- Comment on Please stop making Alien movies 6 months ago:
saw it, and I went put with the idea that it was an Alien movie whose target audience was young people that didn’t see the first alien movie.
I still prefer the original first alien movie. Like a lot, but this one is pretty decent. It was like a “netflix remake” with lots of copy/paste from the original movie. Some sentences are exactly copied, some scenes greatly copied and modernized for 2024 eyes.
The main differences that make the first Alien movie superior (to me at least). In this latest movie there is no “mother sound” in the original Alien the spaceship appear to breathe and live with a constant sound that really put you into the “Alien mood”.
Sigourney Weaver. Both her role and her acting were incredible. That is just decent in this new movie.
Critic about megacorps is visible in this new movie, but felt even more terrible in the older one IMHO.
Still, there are a few things not present in the original movie in this one that are a bit nice. The relation with the androids, some great action scenes. But that’s about it. If you love the alien universe it is a pretty decent Alien. If the first Alien is a 9/10 movie I would give this one a 7/10.
- Comment on Zuckerberg bets on personalized AI models for all • The Register 7 months ago:
I think unlike Google, there are still many pure engineers that need to contribute to open source to be motivated and are still have some power.
I feel, but I am not sure, that for Google, thing have switched more and faster to the side of Big soulless corps.
Generally speaking my experience is that even in these big soulless corps there are positive and passionate people. But quite often they do not have enough decision power to have a positive impact.
- Comment on Choose your fighter! 7 months ago:
Say you only listen to Wing as the greatest magnificent singer of all time. You are particularly in love with her interpretation of Beat It where she clearly outperforms the miserable attempt of Michael Jackson.
I guess with such an argument the discussion about your musical taste will not take long to switch to another subject.
- Comment on Anon needs help proving something 9 months ago:
This article is awesome.
This put a light on Twin Peaks world and more generally David Lynch work. I think most of these delusions are present in his movies.