- Comment on The Proposal 1 month ago:
R without tidyverse is like php without laravel
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
Cool thanks.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 1 month ago:
Haha. But really what does -R mean?
Or some posts have a bunch of ,…, at the end. What’s that?
- Comment on How one YouTuber is trying to poison the AI bots stealing her content 1 month ago:
I mean, updating the rules would help - clarifying that feeding data to any model / doing analysis on it requires copyright - but I doubt that it would stop companies from doing it. Because it is hard to prove in court that your work has been stolen.
But there is no real way of enforcing the rules. How would be combat piracy? If you make BitTorrent protocol illegal, people will just that using HTTP or anything else to share copyright-ed material.
- Comment on How one YouTuber is trying to poison the AI bots stealing her content 1 month ago:
Interesting, but probably not general and scalable way of fighting this problem. This practice is would be hard to implement for other types of content.
I think that copyright law is inherently unfit for internet. In its core, it is a legal restriction on re-publishing content which cannot be enforced on the internet. It does not prevent piracy or AI companies from collecting data. So I’d say that we should do away with copyright law altogether. This would, of course, remove a lot of incentive for producing content, but I think people would still produce content, even if they are not paid to do it, as long as their basic needs are satisfied. So if we, as a human race, progress to UBI, we can also solve copyright problem.
But if we get stuck in capitalistic age, I guess we have to pretend that information can be owned and legally restricted from redistribution.
- Comment on Even better than a cart of apples 3 months ago:
Also, you are looking at a few different wires at once here. Each separate wire is tensioned with a mechanism with a few moving parts.
- Comment on Even better than a cart of apples 3 months ago:
These are so simple and yet so clever. When i noticed them the first time i started noticing them everywhere (on all rail infrastructure).
- Comment on 4 things white people can do to start making the fediverse less toxic for Black people (DRAFT!) 7 months ago:
This is all hard to do because it is hard to determine people’s race on lemmy. Some usernames give it away but most don’t. And I don’t go snooping trough their post history to find that out.
- Comment on Goldman Sachs: AI Is Overhyped, Wildly Expensive, and Unreliable 8 months ago:
It started as actual unpublished technical descriptions of underlying technology.
- Comment on EU says X’s paid-for blue check deceives users, breaks law • The Register 8 months ago:
If they made that, they could also make it so one can pay 10x more for each additional icon.
So 10e for one, 100e for two, 1000e for three and so on.
This would allow us to recognise all people seeking attention by flashing money very easily. Bonus points if we are able to filter feeds by number of icons.
- Comment on STEM Students Refuse to Work at Google and Amazon Over Project Nimbus 8 months ago:
Wait what? What does that even mean? Is he their boss? Is he paying them? Does he mind control them?
- Comment on STEM Students Refuse to Work at Google and Amazon Over Project Nimbus 8 months ago:
I didn’t even notice the new actors, a testimony to how good they are!
- Comment on book club fed 9 months ago:
She is taking to her children, saying that their grampa is in prison.
- Comment on PSA DINOS ARE BACK BABY 🦕 9 months ago:
Leeets go! We are so back!
- Comment on Can't wait for the weekend. 9 months ago:
Ok, this is Bayesian probably update. Is is said that posterior and the model crack the prior?
What am i missing?
- Comment on Smoke Weiners Everyday! 10 months ago:
What soup dawg?