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- Comment on What do you use to digitize your old vacation VHS? From SECAM tapes?!? 3 weeks ago:
It was, in a way. As far as I know, France was the only European country to use it, others preferring PAL over it. There was some country from Africa (mostly former colonies), but not much else as far as I know.
- Comment on What do you use to digitize your old vacation VHS? From SECAM tapes?!? 3 weeks ago:
Thanks! Good luck and keep me updated, I’m curious to know if you can get a good result. (I don’t see why not, but still.)
That said, I might go another route. I seems the successor to a tuner card I used to have was apparently made again. (Said successor being the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-5525, to be precise.) It does have a capture function, especially since I still have the I/O extension from my previous tuner, (the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2200) which is compatible with this newer model too. Might go that route instead, as it would also let me watch TV and listen to FM radio again.
I had already captured one VHS with the old card, but not only did I lose most of the capture since, and my old tuner also died. (Not that it’s very surprising, as it was the oldest part still present in my PC even back at the time of its demise. It is missed, but lived a plentiful life.) Plus, I since migrated to Linux, and this new model is better supported than the old one on said OS.
- Comment on What do you use to digitize your old vacation VHS? From SECAM tapes?!? 3 weeks ago:
Because it didn’t agree with SECAM. I didn’t know it back then, but the GBS-C only support PAL and NTSC, there is absolutely no SECAM support in it. Same goes for the OSSC.
That said, I saw that the successor to a tuner card I used to have was apparently made again. (The Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-5525 to be precise.) It does have a capture function, especially since I still have the I/O extension from my previous tuner, (the Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-2200) which is compatible with this newer model too. Might go that route instead, as it would also let me watch TV and listen to FM radio again.
I had already captured one VHS with the old card, but not only did I lose most of the capture since, and my old tuner also died. (Not that it’s very surprising, as it was the oldest part still present in my PC even back at the time of its demise. It is missed, but lived a plentiful life.) Plus, I since migrated to Linux, and this new model is better supported than the old one on said OS.
- Comment on What do you use to digitize your old vacation VHS? From SECAM tapes?!? 3 weeks ago:
Interesting to know the capture card work on Linux.
Never had a miniDV. My cam is a Panasonic NV-M7, SECAM version. As I said in the original post, it play and film on full-size VHS, and can be plug-in in composite. (Hence why I killed my GBS-C trying to use it to capture the signal. 😭)
Thanks for all those informations, I will have to think on what is the best solution for me.
- Comment on What do you use to digitize your old vacation VHS? From SECAM tapes?!? 3 weeks ago:
If it work, and your VCR/DVD combo can really output the VHS’ signal through its HDMI port, let me know. It might be the way I go, as the simplest way to obtain what I want. (I already have an HDMI capture card, which is why I tried using my GBS-C to capture my VHS… And killed said GBS-C.)
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 5 weeks ago:
That is a far more funny acronym. Especially for a Frenchy like me, since my peoples often say of the ones controlling such big corporations, “they have fangs so long, they scratch the floor”. (Well… “They scratch the parquet”, to be exact. But who care if the floor is made of wood or not at that point.)
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 5 weeks ago:
Except the team behind Waze was merged with the one behind Google Maps, they just keep the two apps separated (for now) to prevent any backlash. Same with Doubleclick and Google Adds. (In fact, I’ve got the impression Doubleclick became nothing more than an alias for Google Adds. And for quite some time, I might add.)
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 1 month ago:
Except all of Alphabet entreprises have a name starting by Google. (Or at least strongly evocating it, in the case of Gmail.)
We can’t say the same about Meta. Instagram isn’t called “Facebook Gallery”, and Threads isn’t called “Facebook Short Messages”. (And Oculus didn’t become “Facebook VR”, just Meta.)
- Comment on Amazon Artificially Discounting Items $0.01 Below the Free Shipping Limit 1 month ago:
Can’t say I find this surprising, especially not coming from a #GAMAM. (Formerly #GAFAM)
- Comment on Elon Tusk 11 months ago:
Also work perfectly with France’s curent president.