- Comment on What's up with 1 month ago:
"I don’t like it…
- “…so it should be banned” (for everyone) is never the right approach.
- “…so I blocked it” (for me) is.
It’s a simple heuristic that works in almost every situation.
You don’t know what value something you don’t like provides to others.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 2 months ago:
Your original question was answered by numerous people in the spirit of the community, so you have got best answers it can provide at the moment, but your follow-up comments suggest that you don’t think so.
But I may have misjudged your intent, as looking further I can see you’ve been replying to comments individually. My initial impression was that you were masquerading statements as questions. If I have that wrong, then my apologies.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 2 months ago:
Yes, but what’s your point here? “Oh no, someone preserve us from… *checks notes* a group of subject matter experts!”?
If that annoys you for some reason, you’d best not learn how the overwhelming majority of products and services see the light of day. Rage aplenty awaits.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 2 months ago:
Have you seen the list of safety features on UK plugs and sockets? The sockets have shutters in them that prevents anything being inserted into the live or neutral sockets unless the (longer) earth pin of a matching plug is inserted first.
Having said that, I agree: seems to be a belt-and-braces approach. No downsides.
And it allows you to cut power to an appliance without having to remove the plug.
- Comment on Why do so many UK electrical sockets have an on/off switch next to them? 2 months ago:
Safety and convenience versus the cost of including them, I expect.
The Wikipedia page for BS 1363 says they’re optional and weren’t added to the standard until 1967. I can’t recall having seen a domestic socket without one.
But it seems the only legal way to read the actual standard is to pay for it, and even the HSE website isn’t much help.
- Comment on Why do many lame or incorrect comments get so much more attention than some witty or funny ones? 2 months ago:
It’s a pretty common and wildly successful marketing strategy to put something on social media with one or more intentional errors to force everyone’s inner Reply Guy to fight the urge to do the thing.
But it also works with unintentional errors. My less well-thought-out replies attract responses like flies. 😄
Whether it indicates the success of your thesis or not depends on how you measure it, I suppose.
- Comment on Is it time to start a campaign against kernel-level anticheat? 3 months ago:
competitive multiplayer
I feel it should be added that this is one use of anti-cheat, but it also gets used on noncompetitive single player games, too.
Usually if a game has micro-transactions, but also to “protect our IP” as has been seen with a number of older non-MTX single player games recently being retrofitted with it.
- Comment on Would social events be better if phones didn't have data? 3 months ago:
As others have said, it comes down to people not enforced on/off switches. You can’t (well you can, but should you) stop petiole living their lives.
I was out with the friends tonight (all middle aged), meeting first for coffee, moving elsewhere for dinner and drinks, and ending with tabletop games (the place we eat/drink is happy with it). One of our group couldn’t stop looking at his phone throughout the time we were together, and the rest of us didn’t pull our phones out of our pockets once. (None of us were on call, contacted by family, or anything like that).
Just as some people have their phone ping them for every notification (often loudly, every few minutes), some feel they can’t live without the dopamine hit of a meaningless social media interaction from a stranger. 🤷♂️
- Comment on Why are most mobile games trash? 4 months ago:
I think it’s cultural differences. In the west, we abhor pay to win and predatory aspects. But in Korea, China and other countries in that region, players demand it.
So then it comes down to which market region you’re targeting. If you’re not a NA/EU mobile developer, how do you choose? 🤷♂️ Can’t keep everyone happy.
- Comment on If I was selling a bag of flower and sugar to a CI who thought it was meth or coke can I get in trouble? How or why when I am selling a legal substance? 5 months ago:
As with every legal topic on the Internet: depending on your (international) jurisdiction.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
Nice. Thanks for sharing that.
- Comment on Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit? 5 months ago:
As much as I’d like it to be, it doesn’t have the network effect/popularity that Reddit does. It covers maybe 70-80% of my Digg+ needs, but there are many topics/subs I want that Lemmy just doesn’t have.
“Be the change you want to see” is always there: if a topic/sub doesn’t exist, you can always create it yourself. But no good deed goes unpunished, so you’re now the owner/moderator…
- Comment on Why is space 2 dimensional? 5 months ago:
I asked this question many years ago on a Usenet group, and the answer was along the lines of what we’re seeing is many millions of years after those orbits began, and that they all eventually flatten out due to the gravity of the other objects in orbit.
So you could have 2 objects at roughly the same orbital distance but perpendicular to one another (eg. one orbiting the star’s poles and the other around it’s equator), and over time the small amount of gravitational force they exert on one another will bring them roughly into the same plane.
Hopefully someone better versed in the topic can come along to explain it better than I can.
- Comment on Lemmy cookie expiring and forgetting everything? 8 months ago:
Thanks for looking into that, and for the reply - this would explain a lot.
Coupled with mlmym issue 104, noting that those settings are always stored client-side in the cookie, it explains what I’m experiencing:
- Submitted 8 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on GOG Summer Sale has arrived 8 months ago:
Staggering that Myst is at that price. Sure, it’s great, but it was one of the first CDROM games and its gameplay reflects that.
- Comment on POPPY GAME INSULT TO OUR WAR DEAD [Ahoy on Amiga game Cannon Fodder] 10 months ago:
Great video. (For those unaware, the video’s title is just copying the one used by a UK newspaper when the game was released).
Parallax was one of my favourite C64 games, and Sensible Soccer and Cannon Fodder were my favourite Amiga 500 games. Just amazing.
Growing up outside the UK, I was completely unaware of the Daily Star’s manufactroversy and the RBL’s IP-related histrionics.
- Comment on Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut - Launch Trailer | PC Games 10 months ago:
As someone once said about director’s cuts with films: they’re a double-dip scam.
If the cinema and home media releases were the same, they’re just trying to make you buy the same thing twice by pretending that this is what the director really wanted it to be. The distributor really likes your credit card.
Having said that, Taylor Swift has something like 28 versions of the same album out and her stans are going crazy for it, treating them like they’re Pokemon.
Whatever floats your boat. 🤷♂️ Don’t let this old dude yuck your yum.
- Comment on How to ease up the return to GW2 11 months ago:
Some still have the WoW heyday raid guild mentality, but there are plenty of large, casual guilds without the expectation of specific days, hours, taxes, “must login at least twice a week”, and such stuff.
Happy to recommend one to you. They have opt in sections in their Discord for PvE, WvW, PvP, etc, etc. And have an “all members welcome” Guild Missions session every Saturday, which is an effective way to meet and catch up with everyone.
And having access to a guild’s hall is great for cheap travel, extra resources, permanent boosts, crafting, etc.
- Comment on How to ease up the return to GW2 11 months ago:
I was gone for 10+ years (I started with beta) and I just picked it up again a year or so ago by continuing the storyline and rolling a few new characters for their race-/class-specific stories, and it’s been great.
Having a few people to play with on a regular basis makes all the difference. We do PvE for events/specific things (e.g. mounts) and now mostly play WvW because it’s dynamic and fun - and it’s an easy way to grind for legendary gear.
In that time, one mate’s completed his legendary armour and two legendary weapons, another’s not far off completing his armour set, and I’ve nearly completed my second armour piece because I’m the slacker. :)
The DLCs go on sale fairly regularly - usually the “seasons”. Occasionally you’ll see an “all seasons and latest expansion” go on sale, and should probably grab that if you haven’t got them. After that, just buy the missing ones as and when you’re ready to pay for them.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Guild Wars 2. Love it.
Started playing in beta, took a break for years, and have been playing it again with friends most evenings for a year.