- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 1 month ago:
Same. I played it for the first time like a month after release and I loved it. For me it always had good bones and the issues were surface level.
Obviously all the criticism was correct and valid, but there were certain angle or way of playing it or event certain luck to be had that made some people really appreciate it since the very beginning and I’m lucky I was one of those.
I have finished it three times and currently on my fourth run and yes it has changed and improved a lot but I have loved every single time on its own.
- Comment on I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet ...well maybe not that surprised 4 months ago:
It should be everywhere.
And don’t come to me with the bullshit ‘tolerance paradox’. Tolerance is not a human right. It’s a clause of a societal contract and whoever start by breaking the contract is no longer covered by it.
Nazis get punched and nazis get doxxed.
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 4 months ago:
Sorry. The topics I know about and find something to share are the same for lots of other people and literally always someone beat me to it.
Plus I get anxious thinking that I’m gonna have to reply to a lot of people.
But thank you to all of you who do post.
- Comment on A more complete explanation for the removal of those Russian Linux kernel maintainers 4 months ago:
Not about code security (even thought that is certainly important by itself). Sanctions are about political and economical isolation, is not that you don’t trust their companies, is that you want to unplug them as a punishment.
- Comment on Is land inclination included in area calculation? 7 months ago:
I don’t know the precise answer, but I do know this:
- Often the kind of measures that are about something vast and complex (like population for example) are really good approximations, not completely exact numbers. So maybe doesn’t matter because the number itself is not trying to be 100% accurate.
- As far as I know those measures are made from the top down view, like with airplanes or satellites, so no it would not include inclines. To include inclines in a precise way it would have to be measured each one on the spot, which is not the way that is done. There are almost no field surveyors these days, again, as far as I know. And to include inclines in an approximate way takes us to point 1 again so it wouldn’t matter much if there were a small difference.
- Why would we do that? Almost everything we use land for requires it to be horizontally flat, so we flatten it. For example, an irregular coastline doesn’t matter because we can use the crevices and irregularities to fit in more boats or ports or beaches, since the sea is horizontally flat and that is what really matter to us. But if there’s a hill with a greater area because of the steepness of it we cannot fit more houses or warehouses of streets. We have to flatten it first so we gain noting from it being inclined.
So form my point of view it would be almost as if we tried to include the sides of a ravine or gorge in the measure just because technically it is area space.
Sorry if I cannot give you an exact answer, but I wanted to comment because you raised an interesting point that made me think.
- Comment on 'WALL-E' Director Andrew Stanton to Direct 'Toy Story 5' - Daily Disney News 9 months ago:
for a fraction of a second I thought they were doing a wall-e sequel. we are still ok, for now.
- Comment on Happy cakeday, lemm.ee! 9 months ago:
Thank you so much, to you and all the generous and amazing people that makes this possible!
- Comment on Living in a forest without any technology also works, since you will have no internet access anyways. 10 months ago:
nah, every little step is good and this ‘perfection or nothing’ attitude is very damaging to anything, including the personal and collective fight for rights and privacy.
- Comment on Riot Games talk Vanguard anti-cheat for League of Legends and why it's a no for Linux 11 months ago:
Original post is fairly detailed and very interesting. Obviously I don’t like but I understand their assessment.
However I do find mildly dishonest using yesterday Linux player count. The LoL Linux community has been aware of vanguard and the coming end for weeks now, and many people myself included have already moved on leaving LoL behind.
An honest and frankly plain interesting figure would be the player count from a few months back. Just in lutris website theres a count of over 32 thousands player with the game in their library, plus all the other ways of playing it.
This seems like just a last bad faith move so that we convince ourselves that they are right and that we were pretty much being an unfair burden to them. It makes more sense to say ‘Well we will deny service to 800 people because its not worth it’ to say ‘Well we will deny service to tens of thousands of people because its not worth it’.
Anyway, good riddance, already on better things myself.
- Comment on A new Matrix movie is in development with The Cabin in the Woods filmmaker Drew Goddard at the helm 11 months ago:
If Lana Wachowski is executive producer how does that fit with the hypothesis of the last one being bad on purpose to kill the franchise out of desire to not make matrix movies anymore?
Also that guy Goddard has a okay-ish resume, idk. If they leave the existing plot alone and create new stuff within the universe, it may be not terrible?
But also fuck warner and zaslav, who even believes or trust them on anything anymore? First thing that comes to mind is that this must be a ploy to bundle up resurrection as an ongoing loss and claim a bigger tax break.