- Comment on Shart, not fart 7 months ago:
It wasn’t milk
- Comment on Anon rides a bike 7 months ago:
IDK where you were riding… 10 year cycle courier veteran from Boston here with my own anecdotal experience. This could very well be a personal health thing with you. Never had any issues related to the fumes in my throat, or heard of any related issues within the messenger community. If you told me over time that the fumes have a negative impact on healh I’d believe it, but I probably wouldn’t listen to a commuter who rode a tiny fraction of the urban cycling I’ve done personally. I’d be very interested to see a study on long term bike messengers.
- Comment on Is this normal for girls or just a extreme edge case? (Serious question) 7 months ago:
Zappa even has a song about this very subject, from 1967.
Call any vegetable
- Comment on The moviegoer experience these days 8 months ago:
You should apologize to yourself for not seeking out better movies, they are out there you just gotta do the work a little more than in the old days.
- Comment on The moviegoer experience these days 8 months ago:
Then you don’t seek out movies that you would enjoy, not exactly a flex but I understand if it’s just not your thing.
- Comment on The moviegoer experience these days 8 months ago:
I understand resolution improvements but I don’t understand the push for higher framerate for film. In real life motion is blurred when things move, the higher the framerate the less of that you see.
For me it’s awful, the “soap opera” effect or whatever else they call it kills me, like I’m seeing a cgi picture even when I know everything was captured in camera.
24-30fps is the sweet spot for film and TV imho, I have yet to see a good argument for watching regular real time footage at a higher frame rate.
(To be clear - of course high speed footage for super slo mo and all of that has plenty of cool applications)
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Some of you bidet fans sound like you’re in a religion with all the proselytizing. You do you, just stop pretending that your way is magically superior.
- Comment on I will not be taking questions. 8 months ago:
Eh, different strokes for different butts. I don’t see how having a wet/moist ass is more efficient. I have one, and don’t use it unless I’m particularly interested…in extra cleanliness. It’s not for everyone.
- Comment on The best computer from 2014 9 months ago:
You paid more or less than $100 for it?
- Comment on acceptable screws 11 months ago:
Torx crew represent!