- Comment on Why don’t more people start profit-sharing companies or co-ops? 3 months ago:
Companies don’t do profit-sharing because they have no pressure or incentive to do so. In other words, they can get away with not profit-sharing so they do.
Co-ops are community projects. They arise out a strong, educated and engaged community. This does not exist in the US at large. That’s why about the only place with co-ops in the whole country is NYC.
- Comment on flouride 4 months ago:
Fluoridated toothpaste is more effective than drinking water. The fluoride works by direct contact with then enamel. Another reason it doesn’t make sense to put it in drinking water.
- Comment on flouride 4 months ago:
Fluoridated water doesn’t seem to make a difference on cavities. It does have neurological effects. It’s simply not acutely fatal. It’s already in our toothpaste. We don’t need it in our municipal water supply and the majority of developed countries don’t.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 4 months ago:
Obama took office during the Great Recession and rebuilt the economy. Biden took office during COVID and rebuilt the economy. You’re kinda dense if you think that as soon as a president from another party enters office it would effect the economy so much as these events did…
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 4 months ago:
Propaganda. Lack of education. There’s a reason they want to defund public schools. They’re not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. :)
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
I mean it’s classic Orwellianism to make up wild claims so that they seem normal when you do it. It’s also called hypernormalization. Say crazy outlandish thing that doesn’t exist. Then when it happens no one is surprised. The Big Lie. Etc.
- Comment on Anon quits their job 6 months ago:
- Comment on Oh Elon 6 months ago:
Oh yeah. I forget sometimes that that was the most expensive shitpost of all time.
- Comment on Why doesn't the American market provide efficient and effective health insurance like it does for car insurance? 7 months ago:
Obamacare really fucked up the health insurance market. Open enrollment is because of Obamacare. Obamacare was written by the insurance lobby. They created a porous law and likely already had ideas to exploit it before it passed. And they have. It has been an incredible boon to them and Americans have suffered. Healthcare was NOT this expensive before Obamacare and insurance wasn’t this complicated and was more affordable too.
Obamacare is the biggest piece of regulatory capture in our lifetime, and in a time of rampant regulatory capture, that’s saying a lot. It also showcases why our 2 party system is just broken. When the so called left option can produce such a broken capitalist piece of legislation.
- Comment on Dead Monkeys Are Falling From Trees Amid Brutal Heat in Mexico 10 months ago:
37 is 98.6F. It’s the human body temperature.
- Comment on mimic 11 months ago:
Octopodomorphs if you want to be inclusive.
- Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago:
They are being financed by China and India. Their long time prospects are pretty terrible because they will rack up massive debts to those countries. But I suspect they will be able to continue the war longer than Ukraine can stay politically favored in the West. If Trump is elected, it’s over for Ukraine.
- Comment on I'm locked out of my 6 year old Chipotle account because they now say my email address is invalid when I login. Here is me asking for their help: 1 year ago:
Why are you keeping track of the age of your Chipotle account?