- Comment on Half as Hot 4 months ago:
Well at some point you encounter a phase change, which complicates things, but mostly the heat capacity (how much energy it takes to raise the temperature) is fairly constant. In an ideal gas it is exactly constant, but that is a bit of an approximation, even if it works quite well for most gases.
- Comment on New tech discovered 6 months ago:
Education has really failed to impress upon people the importance of asking questions. It’s amazing how much time is wasted on making people learn answers to questions they don’t even know how to ask.
- Comment on the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth 7 months ago:
I mean Fibonacci did more or less the same thing to his work a few centuries later, so fair play I guess.
- Comment on Chemists of Lemmy, how accurate is this likability table? 7 months ago:
You can stick your tongue in it. Wouldn’t recommend actually trying to get anything in your mouth.
You’re protected by the thin layer of nitrogen that immediately sublimates, this lasts until the nitrogen heats up to touch you directly, which you want to avoid.
For mostly the same reason you can stick a finger into molten lead, provided you do it fast enough and your finger is wet enough.
- Comment on Chemists of Lemmy, how accurate is this likability table? 7 months ago:
If someone’s licking any of the transuranic elements I’m not sticking around to watch.
Some stuff should simply not exist in a lickable quantity.
- Comment on 1 + 1 7 months ago:
- Comment on What is a stupid question? 7 months ago:
At some point even the pope disagreed. Or well, one of them did. It was complicated.
- Comment on What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city? 7 months ago:
It’ll be a rather unpleasant death I might add. Plan accordingly.
- Comment on answer = sum(n) / len(n) 7 months ago:
One of the better uses I’ve seen involved using this perspective to turn what was effectively a maximum likelihood fit into a full Gaussian model to make the predicted probabilities more meaningful.
Not that it really matters much how the perspective is used, what’s important is that it’s there.
- Comment on answer = sum(n) / len(n) 7 months ago:
Just because you don’t know what the uncertainties are doesn’t mean they’re not there.
Most optimization problems can trivially be turned into a statistics problem.
- Comment on answer = sum(n) / len(n) 7 months ago:
So what you’re saying is that if you put a burrito inside a burrito it’s still a burrito?
- Comment on Why is the current labour party in the UK considered more center left? Do you think they will pass any policies that are considered left leaning now that they have won the majority? 7 months ago:
Keep in mind that for the way UK elects MPs something like Alternative Vote (or even approval voting, which I prefer) would only help with the problem that only 2 parties have any chance of winning in each particular constituency.
It doesn’t get around the issue that ‘% of constituencies where party X wins the election’ and ‘% of votes cast for party X’ are in no way the same thing.
- Comment on Why is the current labour party in the UK considered more center left? Do you think they will pass any policies that are considered left leaning now that they have won the majority? 7 months ago:
If UK politicians had any sense they’d fix the voting system that let that happen.
Obviously they won’t because that same system put them in power and is currently holding far-right at bay, but it would be nice.
- Comment on Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages? 8 months ago:
What genius decided to denote the difference by using three shades of the exact same colour?
- Comment on Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages? 8 months ago:
Because 1 bar is almost atmospheric pressure. Oddly enough I’ve never seen anyone use kPa, weather forecasts often use hPa (instead of mbar) to report atmospheric pressure.