- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 4 months ago:
Why would I engage? I obviously find your premise insane. Additionally, you have misstated my SHORT comments several times. I never called you insane, I said the argument is insane. Which it is.
- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 4 months ago:
I feel pretty confident in saying that your assertion is wrong, and insane lol
- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 4 months ago:
Did you even read my comment before posting 9 paragraphs? I didn’t say it was batshit insane to claim that there are sociopathic teachers. I said it was batshit insane to compare the rates of sociopathy in teachers to the rates among politicians, ceo’s, and police. Which it is.
- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 4 months ago:
I feel like maybe you don’t know any teachers. The fact that you lumped them in with politicians, ceos, and police is, quite frankly, batshit insane
- Comment on Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer 1 year ago:
Uhh what? Square Enix has a ton of games that aren’t final fantasy
- Comment on happy partially muscled screaming skeleton day 1 year ago:
Lol yea the aesthetic is pretty perfect