- Comment on 'A king above the law': US Supreme Court's Trump ruling prompts judges to warn of 'nightmare scenarios' 7 months ago:
No, it’s presidential actions, not personal ones. It’s being reported horribly because of the whole thing where everyone thinks that anyone not on their team is terrifying, so it justifies saying absolutely anything to try to win people over to their side.
- Comment on Eat the rich? 7 months ago:
Your mistake is thinking that you are talking to people who think more than 2 feet in front of their noses.
- Comment on Eat the rich? 7 months ago:
Yeah, then we would all have so much more money all of a sudden, that would mean we could all buy so much more stuff. That’s definitely how money works.
- Comment on Underrepresentation 8 months ago:
This is related, but I just realized that I’ve been conditioned to expect a Rick Roll every time I click a link in a comment, even though it hardly ever happens. My brain just always says “Here comes Rick Astel or whatever his name is”.
- Comment on Underrepresentation 8 months ago:
What about Good Friday? 🔨😵
- Comment on Behold, the Gaynado! 🌈🌪 8 months ago:
God is checking LGBTQ+ acceptance off of it’s todo list.
- Comment on Can Trump still run for president now that he's a convicted felon? 8 months ago:
The current record for number of US presidental votes received while in prison is about 1,000,000. Eugene V. Debs is the record holder, and that election was in 1920. Trump just may beat him this year. There is no law that says you can’t be president while in prison.
- Comment on 8 months ago:
This website is amazing! How have I never heard of this before?! Did you know that using glue will make your cheese extra stretchy? Who would have guessed it? This is my new favorite site.