- Comment on Anyone know any good shooters for switch? 8 months ago:
Doom 2016 plays well on almost anything. It was the beginning of the self scaling graphics and rendering to maintain high frame rates.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Same. Also feels a bit safer connecting to public wifi.
- Comment on Dell responds to return-to-office resistance with VPN, badge tracking 9 months ago:
As much as I hate to admit it, the conversations that happen because I overheard another conversation a couple cubes over do have value.
- Comment on Breakthrough promises secure and private quantum computing at home 10 months ago:
Maybe not once quantum computers become more common.
Our current encryption methods can be represented as wave functions. This allows a sufficiently large quantum computer to solve for the keys in very little time.
There are new algorithms being developed that should defend against this. So you may still be correct.
- Comment on HP sued (again) for blocking third-party ink from printers, accused of monopoly 1 year ago:
Do someone else’s point. HP does have a custom BIOS they develop themselves.
Not sure about GPUs and desktops, but they did lock out all but specific wireless adapters in the laptops. This was done in the custom BIOS.