"Heard you like Burzum, trick, not me!" || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em
- Comment on Peer review 6 months ago:
…Today years old, what the fuck? Is this how so much bunk science makes it to the front-pages of supposedly-science-related websites?
- Comment on ligma 8 months ago:
Y’ever seen the Long Boi in the soup?
- Comment on Stare at it. 9 months ago:
Nothing more enchanting than when the answer to your coding problem literally comes to you in a dream. Had an array issue in C++ where I literally woke up saying "I don’t need a ghost array to search after all is said and done, it’s already sorted!"
- Comment on Finish him. 🪓 9 months ago:
“First do no harm” is an axiom of medicine that more of you STEMlords should probably internalize, so maybe stow the condescension. I categorically refuse to accept a tool of mass genocide being counted next to that which would save lives and objectively measure our reality.
- Comment on Finish him. 🪓 9 months ago:
The Manhattan Project, being a project with no end game but genocide, really shouldn’t fucking be considered science; not unless you’re gonna crack out and try and tell me that indiscriminate, horrific mass murder deserves to be acknowledged in the same breath as mathematics and medicine.
- Comment on Oh, oh no no no 9 months ago:
This is why we don’t fuck with flux rifts or whatever the hell happens when you destroy a Dimensional Door
- Comment on Academic Rizzlers 10 months ago:
And then they fuck around and wonder why I call .world a nazi bar
- Comment on The horrors we've unleashed 10 months ago:
[Contra theme intensifies]
- Comment on The horrors we've unleashed 10 months ago:
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW, good morning, Descartes! [slide guitar riff]
- Comment on Casually dropped this tidbit 10 months ago:
Sounds like a snarky suckjob for genociders to me
- Comment on Academic Titles 11 months ago:
🧢. Every biomed and applied math phd I’ve ever had the misfortune of knowing both wasn’t in my orbit for longer than two weeks, and 100% tried to pull rank like "I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for my degree I am a doctor." Meanwhile, my sociology professor, who’s had his doctorate for 15 years now, is either “Martin” or “Marty” to his students dependent on how far in the semester you are with him and whether or not you’ve had one of his classes before.
- Comment on Wrong. 11 months ago:
Whoa! Sandworms. You hate em, right? I hate em myself.
- Comment on amazing!!! 11 months ago:
It’s not that a magical never before seen color exists outside our visible spectrum,
That is… Super disappointing. I always wanted to believe there were just-- unreal colors from out of space that some things actually could see, but we’d just never really know. I love science, dgmw; but sometimes, I hate it just as much for stripping more of the wonder out of this ugly mud ball.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
rather than your fellow man.
Imagine thinking I’m going to look at genocidal oppressors as “my fellow man” fucking lmao. Clown world kumbaya shit that will only end with the settler empire standing over unending hectares of the bodies of the subjects-of-empire who got backstabbed and throat-slit by the settlers; while they still hold the knife.
As long as the knife is still six inches in our back, it doesn’t matter that the settlers planted it twelve, and only drew it back six; the settlers haven’t done shit worth being regarded as “fellow man” other than harm us.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
“It’s difficult to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Oh, I don’t think it’s that. I think it’s two parts actual comradely queers considering him a chaser, and two parts he’s an absolute self-aggrandizing ballbag who thinks he’s the “better class of socialist” compared to us when “degenerate” is an active part of his vocabulary and he just can’t stop parroting the State Department.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Same kind of “even-handedness” Reddit deployed to get rid of CTH when the outcry against TD got too hot afaic. You’re more charitable than me.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Removing things for their comfort but not having spiritual fortitude enough to cop to why they’re removing it. tl;dr revealing how the sausage is made.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
I’m real happy for you chief but I’m not reading all that patronizing anglo “maybe later kiddo” setting-timetables garbage. Your cohort’s already wasted enough of my time with that bs, take it somewhere else.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Look, if one of you knows a guy rocking hemis and you’ve been holding out, I’m gonna lump you up with a Louisville Slugger on my Johnny Dangerous shit.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
The aggrieved Image crybullying is something else istg
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
I owe no civility to the oppressors. Let’s not talk about what they’re honestly owed.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Christ on a goddamned stick, I don’t know why I even try bothering with those worthless colonizer stains. Might as well try explaining sociology to a goddamn dog.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Then stop minstreling for the crackers. Til then, I don’t fuckin believe you.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Certainly superior to you, you settler waste of time. The better part of you ran out of your mother on the night of your conception, and in all honestly, she probably should’ve swallowed you. Maybe this world wouldn’t be so ugly.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Malcolm X’s smiling foxes and snarling wolves; Northern and Southern dog sitting side by side like the kissing-cousins they are.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
“There are women with penises, men with vaginas, and phobics without teeth.”