
really well articulated. I feel bad for well meaning people, but so often they don’t realize it comes across as the exact same kind of bad faith trolling that communist online groups have to deal with and so mods and users have little patience for it if it’s not explicitly a thread for that kind of conversation.