- Comment on GOG reportedly suffering from staff turnover and poor management: “Current business model is likely running out of steam” 2 months ago:
If only they were a co-op
- Comment on Spy cops scandal: ‘creepy’ officer formed sexual relationship with teen in 1990s 2 months ago:
Other cops even had kids with activists then vanished, all to try and stop protests saying maybe destroying the planet with live on/within is a bad thing
- Comment on Undercover officer denies role in arson attack on Debenhams in 1987 2 months ago:
Ah, back in the good ol’ days when there were no bodycams to turn off
- Comment on First UK arrest made over filming of women on nights out without consent 2 months ago:
Again that’s not the case for protesters but the police just do whatever they like, who am I gonna complain to … the police?
- Comment on First UK arrest made over filming of women on nights out without consent 2 months ago:
I wonder why the police don’t name and shame this guy like they do for protesters
- Comment on IPhones' default photo format is HEIC, something that Windows doesn't open by default. 3 months ago:
This is not a coincidence, Apple purposefully make it painful to use anything with any of their products unless it’s one of their products
- Comment on Smoking ban introduced to protect children and most vulnerable 3 months ago:
The climate will not support the level of human life we have currently by the end of my life, let me give myself cancer or fix that bigger problem
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 3 months ago:
He’s literally said that people “won’t have to worry about voting” once he’s in power. Sounds like a direct threat to democracy, no?
- Comment on Netflix raises prices as password boost fades 4 months ago:
I love that they think upping prices will keep people around to pay those prices?
- Comment on Untidy home, tidy OS 5 months ago:
- Comment on Untidy home, tidy OS 5 months ago:
Steam your flags 😠
- Comment on 5 months ago:
Lots of these games were designed on and for CRT screens and they look worse on a modern one without filtering.
- Stop Killing Games has opened a European Citizens' Initiative proposing new law that would make game publishers have to leave games in a playable state when they stop supporting ↗Submitted 6 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission 8 months ago:
I was in court the other day and it turns out that while they send us the evidence videos encrypted (and never give us the right password), the government’s lawyer had it all on onedrive 🫠
- Comment on Anon is a real 4channer and definitely not a fed 8 months ago:
The US army uses basic socialist policies (we will help you if you’re dying from cancer etc) to recruit. It only works because the US state refuses to take care of its subjects. The moment people are no longer desperate, the recruitment numbers will fall.
- Comment on His neighbors live in constant terror 8 months ago:
See also the Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race in which the runners lap one city block 5,649 times over 52 days. The prize is typically a T-shirt, a DVD, or a small trophy.