- Comment on Pokémon Legends Z-A - Nintendo Direct 3.27.25 1 day ago:
Looking alright. It’s a Pokémon game so I know what I’m getting into but it looks fun.
- Comment on Upscaling is actually good (as an option) 3 days ago:
I’m a game developer and I will 100% confirm that studios have already started and will continue assuming the user has DLSS/FSR/XeSS enabled because it turns out rendering half as many pixels can get you across the finish line.
It was already fairly standard practice to try as hard as you can for performance, and when that fails to bring you to native resolution, just cut some resolution (for example, to 900p from 1080p).
However, I do want to add that DLSS/FSR/XeSS is great technology for the low end of the market who can’t afford insane rigs but do get to have a slightly sharper image than previous upscalers could accomplish.
- Comment on Cybertruck Crashes in Light Snow as Driver Shouts "NOT AGAIN!" 1 week ago:
Fuck the cybertruck but I agree. To me, it looks like a firm layer of ice and a distinct lack of tires which can handle ice or chains failing that. Cybertruck’s weight is doing it no favors here either, and the load helped pull him down the hill. Chains would have made a huge difference in this condition.
- Comment on Google’s Sergey Brin urges workers to the office ‘at least’ every weekday 3 weeks ago:
The science actually says that 60 hours a week, when maintained, is less productive than 40. You can gain productivity in the short term by mandating overtime, but the limit is around two weeks. You also pay for it in lost productivity the following weeks anyway, so it’s more a shifting of productivity.
If he actually cared about productivity (which is related to service/development and eventually profit), he wouldn’t be saying this falsehood.
- Comment on Day 214 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 5 weeks ago:
I’m working my way up the generations and I need to replay Alola in the Ultra games since I only had Pokemon Sun before and had different livingdex rules when I played it. A bit unfortunate for time-sake, but I really liked the Alola games. Good luck on your dex!
To add some naming inspiration, my friend and I like dumb nicknames like:
Blingo Splorp Gunch Slizbop Boizo
- Comment on Playing Dragonsweeper because of Ars' article. Did I have any way out of this without guessing? 1 month ago:
You sort of need to keep track of creature count but I feel like the game should do that for me, and not in a menu.
- Comment on The PlayStation Network outage proves PC gamers were right to resist its mandatory sign-in requirement 1 month ago:
I read an article testing the same disc drive in multiple PlayStations and they continued to work. My guess is that Sony pays for console X to be able to use a disc drive when one is inserted, and then pays for console Y when one is inserted. They probably can check the ID of the disc drive, but they also probably don’t care that much.
- Comment on The PlayStation Network outage proves PC gamers were right to resist its mandatory sign-in requirement 1 month ago:
but just like installing a PS5 disc drive, a PSN outage would have prevented first-time setup of something that simply does not require an internet connection.
I want to address this section by the author. Should any old disc drive work offline? Yes. Do PlayStation’s? No.
In the interest of saving money, Sony doesn’t pre-pay for the Blu-Ray Disc Association License, so they use the internet to know when to pay the license fee on behalf of the user. So from a legal standpoint by an entity which does not want to get sued, their course of action to save money requires this.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 month ago:
This would basically be my reply as well. Companies are in the game to make money, and setting up all this infrastructure, not to mention maintaining it, is NOT cheap.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 month ago:
You apparently can transfer saves on PS4/5 offline. For PS4 they can be copied to a USB drive, but more to your point here, the only way to copy PS5 saves around (besides PS+) are to do console backup and restore processes and then during that process say you want to take save games wholesale (and then restore them wholesale). That’s definitely greedy bullshit.
I don’t know what more to say, consoles are walled gardens that consumers pay to be in. Within those walled gardens, the company dictates the rules. There’s plenty of good arguments for using a more open platform like PC. Not the least of which is that PlayStation has had an abysmal console cycle for trying to prove their console is worth purchasing - what with it having basically no exclusives that won’t eventually come to PC, first-party or otherwise.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 month ago:
From the consumer’s perspective, at its cheapest, it’s $10/month to play with your friends on PlayStation, be able to claim new games monthly which are good for as long as you are paying the subscription, and have cloud saves (among a few other minor benefits).
No service can guarantee uptime, that’s just the reality of it. This is the largest PSN outage in 14 years. Most outages have not been this long or widespread.
Napkin math shows their uptime to be ~99.5% in the 18 years it’s been operational. Not that good nowadays, but not something you can’t sell to people.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 month ago:
Walled gardens and all. That’s the cost of doing business on PlayStation. Perhaps we’ll see some pushback from developers to PlayStation that might carve a path for sidestepping PSN services if the developer wants to.
It’s important to note, though, that PSN (and Xbox Live, and Steam) does provide useful services to developers in exchange for that cost of doing business.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 month ago:
Being able to type in an IP address is a late 90s and early 2000s thing within the AAA space, much as I hate to say that. I do know of at least one unpopular, indie PS4 game that had IP address entry so it wasn’t outright banned then.
I’m pretty sure PlayStation requires games with certain types of multiplayer to authenticate with them as part of the agreement to publish on the platform so that’s restrictive.
However, Sony does provide services that cost something to run, both directly for the studio, and indirectly for players who consume that studio’s game. Not the least of which includes account authentication which is one aspect of ensuring piracy isn’t happening on that platform. Friends services and the ability to join friends helps people jump back into your game. I’m sure there’s more.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 1 month ago:
Looks like PlayStation’s Auth servers are down among everything else. Even if multiplayer was free, I don’t see how modern games would function without that service running. Who am I playing against? What’s their name? How did I get my account progress?
