- Comment on motherfucjer 2 months ago:
Interesting, 18 up and 16 down as of this comment. Because this started with ~2 downvotes (the first image had terrible jpeg for a few minutes), we either have
- my taste did not land
- early downvotes beget more downvotes
this comment is here for notetaking. let’s see if i’m a moron or if iambs are stronger than herds.
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Huh? ϡψφϟβμχ 2 months ago:
the resistance shoots me. I am revealed to be a Terminator
- Comment on Huh? ϡψφϟβμχ 2 months ago:
You’re right, I missed that!
Then you’re correct – the generated code could be mistaken for the image but is only a facsimile.
- Comment on 2 months ago:
Disclosure: I’ve done very little UI/UX.
Google’s Material Design (wikipedia) is much more widely-adopted across OSes/Flutter/the web (see how many websites have that dropshadow topbar and ≡?); Microsoft’s Fluent (wikipedia) is Windows-first, but is usable anywhere.
Both are based on responding to user actions. Fluent uses lightup acrylic (translucent) canvases (e.g. hover? border glowy.)
while Google’s Material uses paper-esque whitespace, navbars, dropshadows, and round corners. (e.g. scrolling? dropshadow appears on nav)
Think Microsoft Teams vs. Google Drive.
They’re both full-fledged but Material You is way more common judging by places such as the F-Droid ecosystem on Android. As for which is “better”, Material You supposedly has better colorscheme flexibility since it ‘wants’ to adapt to e.g. user wallpapers. But other than that it’s really just preference. I know some devs use Material You for a predictable, unified look across Android apps.
If you’re designing something, make sure you keep your own self in the mix too. Breezy Weather uses Material Design, but it’s more customized to have a unique feel than, say, TrackerControl (which also uses Material).
- Comment on Huh? ϡψφϟβμχ 2 months ago:
They turned the Galactic Script code into English code, probably via OCR and a “approximate this into English” prompt
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
Solitaire 2: Collectors Edition. 175k hours
- Comment on Diamond market 2 months ago:
Cool-ass economics fun fact, hell yeah
- Comment on How do I win a fight with a lion? 2 months ago:
YTA! Lion’s house, lion’s rules. Hit a lawyer, get Facebook, drop the gym.
- Comment on How do I win a fight with a lion? 2 months ago:
Shouldn’t it be the reverse? Spspspspsp?
- Comment on NBC News Does Entire Piece Trying To Link CEO Shooting To ‘Violent Video Game’ 2 months ago:
vibeo gane,
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 3 months ago:
A brave, vulnerably nuanced answer. Suspicious… what are you planning?
- Submitted 4 months ago to [deleted] | 11 comments