Mean leftist who believes in magic genders
- Comment on temperature 1 year ago:
Nah. Only 50F to 115f is usable. What kind of weird ass datapoints are those? I mean 10C to 45C are just as random, but at least it aligns with something practical. At least I understand that 200C is twice what it takes to boil water. I have no idea how hot 400F is supposed to be.
- Comment on Let's discuss: LEGO Games 1 year ago:
Lego Island 2 was great
- Comment on What a feeling that was 1 year ago:
It’s a shame they fixed Cyberpunk.
- Comment on Swoon 1 year ago:
Someone read Worm
- Comment on Biden regrets using ‘illegal’ to describe Laken Riley’s accused migrant killer, fails to apologize butchering late student’s name 1 year ago:
The Romans didn’t need worry about diluting their culture. They freely integrated foreign myths into their pantheon as a way of assimilating foreigners. They believed their culture was strong, too, not just their economy. That it could survive anything.
- Comment on Biden regrets using ‘illegal’ to describe Laken Riley’s accused migrant killer, fails to apologize butchering late student’s name 1 year ago:
When you oppose immigration from an economic standpoint, you’re saying “my country isn’t strong enough to hold all these refugees. I’m not going to share because I’m too weak.” You think the Roman Empire felt that way? No, they were conquering countries left and right and turning foreigners culturally and economically into Romans. Because they believed Rome was strong. Politicians who oppose immigration are weak people who believe their country is weak. They are not patriots. The politicians saying “come on in, we have plenty to share, we’re the best because we value and practice kindness”, they’re patriots.
- Comment on Rooster Teeth, home of Red Vs. Blue and RWBY, shutting down after 21 years 1 year ago:
- Comment on Biomimicry 1 year ago:
Right, but what about the mimic plant? It mimicks whatever plant is near it. And it can mimic plastic plants. www.vox.com/…/plant-mimicry-boquila-trifoliolata
- Comment on Biden regrets using ‘illegal’ to describe Laken Riley’s accused migrant killer, fails to apologize butchering late student’s name 1 year ago:
No /s. America is supposed to be the land of the free, the land of opportunity. What happened to the American dream? Anti-immigration politicians killed it. There is not a single patriot in the world who opposes free immigration.
- Comment on Biden regrets using ‘illegal’ to describe Laken Riley’s accused migrant killer, fails to apologize butchering late student’s name 1 year ago:
Laws restricting immigration are unethical, unjust, and unconscionable. Illegal immigrants are heroes who deserve our respect.
- Comment on no cap 1 year ago:
Children always looked stupid, you just didn’t notice it when you were a child
- Comment on Let's goooooo 1 year ago:
Not in a fetus.
- Comment on Let's goooooo 1 year ago:
Giving gendered pronouns to a child too young to understand gender accomplishes only one thing, and that’s telling strangers what genitals the child has. It’s pedo bait and child abuse.
- Comment on Let's goooooo 1 year ago:
I want to destroy the social construct of reality and replace it with tolerance.
- Comment on Let's goooooo 1 year ago:
Babies do not have gender, because baby minds aren’t developed enough to understand that kind of social construct. A baby’s gender is both a social construct AND not real.
- Comment on Let's goooooo 1 year ago:
How come you’re defending something deliberately engineered by individual humans recently, right after saying that behaviour bothers you?
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
Philosophy isn’t a science. Science is a philosophy. What do you think PhD stands for?
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
Buddha, Confucius, Jesus: were nonwhite and such notable philosophers they each founded a religion based on their teachings
You: I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that
The closest thing white people have to anything on the level of those three is Alistair Crowley, and you’ve probably never heard of him.
- Comment on Excuse me, René 1 year ago:
Reality is fake.
- Comment on He was a hero, we just couldn't see it... 1 year ago:
Jameson is lawful neutral
- Comment on He was a hero, we just couldn't see it... 1 year ago:
JJJ is a good journalist.
- Comment on Portal Paradox 1 year ago:
Portals cannot be moved. Try putting a portal on a moving surface in the game, it disappears.
- Comment on When on a diet, does you body have the same weight loss across the entire person including visceral fat? 1 year ago:
I don’t know which estrogen does that
- Comment on When on a diet, does you body have the same weight loss across the entire person including visceral fat? 1 year ago:
Belly fat is a combination of visceral and subcutaneous. Even if you mostly have subcutaneous fat, a lot of that can still be on the belly. The difference is that visceral fat is among the organs and contributes to organ failure risk. It’s also below the tummy muscles. Subcutaneous belly fat is above the tummy muscles. This is why a man’s belly is more likely to be hard, while a woman’s belly is more likely to be soft.
- Comment on When on a diet, does you body have the same weight loss across the entire person including visceral fat? 1 year ago:
Estrogen causes distribution of fat to move from visceral to subcutaneous. That’s the reason “beer bellies” are usually seen on men, and why women usually have a “softer” or curvier physique. For overweight trans people, fat distribution can be a source of dysphoria. A lot of trans women are upset to have big bellies, and a lot of trans men are upset to be curvy. Hormones will change a person’s fat distribution in a couple of years. The matter of where under the skin subcutaneous fat settles, though, isn’t changeable by hormones.
- Comment on The front fell off 1 year ago:
- Comment on The front fell off 1 year ago:
- Comment on When on a diet, does you body have the same weight loss across the entire person including visceral fat? 1 year ago:
The only way to target belly fat is with estrogen pills
- Comment on The Krusty Krab was rigged from the start 1 year ago:
It’s the guy who kills you at the start of Fallout New Vegas
- Comment on Just a lil bit 1 year ago:
Good thing I’ve never liked one of your posts.