- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 weeks ago:
When is a door not a door?
- Comment on Co-op campaigns are a rarity these days, and that should change 1 month ago:
Sure you can play doom 1 and 2 campaigns in co-op. No need for modding. You don’t even need a network card. Just buy a cable to connect both serial-ports on the PCs.
- Comment on Anon is a nostalgic gamer 3 months ago:
Hmm, it’s pretty much the same as 15 years ago if you stay away from the smallest common denominator popular AAA games.
I’ve started playing squad again after my last try in 2020. I just favourited a couple of low ping well populated servers and have been playing on the same three or four that are working well.
War of rights only has around 150 players in the evening on public servers and they all enter the same one as this game is meant to be played in large squads as well.
Both games are great fun.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I always loved the Song of Ice and Fire books by George Martin, be aware that the series is not finished, though. I am a big fan of Stephen King as well, he writes great characters. It, Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Tower… Thuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom is very emotional, I could not even finish it. Deadhouse Gates by Stephen Erikson. The Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb just to name a few…
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I am into emotional storytelling as well, I think what gets you involved most are well drawn characters.
I would recommend planescape torment for an epic adventure full of stories, characters and heartbreak.
Really good stories/characters are few and far between in computer games but “The longest journey” comes to mind and even the first Witcher game.
Unavowed comes to mind as well as a rather affecting story.
And a couple of dozen books, but that’s not what you asked for…