- Comment on Coffeezilla does a third part of his CS:GO gambling expose...where he squarely puts the blame on Valve 2 months ago:
Or on the stock market or gambling which this is basically a mix of.
- Comment on Wanna play a game? (please don't call osha) 2 months ago:
That beaker does not look half full to me. Many like 1/3rd full, or at least somewhere between that and half full.
- Comment on Would "suggest price" be a positive option for steam? 2 months ago:
This assumes people are rational and that what they say they are willing to pay matches what they are actually willing to pay. And that is just the people not trying to abuse the system.
- Comment on US justice department plans to push Google to sell off Chrome browser 3 months ago:
If that were the main goal why not just ban them from the extension store? Or why allow manifest v3 extensions to block requests at all? Ad blockers still work and this did not kill off any of them. Just forced them to change some of their functions. I don’t doubt the executive overlords are happy about the turmoil that this has done to ad blockers but they would be pissed if that was the only or main goal of this as there are still loads of effective adblockers about.
- Comment on US justice department plans to push Google to sell off Chrome browser 3 months ago:
That is a more complex story then that. The manifest v3 changes primary give a lot of security and privacy changes that stop extensions from doing a lot of questionable things in the background on all your page you visit. But that does stop ad blockers from doing a lot of what they currently do - blocking in page elements and modifying the pages you visit. But it does not block them from blocking page requests so ad blockers like ublockorigin lite can still function in a more limited capacity to block ads.
I do think the teams outside of the chrome team are happy for this change - but I don’t think the chrome team set out to do this purely or even mainly to block ads.
Besides even if they did it does not change my argument - whom ever buys chrome will likely want to squeeze it for more money then google currently are doing and will likely do far worst things like including ads directly in the browser. Or trying to monetize it in some other way.
I would love it if chrome where maintained by some non-profit foundation. But how likely is that going to be from a court order sell off?
- Comment on US justice department plans to push Google to sell off Chrome browser 3 months ago:
TBH I am not sure this will end well at all. Google needs to e broken up but splitting off chrome? What will that achieve? Chrome does not directly make any money for Google really, they don’t sell it, they don’t sell ads in it, they don’t even collect much personal data though it. No where near as much as they really could if they really wanted to. Google have not been terrible at managing chrome or pushing as much profit out of it as they could.
Instead they are using it to create a good platform for all the rest of their services where they actually make money. So what will selling off this loss leader do for chrome? Most likely it will get bought up by someone else that will want to see a return on investment that wont be using it as a loss leader. Which I can very well see it getting en-shitified like everything else that is purely driven by profit.
Best case it is gets bought by a non profit foundation that can develop and take care of it - but lets be real, they wont have the money to out compete anyone wanting to buy it to make more money.
I personally don’t really trust google with my browser either - hence why I avoid chrome. But I would trust anyone seeking to buy it for profit far less and can very well see this as a overall negative if the wrong people buy it (which I see as more likely).
- Comment on Four Dead In Fire As Tesla Doors Fail To Open After Crash 3 months ago:
That being said, I don’t keep one in my car.
Now is the time to change that.
- Comment on Water isn’t wet, water wets things 4 months ago:
Or more simply - words can have multiple meanings. Wet is both used to refer to a liquid and something covered in a liquid as well as other things.
- Comment on Proton is the Future of PC gaming. But how does it work? [Gardiner Bryant, YouTube] 4 months ago:
This is irrelevant with Steam though. Steam offers a runtime with preconfigured versions of everything that is needed to give the devs a consistent environment for their games to run no matter how fragmented the linux install base might be. This runtime is also what proton uses for ship its different versions.
- Comment on Automattic demanded web host pay $32M annually for using WordPress trademark 4 months ago:
It is about WPEngine not contributing enough back to Wordpress, in terms of development effort or money. Apparently the trademark is the only legal grounds they have to go after WPEngine to try and get them to contribute back more.
- Comment on Automattic demanded web host pay $32M annually for using WordPress trademark 4 months ago:
If the trademark is indeed on the foundation and not the company, I didn’t think that’s a fair argument.
It is but the trademark is licensed to Automattic which handles all further commercial sub-licensing. And the CEO of Automattic sits on the board of the workpress foundation and is the creator of wordpress itself.
I don’t think either is a cancer to the FOSS Wordpress ecosystem. Both seem to give back.
I believe that this all started as the Automattic CEO did not think that WPEngine was contributing enough back to the wordpress ecosystem. Even after years of attempts to negotiate this. Seems he gave up trying and went after them for trademark rules as that was the only real leaver he had to pull. Since there is no obligation for WPEngine to contribute back to wordpress directly.
