- Comment on Is there any actual standalone AI software? 8 months ago:
Llamafile is a pretty good option for 100% local LLMs. The smaller models are pretty good for basic applications. They run at a reasonable speed on my Samsung laptop and really fast on my M2 macbook.
- Comment on How would I troubleshoot an AC unit that isn't working well. 8 months ago:
That is what should happen when a starting capacitor fails, but it doesn't always happen as it's supposed to.
- Comment on How would I troubleshoot an AC unit that isn't working well. 8 months ago:
Another possibility is the starting capacitor for the compressor motor is bad.
If the capacitor is bad then the compressor motor won't actually start, but the fan will still turn on. This will make it seem like the AC unit is running, but there won't actually be any cooling going on. The fans will still blow air, and it'll feel slightly cooler because it's moving air, but it won't actually be cooler.
Replacing capacitors is pretty easy and not too expensive. However, it can be extremely dangerous so I recommend you leave it to the professionals unless you have some experience working with electricity.
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on *for 1 week's worth of groceries but yea.. 8 months ago:
Which Trump policy's do you expect to cause deflation significant enough to reduce your grocery bill?
Which Trump policy's do you expect to reduce your dependcy on owning a car so that you won't be at the mercy of oil companies, car manufacturers, and insurance companies in order to survive?
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 9 months ago:
The new Prius Prime has an optional rooftop solar panel.
According to an article in Slash Gear you can get about 4 miles of range after 9 hours in the sun.
So it has the potential to marginally increase your range on the scale of a short commute under ideal circumstances, but it's not much apparently.
- Comment on Insulation scandal: ‘I have to scrape mould off the walls every two weeks' 9 months ago:
I recently replaced some insulation in my home and i found out it's a lot more complicated than just put slap it in the wall. That is to say my understanding is pretty rudimentary so my explanation may not be the best.
Insulation in a house creates a temperature difference between the inside and the outside of your house. If the insulation doesn't have a proper moisture barrier this can lead to water getting trapped on the inside of the insulation due to condensation. The water then comes leaking out if your walls, making everything extremely damp. The darkness inside the wall along with the dampness makes an ideal environment for the mold, which quickly spreads outside of the wall and into the rest of your damp house.
- Comment on Rishi Sunak announces 4 July general election 10 months ago:
Economically, militarily, and politically...yeah..
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I think the argument is interesting.
Absolutely no one would support this if the question was instead "If you're alone in the woods would you rather come across a bear or a black/Mexican/Arab/whatever person". However, since right now it's socially popular to group men into a monolithic group and demonize them the man vs bear question and is a very funny and popular meme.
You can understand the point of the meme and still understand that it denigrates half the poplulation and creates toxic discord towards people who are perfectly good human beings.
- Comment on Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden 10 months ago:
Lol I'm glad we can be on team Genocide™ together. Have fun being on team rapist, team Gaza into beach front Israeli real estate, team turning America into a white Christian ethno state, team Ukrainian genocide, team LGBTQ+ hate crime.
I think the neat thing is you aren't in denial at all. You know full well Biden isn't responsible for the Genocide™ in Gaza, your just using it as a thinly veiled excuse to evangelize your love of that orange Trump dick.
- Comment on Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden 10 months ago:
Right? Israel didn't exist until Biden dreamed them up last October, and then those little rascals started Genociding™ right away. Since Biden is the only president in history, and Israel has clearly stated they'd stop the incursion if Biden asked really nicely, he could stop the Genocide™ anytime he wanted. Why isn't he stopping it!
Why oh why is Biden 100% funding the Genocide™? Everyone knows that Joey B is single handedly supplying all the military equipment Israel is using, like some kind of feisty Genocide™ happy elf from Santa's workshop. Israel isn't getting military and economic support from any other country besides Joe Biden, that dick (which I love sucking by the way)!
I'm sure there's no other world leaders with a close relationship to Bibi and a vested interest in getting Donald Trump elected president driving the Genocide™. Absolutely none at all. I'm sure it was just a tiny coincidence that the Iranian backed militia conducted an unprecedented terrorist attack after years of peace. Just in time to provide the Israeli prime minister in serious legal trouble with a desperately needed distraction that would allow him to cling to power as long as Joe Biden was Genocidin™. Why did Joe Biden make Hamas do that!
If it weren't for Biden I'm sure the UN would march in to Gaza and stop the Genocide™, just like they did for the Uyghur genocide in China, or Tutsie genocide in Rwanda, or the Darfuri genocide in Sudan, or the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar. But no Biden wouldn't let the UN stop any of those genocides either, that bastard!
- Comment on Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden 10 months ago:
As the dictator of both Israel and the United States all he has to do is turn of the Genocide™! What is he thinking leaving it on!
- Comment on What is the longest discontinuous marriage? 10 months ago:
It was a pretty common phenomenon. Wikipedia article about the subject
- Comment on kids are gowing up faster and faster 11 months ago:
I've almost entirely switched to using pak for managing my R packages. I'm not 100% sure what the magic is in pak, but it's really made my life easier when installing packages.
- Comment on kids are gowing up faster and faster 11 months ago:
I'm not sure if you're using Quarto or not, but use it almost daily and frequently write R and Python in the same file without any noticeable overhead.
- Comment on Why craft breweries are under threat as closures leap 49% 11 months ago:
Seriously. Making beer is easy. Making good beer at scale consistently is incredibly hard, and most craft brewer's aren't doing the work.
- Comment on With public key cryptography, why can't someone decrypt a message using the public key? 11 months ago:
This post on Stack Overflow does a good job of explaining the issue.
- Comment on Does The NBA Really Think We’re This Stupid? 11 months ago:
There's probably not a grand conspiracy to fix NBA games, but the officiating is too fucky for me to bet against the idea.
The NBA would probably try to rig that bet too.
- Comment on aww man 11 months ago:
I'm not sure about what's off screen, but everything that I can see is defined at n=0
- Comment on Homer 11 months ago:
To be fair a nuclear operator can typically afford to support a family of 5 even today.