- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
Your Samsung will start pushing ads after the warranty period
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 1 month ago:
Yeah; it’s always better to buy a display instead of a TV
- Comment on Anon hates Apple 1 month ago:
I had water damage that messed up my Face ID camera on an iPhone X but the water indicators were not triggered. Genius Bar turned me down still because of the obvious moisture. I called Apple HQ from the parking lot and argued it’s rated IP67 and without the moisture indicators in the SIM tray and charge port being tripped it must be a warranty issue.
At the end of the call I walked back into the store and handed over my phone they gave me a new (not refurb) phone. Maybe if I’d argued and gotten the manager in the store the first time it would’ve been okay, but I just try to deal with Apple directly and honestly they’ve been the best support I’ve ever dealt with.
- Comment on Why do Americans always presume that everyone speaks English 2 months ago:
I can speak Thai so I guess I’m okay
- Comment on Scalper economy 2 months ago:
That’s a good classification to have.
The apartment I lived in until June this year was my or my friends home for 20 years, but I stayed sick after the new neighbors moved in and started destroying the place. I couldn’t have food anymore because of the rodents, roaches, bedbugs and diseased water that started running down the walls and leaking through the ceiling.
- Comment on Pro tip: it's much easier to lose 100k than it is to earn it 2 months ago:
We had a big digital display put in my town and they did that shit and in less than a week it was made illegal because they drafted an ordinance that specifically only affected that building and sign. They could stop it if they weren’t owned by corpos
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 2 months ago:
I’ve never heard of a bowerbird. I googled it and it seems anyone not up on Pacific avians might have the same confusion
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 2 months ago:
No. You just put the nice part facing the one who paid for it and so you can paint it and keep it looking nice. Let the neighbours have the ugly side. They can build their own fence if they want.
- Comment on her favourite colour is blue :) 2 months ago:
I have absolutely no idea what’s going on here.
Are those supposed to be condoms or trash?
- Comment on So this is how my neighbor fixes his fence. 2 months ago:
I know some places have laws or guidelines that tell you to put the flat pretty side facing out, but every fence I’ve ever seen, including the one I’m looking at out the window of this business I’m at now has the flat side facing the property and the ugly side faces out
- Comment on Discovery will be the first Star Trek show in half a century to end without a single Jonathan Frakes appearance 10 months ago:
What? TNG is only 35 years old, so what’s with the 50 years claim?
- Comment on Someone should release Discovery with all the speeches removed 10 months ago:
On the eve of battle, on a cold and windless night, an old general turned to a young soldier.
“Tomorrow,” said the master, “you will know fear.”
The young soldier — who had not yet experienced the agony of war — looked at the general with quizzical eyes, “How will I know fear if I do not know what it looks like?”
The general replied, “You will know fear because it speaks very fast and it speaks very loud…”
“If that is how fear acts, recognizing it is easy.” But as the young soldier considered the general’s advice, she asked the question facing us now, “Once I know Fear, how do I defeat it?”
Even so, I come to ask myself the same question that young soldier asked that general all those years ago: “How do I defeat fear?”
The general’s answer: “the only way to defeat fear is to tell it ‘No’.”
No. We will not take shortcuts on the path to righteousness.
No. We will not break the rules that protect us from our basest instincts.
No. We will not allow desperation to destroy moral authority.
I am guilty of all these things.
Some say that in life there are no second chances; experience tells me that this is true.
We can only look forward. We have to be torch-bearers: casting the light so we may see our path to lasting peace. We will continue exploring, discovering new worlds, new civilisations.
Yes. That is the United Federation of Planets.
Yes. That is Starfleet
Yes. That is who we are
And who we will always be.
- Comment on Wow 10 months ago:
I can watch children be bombed all day, but if the dog dies in a movie I’m gonna a be really sad and upset