I like knitting, math, and uplifting the proletariat.
- Comment on obesity 7 months ago:
Not saying that the person in the post is correct in conflating those words, I don’t think that’s accurate at all.
However, it is disheartening to see so many ill-informed comments about fatness here… It’s way, way more complicated than just “calories in/calories out”. Even the extent to which it’s unhealthy is more complicated; obesity is linked to higher risk of heart disease, but also linked to higher probability of surviving strokes/etc. A lot of the problem stems from the fact that BMI is a nearly useless metric.
- Comment on Tea Time 9 months ago:
I came to say the same thing about Camellia sinensis, thinking “am I about to be more of a tea purist than is even encapsulated in this chart?” So I’m glad somebody else got there first lol
- Comment on Roll for initiative? 9 months ago:
Me as a vampire and also Marvel’s The Thing: “It’s hemogobblin’ time!”
- Comment on why not both? 9 months ago:
Definitely both, since a lot of people (myself included) don’t have anything resembling a good local landtrust. Evety tiny bit of park/public land/etc near me is like 99% amur honeysuckle, garlic mustard, and lesser celendine. None of the people ostensibly responsible for taking care of said land seem to care… 😭
- Comment on Felt cute :3 been feeling dysphoric lately so pls be kind >~> 9 months ago:
You are ADORABLE, and also some kinda goddess for getting Gentoo working, please bestow a boon on this lowly Ubuntu mortal ❤
- Comment on He am me you ate he 9 months ago:
That’s a quote from a song, I wanna say Beatles maybe?
- Comment on Living 10 months ago:
The more to hug you with! 🥺
- Comment on Living 10 months ago:
Why are people afraid of house centipedes? They already ARE cute! It’d be one thing if they were at least somewhat willing to bite you, like some spiders, but they won’t. They’ve got the best eyesight of any centipede, which inadvertently gives them really cute little eyes too.