- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:…/how-to-survive-midlife-blues
Depending on how old you are, you might just be hitting the normal midlife low point. It hit me hard in my late 30s and I spent a lot of time reading about it once I found out it was typical. I think a lot of it has to do with the rate at which you’re experiencing milestones and life changes. It feels like you are constantly progressing in your life up to your 20s or 30s and then the time scale suddenly shifts. Things take much longer to advance - saving enough for a house or retirement, that next promotion (assuming you even want one), major family changes, etc.
Understanding that helped me recover somewhat, though it still took a couple of years. I’m still in that lull, trying to figure out what I really even want to do next, but I don’t feel sad about it anymore. I don’t know if this applies to your situation, but I found it really helpful to learn about it.
- Comment on Sounds like a problem for them, not me. 2 weeks ago:
I’ve never asked for time off, only informed my boss that I will be off. I have only had push back twice. Once, when I was in high school my boss said I couldn’t, so I quit on the spot (nothing to lose in a minimum wage job when my parents were still supporting me). A few years later, a shift lead (who was not technically my boss) challenged me, I told him I wasn’t asking for the day off, I was providing advance notice that I would not be there that day.
The irony is that I now manage people who have an attendance policy. I try to make sure people have plenty of opportunity to plan time off so they don’t have to call out. They’re going to take the time either way, I may as well know in advance.
- Comment on How can a US citizen invest outside the reach of the federal government? 4 weeks ago:
If your main concern is the US currency or just wanting your money to be out of US-based assets, I believe Interactive Brokers provides a lot of flexibility to move your money between assets and currencies. You’re still going to pay taxes and be subject to all US laws.
If your concern is US involvement in your personal financial affairs…good luck. The US has tremendous influence over the global financial system and no legitimate foreign organization is going to work with you unless you have substantial assets. The few countries that do not respect US influence are not particularly trustworthy and trying to do business with them will put you at significant legal risk.
You could also try converting to physical gold, but the US has confiscated gold before, so that’s not a sure bet.
- Comment on Smart methodology 5 weeks ago:
I used to work for a cable company. I remember a coworker telling me a long time ago that one of the challenges they used to have was making sure the caller’s TV was tuned to the correct channel. So, the conversation would go like this:
“Please change the channel to 27” (or any other random number that isn’t a locally used channel) “What do you see?” “Nothing…” “Good, change it to 3, now what do you see?” “Nothing…” “Good, change to channel 4” “It works!”
For those that don’t know, there was a long period of time where the auxiliary input into TVs was tuned to either channel 3 or channel 4. There was a good chance that the customer didn’t know which one was correct for their TV and would have assumed that it was already set correctly if you asked.
- Comment on TIL it's impossible to delete a free trial account for AppleTv+ or Apple Music without an Apple Device 5 weeks ago:
I tried to sign up for an Apple TV free trial without an Apple device. It let me create the account, but then I had to “activate” the account, and I couldn’t do it on any of my devices (android, windows, the TV that gave me the free trial). I talked to tier 1 and tier 2 support, they couldn’t get it working either.
Then it gets even more ridiculous. The tier 2 agent asks me to upload screenshots of the errors I was getting for the tier 3 (?) engineers to review. Oh, I need an active Apple account to upload anything. I emailed the images and their email system stripped the attachments from the email. Tier 3 closed the ticket and banned my account. I talked to Tier 2 again and all they could do was put in a ticket to request I be unbanned…it was denied.
Finally, I gave up and asked them to delete my account. They said my account can only be deleted if I log in and use the delete account function. I pointed out how that was not possible and they said there was no other option. The whole situation reinforced my plan to never buy an Apple product.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 5 weeks ago:
It’s common in the U.S., especially in apartments, to have rooms with no light fixtures. Instead, there will be one outlet that is wired to a switch by the door. That outlet is sometimes upside down to distinguish it from the other outlets. That gives you the option to connect a lamp to the switch to get the same result as having a light fixture. I would generally prefer that every room has a light fixture on the ceiling, but this is marginally better than having to walk across a dark room to turn on a lamp.
- Comment on Accurate cartography 5 weeks ago:
I mean, depending on where exactly you ended up, it could go either way. I’ve watched some British TV over the years and I frequently need subtitles and I assume the actors are enunciating better than the average person.
- Comment on Accurate cartography 5 weeks ago:
I hope you’re not using that map to navigate your new home.
