- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
I used to have a batch file to create a ram disk and mirror my Diablo3 install to it. The game took a bit longer to start up but map load times were significantly shorter.
I don’t know if any modern games would fit and have enough loads to really care…but you could
- Comment on If you're not attracted to anyone "in your league", but you cannot choose who you are attracted to, then what are you supposed to do? 1 month ago:
leagues are bullshit. the problem is having higher standards for others than for yourself. if you don’t want to settle for someone like yourself, focus on improving yourself not trying to date.
- Comment on The future of Blu-ray is looking bleak (and that's a bad thing for everyone) 1 month ago:
Physical media won’t die until digital rights actually represents ownership
i wish that were true but I unfortunately disagree.
The content producers are the ones who want to restrict your digital rights. And they are the ones who produce the physical media that is in demand. I could definitely see them just not producing any more, and physical media being effectively dead
- Comment on Diablo 1 and 2 devs secure $4.5 million for a new ARPG: 'We're going back to what made those early Diablo games feel so awesome but taking them in some cool, fresh directions' 2 months ago:
I hope they find a way to add more variety to the gameplay interactions. Not just having a variety of builds that work though that’s important too. but it feels like no matter what your build is you then have the same approach to all encounters. There’s lots of different mob types and random modifiers on them but either it breaks your build and you can’t clear them…or you clear them the same way you clear everything else.
- Comment on Windows 7 and 8 now dead for gaming, as new Steam update pulls support 3 months ago:
Isn’t the last version already that…well…last version?
If anything they could just leverage their work with proton that allows steam to play windows games on Linux to provide similar compatibility shims for old windows on modern windows
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 6 months ago:
Others have pointed out the concerns around negative reviews of things still subject to change, but the other aspect is just the relations with media.
I’m sure tons of journalists have been playing. And probably even working on content covering the game, but not publishing it yet. Once valve is ready for coverage they’ll have polished content ready. And valve can control the timing so that coverage happens right when they want the hype like maybe a few days before an open beta.
By covering it early you encourage other journalists to do the same, rushing out low quality content to get the views before others do. And for valve to not let any journalists see the game early to avoid this.
- Comment on Why don't electric car manufacurers put solar panels on the car roofs? 8 months ago:
the question then becomes how much weight are you adding/energy are you consuming by having to carry the weight. I honestly don’t know and considering how heavy batteries are it is likely not that significant, but if you are only getting a few % charge a day then anything eating into that is going to hurt.
I still see some merit in a more utility style vehicle where you do expect to take it out camping, but for a daily commuter I think most people would prefer the sunroof to the trickle charging.
Also as an apartment dweller… I just wish they’d make normal wall outlets more available. Not everyone needs a proper fast charger but only having a few inconveniently located ones to fight for also sucks. But if more spots could just plug in and slow charge that would be a huge improvement
- Comment on How to port any N64 game to the PC in record time 9 months ago:
it’s not a valid comparison really. this is an alternative to an emulator than a ROM.
If you used this to compile a native version of space invaders that ran incorrectly it would be no worse than if you used an emulator to run space invaders that ran incorrectly. in either case you treat it as a bug in the emulator/recompiler and fix it and re run the process.
Nobody is suggesting deleting their roms and keeping only the current copy of a recompiled game. I don’t think that would even work… as far as I know you still need the original ROM to load inside of the recompiled executable for the non-code assets.
- Comment on "Batch cooking" how do you store meal for the second half of the week ? 10 months ago:
the other reply covered the actual ranges and why it’s important, but in case it’s not obvious:
You should never put hot food in the fridge. Particularly food with a lot of thermal mass like a bowl of soup or thick lasagna. While that would cool the food quicker than just leaving it out, the heat you’re adding is going to heat up the other items in your fridge and risk their safety. And since it will all eventually cool back down it will not be obvious what food was at unsafe temps or how long.
- Comment on Pros and cons of getting a job at a very small software company? (14 employees) 10 months ago:
the biggest downside imo is it can be hard to leave because you’ll feel more connected to everyone involved. but they won’t necessarily be able to pay you much more than you start at even if you do stay. and you’ll be spending that time on more or less the same tech stack which can limit your growth and make it harder when finding a new job later.
id say it’s fine especially as an early job but strongly consider a new job after 2-4 years
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
the only slightly justifiable use of slotted is something like the face plate on a light switch or power outlet, where it doesn’t have to be particularly tight and it’s nice you can remove it in a pinch with a fingernail or dime.
… but really if someone came and replaced all of mine with torx I can’t say id complain, so its not like they’re good in that use case… just less awful