WPEngine using the Wordpress trademark makes me think they’re using Wordpress
Apparently this is contentious enough to be disputed in court not everyone thinks this and there are enough people that are confused over the matter that Automattic believe they can prove a trademark volition in court.
Lots more details in this interview with automattic CEO.
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
Or your example, how would we have processed ore into metal without coal (on any significant scale).
We have been processing ore into metal with coal for thousands of years. It sounds like you are arguing that the industrial revolution has been happening for thousands of years. Which it has not.
We also made bread in the industrial revolution which is needed to feed the workers. Without feeding the workforce we could not access certain advancements. Is bread a corner stone technology of the industrial revolution? No it is not. It in no way defines what the industrial revolution was. Just like coal or oil.
You can run a steam engine off of coal, wood, oil, nuclear, basically anything that creates a lot of heat. Coal is more convenient in a lot of ways but it did not unlock anything special. If not for coal we could use wood or charcoal. That was the steam engine, not the fuel it runs on.
And if the advancements were because of these fuels that why did it not happen 1000s of years ago when we had access to them?
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
We burned wood. Then we burned coal. Then we burned oil. Then we burned atoms.
That is not a useful way of thinking of things. We have been burning oil and coal for a very very long time. Coal has been used in smiths to forge metal and oil to light lamps for 1000s of years.
It is not what we burnt that changed, it is what we did with the energy that changed things. Aka the steam engine was the real keystone technology in the industrial revolution. It was not the burning of oil that changed anything - but the internal combustion engine being put into cars.
- Comment on Does leaving a single board computer caseless can be a problem or not? 5 months ago:
You might do damage. Though that is very hard to actually do and quite rare in practice.
- Comment on When we started burning coal it was called the industrial revolution. Was there a name when we started burning oil? The car revolution? 5 months ago:
I don’t think it was burning coal that started the industrial revolution. We had been burning coal and oil for far longer. If anything it was the steam engine. And the internal combustion engine was still part of the industrial revolution. Though the development of cars lead to the automotive era.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 5 months ago:
I mean more general than heat with a stove. Not as is every form of meal preparation.
But yes. I would cook a salad - stir frys are basically just cooked salads with some rice or noodles. I would not consider tossing some raw ingredients together cooking though.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 5 months ago:
I see cooking as a more general term. Both baking and grilling are forms of cooking. You can also roast and grill things in the oven. Cooking on a stove also has different specific terms, boiling, simmering, frying etc.
- Comment on 63% of Gen Z Would Rather Play Video Games Than Watch a Movie 5 months ago:
The social aspect of going into a dark room to watch a screen in silence? Vs talking a joking around on voice chat?
- Comment on can you ELI5 the physics of bleeding radiators on an apartment building? 5 months ago:
A water central heating system is a closed loop system that is under pressure. This means the water in it is circulated around and around the system and is cut off from other water supplies under normal operation. Naturally, slow leaks happen and gas can enter the system in various ways so occasionally this needs to be released from the system. Any gas in the system naturally collects at the highest points along the path - which tend to be the radiators.
When you bleed a radiator you are opening the system to the outside and hopefully where the gas has accumulated. Since the system is under pressure it forces the gas out of the system to equalize the pressure with the outside. This will cause the pressure of the system to drop and eventually it will stop.
However there should be a control valve somewhere, typically on/near the boiler that connects the central heating system up to the mains water supply. You can open this valve to cause water to flow into the central heating system and pressurize it and really this should be done every time you bleed the radiator a significant amount.
In apartments though you might find that you are on a building wide circuit, or you might have one isolated for your apartment. If you have a boiler in your apartment then you are likely on a closed system and should be able to equalize the pressure yourself. If it is building wide you need to talk with your building manager.
Note that you should not need to bleed your radiators that often. Once every several years should be more than enough. If you are doing it frequently then you likely have a large leak in your system and likely want to get someone to check that out.
- Comment on Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys? 5 months ago:
I believe that either gender has a genetic disposition towards the feminine form.
I am not sure you can conclude that. Environmental factors likely play a large role here as well as genetic factors. I feel we tend to idolize and sexualize the female form far more then the male form these days. But if you look back and different cultures that did the same with the male form I suspect you would see an opposite trend to both genders preferring the male form more often.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
People said the same thing about tweet when twitter first came out.