- Comment on Walgreens Replaced Fridge Doors With Smart Screens. It’s Now a $200 Million Fiasco. 1 month ago:
Oh, that sounds like a sweet deal. I should have been aspired to be a corporation instead of a normal person.
- Comment on Nintendo stock falls after mixed reaction from Switch 2 announcement 1 month ago:
Stock “news” is stupid, the Switch 2 announcement has been expected for a year. The only news is that the company confirmed it will launch this year, which was already expected. Real news is when we start hearing what games will be available at launch (or soon after).
- Comment on Walgreens Replaced Fridge Doors With Smart Screens. It’s Now a $200 Million Fiasco. 1 month ago:
I don’t really understand how Walgreens is still in business. I only go there when I need something that the grocery store pharmacy section doesn’t carry and I’m not willing to wait 1-2 days to have it shipped from Amazon. Every time I go, its a ghost town with more employees than customers.
- Comment on They just don't understand 1 month ago:
Way back in the late '90s, my first apartment was a brand new development with a T5 connection (I think) that offered each unit 8 glorious Mbps. However, I needed to get that connection shared between 2 PCs in different rooms. Wifi was not an option (expensive and slow), even a router was a major financial investment for me back then. So, I bought an extra network card and a 100 foot crossover cable and ran it down the hallway.
It was so successful, that I continued to incorporate very long cables in my builds for the next 20ish years. Even today, my desktop computer is not wifi capable, but first I migrated to powerline ethernet and more recently mesh wifi with my PC plugged into one of the child nodes.
- Comment on Communism 1 month ago:
I don’t know a lot about the Amish, but possibly. From what I know, it seems like they embody some of the core principles in terms of contributing to the community and managing a balanced, relatively equal society. I don’t know anything about their religion, so I don’t know if there is a level of control from church leaders that might be more of a centralized control structure. But they might be an example. You can also search for examples of hippie communes or artist collectives.
- Comment on Communism 2 months ago:
There have been many groups that form communes within a larger system. Sometimes its built around a religion (or cult), sometimes around various ideals, like artist communes. In my opinion, what makes these work is that they’re small (your reputation matters), people join it voluntarily, and people can be kicked out if they don’t uphold the ideals. So, you don’t need a state to enforce the rules aside from a mechanism to remove people who don’t participate fairly. And because they are within a larger entity, they don’t have to deal with things like national security or foreign affairs. I don’t think that model scales to a national level.
- Comment on Is Half-Life Opposing Force still known to current gamers, or is this a side game that's fallen through the cracks. 2 months ago:
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
- Comment on Is Half-Life Opposing Force still known to current gamers, or is this a side game that's fallen through the cracks. 2 months ago:
I actually liked Opposing Force and Blue Shift better than HL1 back when they were still new. Recently I thought I would play through them all again, but I only made it a little way into the original before I quit. Going back to old mechanics is not generally enjoyable for me. Or maybe I should have just skipped HL1 and gone directly to the ones I liked better. To be fair, I skipped ahead to HL2 and am still struggling to enjoy the dated mechanics.
- Comment on My Skyrim followers tier list, hope it's not too controversial xoxo 2 months ago:
I had Brelyna in my last (current?) run and have enjoyed her quite a bit.
- Comment on Does hand washing your undies prevent it from losing its shape and elasticity? 2 months ago:
I have clothes that I keep out of the dryer, but I’m willing to put pretty much anything in the washing machine (aside from dry clean only stuff). I will hand wash my workout clothes, mainly in the summer, when they are drenched in sweat and I don’t have enough dirty laundry to make it worth putting them in the laundry right away. I just put a little splash of laundry detergent in the sink with some cold water to wash them, then hang them to dry. But I do that to keep them from getting stinky, not to prolong the life of the clothes.
- Comment on Technology Connections: LED Christmas lights which don't hurt the eyes: it finally happened! 2 months ago:
Same. I’ve tried LEDs and they really don’t cut it for christmas lights, so I stick with incandescent, at least in the house. LEDs outside might be fine, but I rarely get around to putting up outside decorations.
- Comment on Hustle? In this gig economy? 2 months ago:
This requires more information. Am I reasonably likely to hit a total target comp over the course of a year, but with fluctuations throughout the year? I can live with that if the target fits my needs. Of course, I’m guessing that is not the intent here, this is can you live with no clue about your future income potential? That’s a hard no for me.
- Comment on What is your favorite vehicle in GTA:SA? 2 months ago:
The bicycle, otherwise all that fast food is going to catch up with you quick.
- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
You can study to become a beer judge, even just for fun:…/beer-judge-training-study-program/
One of the parts of that is to get a kit that helps you recognize “off” flavors:…/sensory-kits/
- Comment on it's raining hot death in Minnesota 3 months ago:
I had a similar thing today. My app (looks just like this one) told me it was currently 138 degrees out. I thought I might need to stay inside today.
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 3 months ago:
Deus Ex. When I first played it I was amazed by the graphics and I specifically remember being impressed that your character was reflected in mirrors. I’ve been replaying it recently and the graphics are obviously very dated, but it also doesn’t run smoothly on modern hardware. My PC gets louder and louder as I play it and eventually the game starts to stutter and I have to restart it.
- Comment on What do I put down on my resume? 3 months ago:
If you use this equipment frequently, try to quantify them on your resume to show you have experience. You can ask chatgpt for better wording, but you might have something like “unload 20-30 trailers per week using an electric pallet jack.”
Create a list starting out of everything you might want to tell a future potential employer. The original list can be messy and have awkward wording, but try to list all of the useful skills you have and wherever possible, quantify your impact. Once you have that, then go to your AI of choice and practice some different prompts to see what kind of results you get. You’re not going to get a great or even necessarily accurate resume on your first try, you have to put in some effort to edit and re-prompt for improvements. Here are some possible prompts to play with starting out:
“You are an experienced recruiter helping me craft a resume to get a job in a warehouse. Review this list of experiences and recommend better wording to show that I have the skills to be an effective warehouse employee.” <paste your list that you created>
“For this experience, recommend how I can quantify my impact to show that I added value.” <paste a bullet that you want to improve>
If you find a job description that represents the kind of job you want, you can also provide that to your AI friend to get even better results. Something like this:
- “Using the following job description recommend changes to my resume that better reflect the role.” <paste the job description>
Once you’re done editing your resume to fix any errors the AI gave you or to change the wording to be a better reflection of your writing, you can paste the resume in again and ask for a final review.
- “Review my revised resume to improve readability and recommend any changes to better fit the job description.” <paste your updated resume>
The first time you do this, you’ll probably think “wow, this is so much better than what I started with” or possibly, “this is garbage, it’s making things up that aren’t even true.” Either way, if you keep playing with it, you’ll start to get a feel for a good balance of words that reflect your experience, but also connect well with job descriptions for jobs you’re interested in. Or maybe you’ll get lucky and get a job offer right away and not have to think about it again for years!
Some bonus prompts for when you get an interview:
- “You are an experienced recruiter helping me prepare for a job interview. I have an upcoming interview with a <recruiter/hiring manager>. Based on the job description, what are 10 questions they are likely to ask me. Explain what the purpose of the question is.” <paste the job description>
You can take it another step and provide your resume and ask it for suggested answers to the question. Careful here though because you don’t want to try to memorize the answers. And finally, you should always ask questions in an interview (ALWAYS), try this:
- “What are some questions that I can ask in the interview to show that I am engaged and very interested in the role?”
Good luck with your job search!
- Comment on Deceased at None 4 months ago:
I interviewed for a job recently and asked why the position was vacant. They said the previous person died. I didn’t have the courage to ask if the death was work-related though.
- Comment on Massive generational gap: Gen Z flocks to multiplayer, while 55+ sticks to single-player 4 months ago:
I’m not 55 yet, but I was also way more into online games when I was in my 20s than I am now.
- Comment on 👣👣👣 5 months ago:
I once had to post a position that was specifically made for my employee, but my recruiter was awesome. I told her there was no possibility I would pick anyone else, so she suggested I make the requirements hyper specific. So, I met with my employee and we worked up a list of 10-20 things that she had done in her career and put them all in as requirements to qualify.
I received no other “qualified” applicants, so I only had to interview the one. My next meeting with her I said, “this is your official interview, do you have any questions for me?” She said “no” and I congratulated her on being selected for the role.
- Comment on English Ivy 5 months ago:
Same. I have a fence that’s barely still standing now that I removed the ivy. I’ve been pulling it and spraying it for several years now. I know I’ll never win, but I’m doing my best to keep it in check. The most painful part is when I go to garden centers and see it for sale. It makes me want to cry.
- Comment on I make games and this literally happened to me this morning 5 months ago:
Wish listed! Also bought Be a Rock, I look forward to being a rock later tonight, it sounds fantastic!