- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
just making sure you’ve seen this nested comment
- Comment on Algorithms are breaking how we think - Technology Connections 1 week ago:
I’ve been using RSS to keep up with channels and it’s been great. I recently found out that you can use a different feed url to only get the main videos from the channel (to filter out shorts and livestreams)
So instead of the channel url (which gets converted to
) you usehttps://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?playlist_id=UULF…
(might stand for User Uploads Long Form)If you use an addon (like Feedbro) you can automatically get the first rss URL and manually convert it by clicking on Find Feeds In Current Tab when on the channel’s page, then right-click copy the “rss” hyperlink. Otherwise, you can look for the channel ID in the page source by searching for