- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
Didn’t realize I was speaking to a god
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
I don’t know any kindergarteners
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
I’m glad you’re able to communicate with your peers
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
You used a lot of words to say absolutely nothing.
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
Is this his mom now replying to me?
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
So edgy
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
Okay buddy. Time to go have your afternoon tea and have a nap.
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
First of all, unless this dude works at a strip club, I very highly doubt random coworkers are coming up and grabbing his biceps.
I would buy this story more if it was a single female who continued to do this, but this just doesn’t add up.
Secondly, if a woman’s biceps were being grabbed by a man, I’d have no idea what the fuck was going on.
This story is fake as shit and ya’ll are treating it like it’s a case study.
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
You missed the joke
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
Yes and we should also require chaperones on dates as well. No sex out of wedlock either.
Dude got his bicep grabbed and went to HR instead of telling the person. This is beyond stupid.
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
I do the same thing when a girl accidentally steps on my shoe
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
Careful brother, the internet is fragile when it comes to these type of comments. A lot of people without girlfriends and wives will come out in troves to fight against such displays.
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
- Comment on Anon gets unwanted attention 9 months ago:
How fucking big did this dudes arms get in one year? I’m calling bullshit.
If this is actually real I would suggest using interpersonal relationship skills and ask these hordes of women to stop touching your biceps yourself. Given that anon is a green texter, he may be lacking in this department.
- Comment on Stellaris gets a DLC about AI that features AI-created voices, director insists it's 'ethical' and 'we're pretty good at exploring dystopian sci-fi and don't want to end up there ourselves' 9 months ago:
I have around 700 hours in CK3 and feel the same pain you do
- Comment on Stellaris gets a DLC about AI that features AI-created voices, director insists it's 'ethical' and 'we're pretty good at exploring dystopian sci-fi and don't want to end up there ourselves' 9 months ago:
Not saying you’re wrong but it’s funny that you’re disparaging a game that you’ve played for 700 hours.