Just about everything multiplayer nowadays relies on account / Auth services. Especially in console.
- Comment on The Broken Mindset Of Modern Graphics & Optimization | LTT Response With Industry Breakdown 1 month ago:
Yep, this video is highly antagonistic like the rest of theirs. On the whole, they’re talking about the right thing, but the video tends towards generalization and ragebaiting.
Also months and months later there’s yet to be any news or progress on their “alternative” Unreal Engine fork that fixes TAA or whatever, despite the host talking very quickly over technical rendering jargon. You’d think with the ability to do that, they could manage to … disable TAA in Unreal. Vibes feel like a scam.
- Comment on I Bought a PlayStation Vita in 2025 2 months ago:
I do not yet have a PS3 and did not have one in the past, so the answer from me is no, and I unfortunately know nothing about that.
- Comment on I Bought a PlayStation Vita in 2025 2 months ago:
Hacked mine recently and have been playing some PSP games in multiplayer with a real PSP over ad-hoc wireless that just works. It’s beautiful.
- Comment on Venezuela fines TikTok $10M for fatal social media challenges that led to the death of 3 teenager, intoxication of 200 others 2 months ago:
$10M is a nothing fine to them. As far as they’re concerned, this is the cost of doing business.
Next time go bigger.
- Comment on Bioshock creator Ken Levine discusses the future of narratives in games 2 months ago:
The AAA industry has made some really great games but I see - increasingly over time - a lack of interactivity in the games in favor of heavy movie-like narrative. It is unfortunate that adding depth of interactivity in a AAA space requires an immense amount of work to polish those interactions to look good / real / natural. However, we’re running up against graphical performance issues. It’s time to bring back those interactions, perhaps sacrifice a bit of quality to polish these interactions up, and make games that have more player choice.
- Comment on New PlayStation Portable report backed by Digital Foundry 3 months ago:
PS2 base models were BC to PS1 PS3 base models were BC to PS2 (and PS1) even before they added digital-purchased emulated copies. PS Vita has a built-in PSP that can play digital versions of those games as well as PS2 ones. PS4 had a very limited selection of PS2 games released digitally for it.
PS5 is BC with PS4.
They could do a lot better, though. Their digital offerings are extremely limited and have yet to tackle the issue of emulating the cell processor at reasonable speeds.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 5 months ago:
It was kickstarted a decade ago with release dates which they’ve never kept thanks to a constant modification of what a release looks like - namely splitting the MMO-like Star Citizen out from the single-player blockbuster Squadron 42 - as well as scope bloat. A lot of people originally kickstarted the game (mostly for what we now call Squadron 42 + some multiplayer thing) but now a decade on, the MMO-like Star Citizen is seemingly the priority project and most of the people who are currently funding the game are primarily interested in that.
After hundreds of millions of dollars of funding, it seems clear that Squadron 42 in particular is in development hell as it still can’t seem to make it to market. Star Citizen, while playable, teeters back and forth from basically unplayable to playable and all “progress” is subject to wipes.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 15th 6 months ago:
Destroying filthy xenos in Space Marine II with my battle-brother in online campaign co-op.
What a treat. Also Pokémon Platinum.
- Comment on Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread 6 months ago:
I mean, look how fast the ENTIRE industry shifted to battle passes (and still gacha) and away from “loot boxes” the very moment the first country said they’d consider regulation.
- Comment on OpenStreetMap: The map that saves lives | CNBC International (5:14) 6 months ago:
Thanks for the links. I’ve been mapping in OSM for a year ish now off and on. Nice to find it in the lemmyverse
- Comment on Valve lifts NDA on Deadlock, streaming and talking about the game is now allowed. 7 months ago:
There may be more people watching Deadlock than there are watching and playing Concord today based on available data and reasonable extrapolation.
- Comment on Disney creates best argument for piracy in a century. 7 months ago:
That was the argument before this case, and in the virtually certain case the judge denies Disney’s motion, there is no additional argument besides “Disney is even more petty and scummy than we all thought.”
- Comment on Disney creates best argument for piracy in a century. 7 months ago:
This isn’t so much an argument for piracy as it is an argument to not patronize Disney. Especially considering that Disney’s motion for arbitration is so far beyond baseless that it’s baffling they’d even attempt it.
AKA: No, Disney will not be able to force you to arbitrate a dispute just because you once (or still do) subscribed to Disney+. Their motion will be denied, and pirating their content will not - in any way - legally protect you.
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 7 months ago:
Valve isn’t really angry as far as I can tell, or have heard. They’re about as angry as any other person which goes and posts this stuff online: revoking access. If Valve wanted to expand their testing userbase without people leaking it online, they would have sought NDAs and other legally-binding agreements with testers and - by extension - journalists who can test the game.
- Comment on AI ‘Friend’ Company Spent $1.8 Million and Most of Its Funds on Domain Name 7 months ago:
The article is even more wack than the price for the domain. They want to launch a $99 necklace that listens to everything you say while it “forms its own thoughts” about it. Then instead of talking to you, it just texts you when IT “wants” (read: on a timer or based on a system prompt)
The monetization is a one-time $99, no subscription. That’s … suspicious from a privacy perspective.
- Comment on [Request] Retro Recommendations 7 months ago:
Ace Combat (PS2): Primarily Ace Combat 4, I’d say as it’s shorter but still great. If you like the gameplay then you’ll need to play 5 and Zero.