- Comment on Are LLMs capable of writing *good* code? 6 months ago:
They can write good short bits of code. But they also often produce bad and even incorrect code. I find it more effort to read and debug its code then just writing it myself to begin with the vast majority of the time and find overall it just wastes more of my time overall.
- Comment on With the amount of microplastics we're carrying around in pretty much every tissue in our bodies, is our weight measurably different as a result? 6 months ago:
Huh? Logic is only valid if the assumptions it is made under are also valid. That is how logic works. You cannot draw a conclusion for something based off a faulty assumption. And while I do not know if your is true or not I don’t see good reason to consider it a good assumption to make and can easily see if being a false assumption here. Which makes your arguments hard to rely on without more proof that your assumptions do hold ground.
- Comment on With the amount of microplastics we're carrying around in pretty much every tissue in our bodies, is our weight measurably different as a result? 6 months ago:
Your brain is not rigid though - it can collect fluids and swell a tiny bit. Which essentially increases pressure inside it and if happens too much can be fatal. But that means you can squish a little bit more into without replacing mass - at least for a little while. Bones also regrow constantly, and with genital pressure and a lot of time you can reshape them.
I always assume that the microplastic is replacing body mass.
I dont think this is a valid assumption to make. I would see it more as your body working around the microplastics to do what it needs to do as best it can it does not have some limit as to the amount of mass it can use at any one point.
- Comment on With the amount of microplastics we're carrying around in pretty much every tissue in our bodies, is our weight measurably different as a result? 6 months ago:
This logic is flawed. If you stand on some scales and pick up a credit card, the scale will measure you are one credit card heavier. You don’t get lighter by adding mass (at least when that mass is also denser then air). And what evidence is there that this plastic in our bodies is additional mass or replaced mass? That is the assumption your logic is based on.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
While being accurate about it is hard outside the lab it is very easy to tell where you are on the balance and how much out you are. Just count the calories you consume and weight yourself regularly. If you are gaining weight then you are eating too much, so lower the number of calories you are consuming, if you are losing weight then you are eating less than you are burning. If you weight remains stable then you are in balance. And the amount you are gaining/losing tells you how much of a surplus or deficit you are in.
Over time you can then change the amount you eat by I few hundred calories at a time and you will see yourself move on that balance point. If anything else changes but your intake remains the same then it is likely your calories out that has changed. But even if technically you are digesting less for some reason it does not really matter - the bigger/easier leaver you have to pull is the number you are eating.
Because you are measuring the final output - your weight - it is fairly accurate over time and helps you track actual progress. There is no need to get super accurate about how much your body adobes, shits out or you burn off at rest or through exercise - those might be important in the lab but in real life the far easier to measure weight and how much you are eating is more important.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
You cannot accurately measure just that. But measuring calories you eat is a good enough approximation to help you control how much you eat. You can estimate you calories out by your weight, if you are gaining weight you are eating (and adsorbing) more then you are using, if you are losing weight then you are eating less - and that is the most important part.
There is also water weight to account for, but realistically there is an upper and lower bound to that and over several weeks you can get a pretty good idea for what level of calories you ingest leads to weight gain or loss. And if that changes for any reason you can adjust the amount you eat in correspondence. We are just looking for averages over time and the overall balance here, no need to be super accurate with exactly what you adsorb and what you have accurately used during an exercise. I never even measure calories burnt as it does not give much value vs just weighting your self over time.
- Comment on How exactly does one eat 1500 calories a day? 6 months ago:
While strictly speaking calories in < calories out is the most important factor in weight loss, what you eat can drastically affect your hunger and thus indirectly affect your calories in - or at least make you far more miserable in sticking to lower calories. Eating more protein can help but I also find blander food helps as well - which typically means avoiding sugars and sweet foods. You are going to find it extremely hard to stick to a calorie limit eating nothing bot oreos and hostess snack cakes.
- Comment on Why do people complain about multiple streaming platforms existing? 6 months ago:
I dont think multiple streaming platforms is a problem. The problem is exclusivity. I dont want to pay for every subscription service to watch popular things. I wont to watch any show I want on one platform that I choose. Much like I do for music. But no, with TV shows everyone has their own walled garden of exclusives. Fuck that.
- Comment on Inside Labour's plan to build 'mini' nuclear reactors around UK 7 months ago:
Where did you get that from? suggests the opposite:
$2,000 to $6,000 per kilowatt for SMR vs $4,000 to $9,000 per kiliwatt for large scale ones.
Plus they don’t take 10+ years to build, and each one is not a bespoke construction leading to better scalability as the more you can build the cheaper things become.