- Comment on After shutting down several popular emulators, Nintendo admits emulation is legal 1 month ago:
Hardware aside, to my knowledge no one is really actively developing any of the Switch emulators due to the prior legal action that was taken.
Now, eventually it’s possible someone might do it for the Switch 2, but I wouldn’t expect anything quick as whomever does so will very likely incur the mighty wrath of Nintendo’s legal team.
- Comment on Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? 2 months ago:
I picked up Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, I think that’s really all I’m going to pickup honestly. Already have a fair bit in my backlog, and there’s nothing else in my wishlist that makes me go “I want to play that right now” that can’t just wait for another sale.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 24th 3 months ago:
A friend of mine got me Gears of War 5, so I think that’ll be a good chunk of my game time this week. I haven’t really played Gears since the 360 days (I believe I may have played an hour or two of Gears 5 on my XB1 long ago before I moved to PC), so it’s great to get back into it!
As a plus, so far it seems to also run very well on my Steam Deck too.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 24th 3 months ago:
I definitely need to get back into LE, I’ve hardly played for the last couple of cycles. Thanks for the reminder!
- Comment on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024's launch has been marred by long load times, server issues and now it has overwhelmingly negative reviews 3 months ago:
All I wanted them to change was the fact that the installer for the game in 2020 would download then decompress one file at a time, so it took forever for the game to install (on top of the fact that it uses an in-game installer in the first place).
I don’t have the new version, but based on what I’ve been reading they sure curled the monkey paw this time.
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 5 months ago:
Jeez, no wonder Infinite has always had such a bad reputation then!
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 5 months ago:
As far as I recall, Infinite has had online co-op, just not local/split screen co-op.
But don’t quote me on that!
- Comment on People seem to really dislike Destiny 2. Why haven't they ended it yet? 5 months ago:
Destiny definitely isn’t in its greatest state right now (and honestly, hasn’t been in a while).
The answer to why they haven’t “ended it yet” is: Because it still makes them money.
Realistically though, if you look at any big discussion for a game you’ll always find people who dislike it (because they tend to be louder than the people who are spending their time playing the game instead).
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 8th 5 months ago:
This is what I’ve been playing too, and I’m having an absolute blast with it!
- Comment on How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ? 5 months ago:
I personally use Sleep as Android which comes with a bunch of options to help ensure you’ve actually woken up. I utilize the “captcha” option in which when I go to turn off the alarm, it displays a screen full of sheep and all of them but one are sleeping - you have to click the one that is “awake” in order to dismiss the alarm. I guess the process wakes up my brain just enough so that I don’t go back to sleep, whereas with a regular alarm that has just a simple dismiss button I’ll absolutely either hit dismiss or one of the volume buttons to turn off the alarm before I’ve fully woken up.
I also have it set to buzz on my watch for 90 seconds before playing a sound on my phone (which escalates in volume) - I’ve not had a problem waking up with this in the years that I’ve been using it.
There are other options too, such as answering math questions, scanning a QR code, pressing your phone to an NFC tag, heavily shaking the phone, one called “Say cheese!” that makes you smile as hard as you can and uses the camera to detect it, and one that you have to “laugh out loud”.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Animal Crossing 7 months ago:
Yep! I’m pretty sure I can remember Resetti in the original Gamecube version making me cry as a kid after getting yelled at for accidentally turning off the system without saving…
I also remember Phyllis, who basically hated your guts for interrupting her night shift.
And of course there’s the actual villagers of the town too, some of them were definitely a lot more… liberal… with you, personality wise!
- Comment on thoughts on arpgs? 8 months ago:
No problem! I’ve really enjoyed Runemaster so far since I’ve always been someone who favored magic based classes. With Runic Invocation there are so many different spell combinations that you can pull off (I can’t possibly memorize them all, I think there’s around 50 of them?) which is really fun!
I need to try out Spellblade at some point, that’ll probably be my next class that I try out. Their new season (“Cycles”) launches at the beginning of next month (July 9th IIRC), so I haven’t decided if I’ll try to wait till then or if I’ll try to give it a go before then.
- Comment on thoughts on arpgs? 8 months ago:
I’ve really enjoyed the ARPGs that I’ve played (D3, a bit of Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, and hell as of the recent update even D4) but I find that I am terrible at build crafting - and the really bad brain fog that I’ve had for over a year now doesn’t help that at all.
I find that I just constantly hit a wall that I can’t push past, and then run into the “Now what?” - every now and then I’ll play with some build guides online and tinker with them, but for me that isn’t as fun as coming up with something completely on my own.
That all being said, LE has been my favorite as of recently - it’s definitely still a light on content (1.0 just released this year), but over time I think it’ll be very high up there on everyone’s list.
I feel like I had a much easier time understanding the systems in LE than the other games (except for maybe D4 which was a bit too simple, though they’re starting to change it up a bit with the recent patches) but LE’s item and skill systems also clearly have a very high ceiling of what you can do with them.
I guess for me, what I really liked about it is that even with all the brain fog I could still get into the systems and pick it up quickly, yet also still see where it can certainly get more and more complex as you push your builds higher and higher, even if I’m not completely at that point yet.
