- Comment on Took me disappointingly long 8 months ago:
That is what I read it as too. Happy Pride!
- Comment on Every damn day 9 months ago:
That is a good analysis. I think it ignores the obvious components that the conservatives are well funded precicely because conservative dogma is all about protecting the owner class. Wealthy business people are not going to fund efforts to impose progressive taxation, mandatory sick time etc.
Sure there are rich people in the arts who lean liberal at least in public, but they are outnumbered and out-spent by capital owners.
The left will never be able to spend as much on communication so the approach has go be completely different. Using the products of capitalism like social media has been effective. Peer-to-peer organizing is slow but costs little. Tacking pro-worker policies onto the platforms of the otherwise pro-business Democrats as a differentiator has lead to some success.
Reaching the mass media reach of the far right is so difficult to do without the capital backing though. The left really needs to get into the talk radio game. NPR tries but they are inevitably quite centrist.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 9 months ago:
It’s people, there is never any winning. You do your best to find chill people and don’t waste your precious limited leisure time with people who make you feel bad.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 9 months ago:
My advice is to find a more diverse group. Married and LTR folks are typically less likely to engage in this behavior, especially if their partners are there too. Its tough when you’re in your 20s because 20something guys are all trying to throw their 3 pointer despite the odds.
Either that or find an overtly lewd mixed-gender/mixed-sexuality group and embrace it. I played a very racy campaign in Uni that was a lot of fun. Everyone was onboard with what was going on though before it started and we knew it was going to get weird in a fun way. It was a fun way to also explore my own gender sexuality in a safe no-contact fantasy way.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 9 months ago:
I blame the ferengi
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 9 months ago:
I use it to distinguish sex and gender. Only some females have to deal with periods and pregnancy, but all women have to deal with social mysogeny. In this context I would use women because it’s a gender issue not a sex issue.
- Comment on Anon has nerdy hobbies 9 months ago:
It is because to the harasser they are killjoys. To the aggrieved they are robbing them of agency to help themselves. However, fuck the harassers, and sometimes people need help and don’t know how to ask. I would rather be called a white knight than a creep or someone who did nothing and was thus complicit in the harassment. I’m old and grumpy though and if I’m “helping” it is because I’m sick of the bullshit not because I care if people think I’m a good person; I think that intent matters.
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
I really had no idea what I was getting myself into with that one, coming from Player of Games.
- Comment on What can I do daily to improve my on-the-spot cognitive abilities? 11 months ago:
Look no further than the world’s militaries for this. They drill drill drill until soldiers react automatically without having to think about how they will react in a hostile situation. Its not enough to learn what to do once if you want a fast response.