- Comment on "Now everyone will have an easy reference table at hand!" 6 months ago:
I was a chemistry major in college. The tests all came with a periodic table for reference. Didn’t have to memorize a thing. We were even allowed to use calculators! High school was full of lies.
- Comment on The movie came out 21 years ago, and I still think of it frequently when I drive. 1 year ago:
I’ve never seen any of the Final Destination movies, but the seeing trailer was still enough to make me stay away from the log trucks.
- Comment on Just speak normally 1 year ago:
When I was a child, I lived in walking distance of my elementary school. One time my mom had to work early so she couldn’t be there to see me off to school. I was old enough to walk by myself at that point, but I relied on her to tell me when to go. Since she wasn’t going to be there, she told me to leave at “quarter after 7” so I could be there on time.
I left at 7:25 because a quarter is 25, right?
I got in trouble for being late to school. Instructions unclear, Mom!