A PHP developer who, in his spare time, plays tabletop and videogames; if the weathers nice I climb rocks, but mostly fall off of indoor bouldering ones.
- Comment on Revolut customers say e-money firm failed them after being scammed - BBC News 4 months ago:
It’s important to note that Revolut is not a bank. Had it been a bank provable fraud would be protected up to 85k under FCA regulations.
What kind of ***** runs a business out of a “e-money” company.
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
Envious tbh.
- Comment on 'It should have been safe’: twin of woman found under coat in A&E says death avoidable 10 months ago:
Long story short the MRI showed no impinging of the cord so we were told to just monitor it. It’s slowly fading.
The long story is that the next day the GP repeated 111’s advice so we bundled up pillows and painkillers and, still very upset, we went back. After an hour the triage nurse told us that all the GP needed to do was a referral by email and we would have been admitted straight to the spinal unit.
She then rang the GP and actually tore them a new one. It was highly satisfying.
We spent the rest of the day in spinal, her on a bed, and got seen by excellent staff who did more explaining about the injury and what to expect than anyone else had done to that point. We were in limbo about the whole thing till then.
- Comment on 'It should have been safe’: twin of woman found under coat in A&E says death avoidable 10 months ago:
My wife and I were in this A&E 3 days later. She’d new lower body numbness appear some months into a broken back recovery. 101 said go straight there, this is a no fuck around situation.
We get there and are advised it’s a 12 hour wait, the place is rammed, ambulances are queuing and the corridors are full of gurneys and paramedics.
My wife at this point is in tears. The broken back means sitting for an hour on a shit waiting room chair is hard work. 12 literally can’t happen.
So we leave. What else can we do.
The situation was fucking awful, but I don’t blame the staff. I felt genuinely bad for all of them - there was just a complete lack of hope on any of their faces.
- Comment on Princess of Wales says she is undergoing cancer treatment - BBC News 11 months ago:
The news article/statement I read has it related to major abdominal surgery from back in January. So none of the good kinds. Not that any cancer is good.
- Comment on Amsterdam testing system that can remotely slow e-bikes down 11 months ago:
I watched something very similar to this hit at least 40mph (~65kph) down my 30mph (~50kph) limit road the other day. The guy did not have a helmet on and was in a light jacket and jeans with trainers.
It was as you said, a motorcycle with pedals - only ridden by more of an idiot than the people who ride around during summer on 600cc bikes wearing shorts and t-shirts (cause at least they have a crash helmet on)
- Comment on Amazon pricing makes no sense. 1 year ago:
Is Yorkshire tea similarly fiddled with? Beats the pants off PG Tips as a general rule.
- Comment on GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour 1 year ago:
I enjoy low priced games as much as the next person but I’m inclined to agree. At least a little.
In terms of currency per hour some games are outright bargains when you compare to a cinema trip and yet the triple A’s cost more to produce than your average film.