- Comment on How do I install a python language server in doomemacs? 4 months ago:
I think your problem is that you installed the Emacs “plugin”, but that is just the interface to the server. I think you need to install the actual language server on your system. Outside of Emacs, in your package manager or with pipx for example.
You can also try to press Spc-: and then run lsp-install-server inside of doom Emacs, but I had problems with that.
- Comment on Do your mouth tissues absorb more caffeine after a tonsillectomy/other surgery? 5 months ago:
Sci-Hub 👍
- Comment on Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha 6 months ago:
Somebody wants to invite me? I can play with you during EU evenings, if you want.
- Comment on Flowchart for STEM 7 months ago:
Nope. The most important difference: You cannot prove anything in physics. Only in maths, you have 100% certain proofs.
- Comment on Flowchart for STEM 7 months ago:
Well and chemistry is just applied electron physics
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
Everybody is recommending to not install Manjaro. Try EndeavourOS instead. Or just pure arch. That’s what I will probably do soon.
- Comment on Windows: we noticed that you kept the useless search bar disabled since 2015, so we sent an update that re-enabled it without your permission 1 year ago:
Was pretty easy to setup in Manjaro a year ago. Can’t say how it is now, I’m using hyprland now.