- Comment on WHAT IF 😮 4 days ago:
I cannot get over the fact that that is not how whatsapp looks when someone sends multiple messages. This is the chat list screen that shows your recent chats. This image is like multiple contacts with the same name and image (but different phone number) sending the same message.
And it would be so simple if it was the correct chat screen with multiple messages from the person with each its own time stamp and stuff
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 days ago:
What is the rules 1&2 ?
But yeah, that tracks, I guess is the opposite end of confident people that will think that others are into them why would they not be? When we don’t think much of ourselves we more likely assume that a compliment or even someone hitting on you is just someone being nice, they “obviously” would not be into me.
- Comment on Anon tries to impress a woman at the gym 4 days ago:
That was also my experience, I grew my beard a couple of time, just to see how long it goes and also laziness. I never cared with specific beard products or trimming it and stuff. I washed it with the same head&shoulders I use for my hair. In my country is normal to great with a kiss in the cheeks so it was a somewhat common occurrence that a woman would feel and comment how soft it was. But that was it, their are impressed by the softness not the looks of how long it was, this was only guys, guys were impressed by the size of the bears and all. That is not to say that woman necessarily prefer shaved face, in my experience mostly (in my country that is) prefer a trimmed beard. I guess it is more mature or mainly. My now wife certainly preferred me to just trim down the beard instead of shaving it.
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 2 weeks ago:
Oh the irony, they are almost there. Trying to appeal to empathy and humanity of a corporation in the same breath that they acknowledge the lack of it.
There is no humane nature intrinsic in corporations. People need to stop humanizing it. Treat it like It is, know that you are being taken advantage of, you are being squeased, extracted of every value you can give and then discarted.
- Comment on Balatro dev shares an excellent list of his favourite indie games of 2024 1 month ago:
Quake was release in 1996 and if I recall correctly at the time the arrow keys were the standard but one famous Quake pro player used WASD and if helped launch it to today default.
My point is, I don’t think it was ever OK to not have customizable keyboard controls, and having it also give you permission no be perfect in your chosen default. I understand not including the option to have multiple keys assigned to the same control (although I don’t excuse it because it is not rocket science), but not have configurable controls at all? It was unforgivable in the 2000 and it is exponentially more unforgivable today.
- Comment on Not a single original film broke the box office top 15 in 2024 1 month ago:
I read that there is a cultural shift in how and when people go to the theaters, the pricing makes go to the movies a more rare occasion, same with the option with streaming, so I figure there is less “movie people” that goes regularly to watch different things and more “entertainment people” that goes to have a good time with friends or family, like going to an amusement park, so people prefer more “safer bets” and movies for the whole family. At the same time with declining revenue theaters are focusing on movies that appeal to the largest possible public.
I truly wonder if the same is reflected in streaming. Sure this generic movies are always on the top 10 when they come out but maybe there is more viewership to other niche movies in aggregate.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 2 months ago:
I did not know that you can’t delete comments and had seen the single dot comment before. Today I learned.
In any case no apologies needed, it was nice to revisit the thread and see more knowledgeable people weight in :)
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 2 months ago:
Thanks for the ping. Well said.
- Comment on Puberty blockers to be banned indefinitely for under-18s across UK 2 months ago:
Wanna let undeveloped children cause irreversible damage to their body because they had a phase where they liked to cross dress?
This hilarious argument if wasn’t just a bad faith argument should be enough for everyone be in favor of puberty blockers, to avoid avoid irreversible change while the person matures and can decide what one wants to do.
- Comment on When you die, what do you want to be done with you? 2 months ago:
First, don’t spend money on it. That is the most important. Second, if possible make something useful of my body, like donating to science. I listened to a podcast about this “cemetery” that is a research facility and they let the bodies decompose in a variety of situations to study the process. Third, don’t do any funeral or rituals and that includes keeping a cemetery lapid or stuff like that.
One exception is if someone wants to do something really funny and weird, like the guy that wanted his skull preserved and the rest made into two diamonds that would be fitted to the skull and to be kept like in the living room to judge everyone or something.
- Comment on Guys, what did you buy during the Steam autumn sale? 2 months ago:
I wanted to buy Age of Empires 2 but it seems it is not on sale :(
- Comment on Clever, clever 4 months ago:
The way this watermarks are usually done is to put like white text on white background so for a visually impaired person the text2speak would read it just fine. I think depending on the word processor you probably can mark text to use with or without accessibility tools, but even in this case I don’t know how a student copy-paste from one place to the other, if he just retype what he is listen then it would not affect. The whole thing works on the assumption on the student selecting all the text without paying much attention, maybe with a swoop of the mouse or Ctrl-a the text, because the selection highlight will show an invisible text being select. Or… If you can upload the whole PDF/doc file them it is different. I am not sure how chatGPT accepts inputs.
- Comment on How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase? 5 months ago:
Wow I didn’t know. Do you know if it work Linux the way you described? Even if using USB
- Comment on How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase? 5 months ago:
I also have a PS5 controller, as far as I understand, haptic feedback is not humble, it is a resistance in the triggers (L2 and R2) só a game can make pull the trigger be harder of softer depending on the situation.
I don’t know how many or which games uses it seem how many games still does not correctly display PS controller icons and etc and fallback to the MS iconography.
As far as I know haptic and maybe the mic/phone are the only things that does not work over BT. But I also think I read that some things that does work with BT does not work over USB
- Comment on Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth 8 months ago:
Are you heating your plastic piercings?
- Comment on We owe them 8 months ago:
You mean the fruit and the nut. The fruit I think is fake fruit but you know what I mean