- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
For sure! And as much negative I said about the combat, it’s punchy, never drags on, and the enemies you fight are usually all set up well as part of the story and not just random enemies so even the fighting has good narrative weight even if it’s not the mechanically deepest ever.
This time through, I’ve been making different choices and stopping to explore more and take in more of the world. First time I played it, I had NO IDEA that if you stopped and listened to some npc convos you can pick up quests that way! Doesn’t even really feel like I’m playing it again, retreading the same stuff. There’s SO much in it.
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
I started replaying Witcher 3 a week or so ago. It really is an amazing game. But I will admit that the combat is just ok. It’s not awful, but it sure as heck isn’t great. The magic and other mechanics, I’d also call them just OK, maybe even occasionally bordering on less-than-good. Geralt’s movement, even just traversing or trying to loot things, can often be slippy and weird.
Thing is, all of the other parts that are important for a great RPG and narrative just shine SO much more brighter that they really make up for the very mediocre gameplay aspects. It really is more than the sum of its parts.
- Comment on Why English language is sometimes "lazy", sometimes not 8 months ago:
“They both come from the same French word, résumer. The Latin root of that word could be translated as “to take back” (and you can see that use on occasion, as when a deposed king “resumes the throne”), but the core meaning that links resume and résumé could better be translated as “to come back to” — in one case, to come back to an activity; in the other, to go over a series of events again in brief.”
- Comment on Update: Deadrop Studio Drops Co-Founder Dr. Disrespect After Allegations Surrounding The Streamer's 2020 Twitch Ban Emerge 8 months ago:
I can’t wait to stop seeing his stupid fucking face again.
- Comment on Nosferatu trailer is in theatres this weekend, attached to The Bikeriders 8 months ago:
Ok sure. I just watched the trailer online.
And who the hell goes to the theater to see a specific trailer?!
- Comment on Movie Night will be at the main cytube instance at 8:00pm Eastern - We are starting with Airplane! 9 months ago:
Well, when I logged in last night to check it out, the chat was flooded with 4chan hate content. And there’s Lost Prophets videos in the queue like someone else said.
I think it’s unmoderated, which in this day and age means it’s a sewer.
- Comment on Movie Night will be at the main cytube instance at 8:00pm Eastern - We are starting with Airplane! 9 months ago:
Wow I always wanted to watch movies while strangers in chat post vile racist garbage. How fun.
- Comment on Why Movies From The 70s & 80s Look Like This: Kodak 100T 5247 9 months ago:
It was the 70s and 80s. Everything, even the film, was covered in a thin layer of cigarette smoke and cocaine.
- Comment on ChatGPT has caused a massive drop in demand for online digital freelancers — here is what you can do to protect yourself 9 months ago:
As a graphic designer for 25+ years, I recommend getting used to, and enjoying, rice and beans.
- Comment on Bethesda Is Charging $7 For A New Starfield Mission, And Players Are Upset 9 months ago:
At this point?! My dude, do you remember horse armor. They literally started this shit.