I hope some of my ramblings made at least a little bit of sense 😅
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th 9 months ago:
This is exactly where I’ve been for the last week, it’s insane just the sheer difference the changes they made have had on the overall gameplay.
It feels as if I went from playing the technical demo (season 3) of the game to the actual launch version (season 4) - which sounds dramatic but it’s the second time I’ve made it to WT4 (I usually can’t slog through this much) and never this early!
- Comment on Favourite controllers 9 months ago:
As strange as it may sound, my favorite controller so far has been my Google Stadia controller. It feels very sturdy and has a nice finish - and I can hold it for hours without my hands cramping up.
Also a big fan of the fact that it charges over USB-C, and that it works perfectly for me over both Bluetooth and wired.
However, I haven’t had too many controllers in the past (Nintendo’s controllers - GameCube, Wii, Switch Joycon/Pro, the Xbox 360/One, and the DualShock 3), so that could be part of it. I don’t know, I just haven’t had any complaints with it as of yet.
- Comment on A very timely "Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 7th" 10 months ago:
SnowRunner just went on sale, so I’ve just picked that up and am waiting on it to install :)
I also picked up No Man’s Sky, Turbo Golf Racing, and Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor and am having a great time with all of them!
- Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb 10 months ago:
I haven’t had much sleep today so maybe its just me, but I’m a bit confused here:
Valve isn’t obligated to continue supporting all its games and software features on Mac, especially when Apple’s reluctance to natively support Vulkan and other cross-platform technologies makes game development more complex.
Then the next sentence:
There’s no excuse for Steam on Mac to be a far worse experience than on other platforms, though.
As others have mentioned, Apple was the one who chose to abandon x86 and go with ARM - and anyways are there any games that are on Steam that actually are ARM native? You would still end up having to launch a game that is x86 as far as I understand correctly (I haven’t used a Mac since the Apple Silicon transition)?
- Comment on Helldivers 2 has "performed well ahead of expectations" and topped more than 8m sales 11 months ago:
I wonder, did they change the defaults at some point? Mine was already bound to the arrow keys, I never had to explicitly set that.
- Comment on Halo Infinite Update to Bring Networking Overhaul, Easy Anti-Cheat, and More Next Week 11 months ago:
Does your BIOS have “Enable Resizable Bar” and “Above 4G Decoding” options? Both of those were off on mine, and I had the same problem until I flipped those on.
- Comment on Xbox Player Gets Banned for 1 Year After Recording Baldur's Gate 3 Scenes 1 year ago:
A bit of a difference here. From what I recall, a VAC Ban only affects games that actually use Valve’s Anti Cheat, hence the name, which is not so popular anymore as far as I know. And they’re supposed to only affect that game individually (but since they’re public, other game/server owners can decide to ban you too).
Getting an Xbox Live or PSN ban will prevent you from playing any game that relies on the respective service’s network (which they enforce for any game that has online multiplayer in it).
- Comment on Why do we have an internal monologue? 1 year ago:
It’s a bit difficult to say, but perhaps we did in say, maybe through the repetition of flashing images from our memory, or sounds, etc.
Even without language, that internal “making sense” of things / interpreting the world around us still exists - I’d imagine if you were to ask someone who was deaf (starting at a very early age) they’d probably say there is a monologue of some sorts, even if not by “sound”, whether that be the flashing images of various hand signs, or written words, etc.
- Comment on Why do we have an internal monologue? 1 year ago:
I’m by no means a medical expert, so just a stab in the dark here - our brains constantly process all sorts of information. Whether that’s memories, input from your various senses, or a million other things. During that process, your brain is also trying to make sense of it all (“Why?”, “What does it mean”, “How?”, etc).
Our ability to communicate and express language is intertwined in this process, which of course is what gives you the perception of dialog. So in essence, I think its just our brains trying to make sense of… its process of making sense, if that makes sense?
On a side note, I’m practically dosing myself with semantic satiation with how many times I’ve used “sense” here (that last one being more tongue-in-cheek)…
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like 90% of the population is stupid? 1 year ago:
I mean, a lot of people have a tendency to do “stupid” things, and maybe even say stupid things - but I wouldn’t classify 90% of the population as stupid. First problem is that “stupid” isn’t a very quantifiable quality - and “smarter” really depends on the perspective of the way you’re looking at it. I’ll use what someone else mentioned here as an example: I would like to say that I’m at least a decent software developer (or so I hope), but I know absolutely nothing about cars (I don’t even have one). While I’m pretty well rounded on the software side of computers, I’m terrible at the hardware side. I am also terrible at math aside from the very basics (and even then… eh) - hence, I’d never have a good shot at even getting into game development if that were something I wanted to pursue.
So not only can I not comment on whether other people are “stupid”, I can’t even account for myself, because there’s no metric for it. Are we going off of IQ (I have zero clue what my IQ is, nor do I really have an interest in finding out what it might be)? Are we going off of being able to answer Jeopardy questions?