- Comment on Nicole got a new outfit! 2 weeks ago:
There’s one feature Boost has that I really miss when I try to switch, which is that it will save your position in the comments of a post. So like if you scroll down halfway and then leave the comments and come back, you are still in the same spot. Every other client I’ve tried doesn’t have that feature and it’s kinda a deal breaker for me
- Comment on Run. 5 months ago:
It says if you can read the sign, you’re in range. It’s an anomaly, after all.
- Comment on What happens when the US runs out of SSNs? 5 months ago:
Why not?
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 5 months ago:
The first two have emphasis that imply something different than a simple question. Like you are asking a bunch of people individually, and you are directing each question at a specific person.
The last one would maybe be like, if the person did something weird, and you were sarcastically asking where the are from, to imply that they were raised by wolves, or something like that.
Point being, yes, you can ask like that, but it has different connotations than a simple question, which I think is where you would use the rising intonation.
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 5 months ago:
I’m totally with you. I think it is somewhat speaker dependent, but that is how I would say those questions.
What’s your NAme
How OLD (are you)?
Where are you FROm?
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 5 months ago:
I guess in this example, “who is your daddy?” Is the main question, which has a somewhat flat intonation, but contrasted to the emphasis in the second half of the sentence, it feels like a rise
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 5 months ago:
Could you give some examples of questions in English that would not be asked with a rising tone at the end?
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 5 months ago:
24fps vision is a lie told by Hollywood so they can save on film
- Comment on under the ice 5 months ago:
Is that the guy that wrote Blindsight? Strange read
- Comment on 666 6 months ago:
Outrageously AWESOME
- Comment on Why do radio stations all seem to go on commercial at the same time? 7 months ago:
I feel like the old guys in my area just talk about their health problems 😂
Something to look forward to, I suppose
- Comment on Science saves lives 7 months ago:
So true
- Comment on Science saves lives 7 months ago:
Love that this suggests that for vampires, it’s all in their head
- Comment on Hemoglobin 7 months ago:
- Comment on Anon is part of the brotherhood 8 months ago:
Snow crash?
- Comment on first things first 8 months ago:
… Oh my
- Comment on Wormholes 8 months ago:
More like A Wrinkle in Time, the 1962 book
- Comment on Figma Disables AI App Design Tool After It Copied Apple’s Weather App 8 months ago:
Figma balls
- Comment on Tutant 9 months ago:
Needle was right there
- Comment on Turtle Shells 9 months ago:
Where can you really draw the line? Could you survive in space without any air or equipment? Even if you could, where did the equipment and air come from?
Photosynthetic organisms are for all practical purposes part of your lungs
- Comment on Turtle Shells 9 months ago:
- Comment on Turtle Shells 9 months ago:
I mean yes, no one, human or turtle, can survive without the ecosystem of the earth, so you could really argue that the planet is the true organism and we are simply byproducts of its existence
- Comment on Turtle Shells 9 months ago:
What part of the second statement is wrong? A turtle cannot survive without its shell, just like you could not survive without your skull. It is an intrinsic part of what allows it to function as a living organism, therefore the line between “turtle” and “shell” is a bit blurred
- Comment on Turtle Shells 9 months ago:
What part of you makes you? Is it just your brain?
Anyway, I think what they’re getting at is that the shell is actually their spine, not like some extra thing that grows on top of their spine.
- Comment on Maths 10 months ago:
Or sport?
- Comment on The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar starved that day apparently. 10 months ago:
What’s this on your head?
A brain sucker!
What’s it doing?
- Comment on Petroglyphs 10 months ago:
Not sure that’s meant to be a dew claw. The other ones are curved opposite the other claws, and the one on the hind leg isn’t
- Comment on Or we could do metric time 11 months ago:
I like the cut of your jib
- Comment on Good morning I choose violence. 1 year ago:
Why would I fight you? you’re right
- Comment on Really any holiday 1 year ago: