not the country or the triangle :)
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 7 months ago:
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 7 months ago:
Easy to employ so few when you
dontrarely make games anymore - Comment on Let's discuss: Journey 10 months ago:
I played journey for the first time when it was posted to PC and consequentially went on sale on Steam. Very good game. I tried to connect with the guy who I played the majority of it with but he didn’t speak English and I don’t speak much Spanish so it kinda fizzled.
- Comment on What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to? 11 months ago:
Skate 3 is a fantastic choice.
- Comment on What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to? 11 months ago:
I have over 4,000 hours across all the trackmania games. So that, I guess. Most is 2,000 in United followed by a couple hundred in all the rest. 1,000 in trackmania 2020
- Comment on I hate the term "Boomer Shooter" 11 months ago:
Oh no boomer shooter means very fast FPS, it just has old-school mechanics like health packs, a large loadout, arena-style gameplay, stuff like that. Things that were considered outdated when games like Battlefield and COD rolled around in the mid 2000s.
- Comment on I hate the term "Boomer Shooter" 11 months ago:
Those are tactical shooters. If it’s a simulator like ARMA then the term “milsim” (military simulator) is also used.
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
Well good thing I don’t care what they think
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
They’re right though, soccer is boring
- Comment on What games do you think are unfairly snubbed when talking about the best games of all time? 1 year ago:
When it comes to arcade racers people seem to either forget or just don’t know about trackmania games. They aren’t perfect by any means but id certainly consider them among the best
- Comment on AGDQ 2024 starts in less than two hours 1 year ago:
This is a good video on the topic While I personally can very much see why they’ve banned some runners, I just can’t see why for others. I don’t agree with everything the youtuber says but it’s very compelling.
In short, the organization just seems very quick to blow minor mishaps way out of the water. They seem to enjoy treating their customers and their fanbase as children, and instead of letting people work out their own differences as the adults they are, they like to step in and handle it themselves. Sometimes this goes well, but most of the time it doesn’t.
- Comment on AGDQ 2024 starts in less than two hours 1 year ago:
Honestly I might check it out but they rarely seem to play games I’m interested in (first person shooters) and their management style gives me the ick. Very very puritanical over the most minor things.
- Comment on 5+ man group games 1 year ago:
Quake Live
- Comment on Never start vaping, says 12-year-old girl with lung damage 1 year ago:
Where I live I rarely see people against vaping for anti smoking usage. Mostly people I meet are against the recreational use.
- Comment on Martin Scorsese urges filmmakers to fight comic book movie culture: ‘We’ve got to save cinema’ 1 year ago:
The Irishman got 9 Oscar nominations so I’m not really sure he’s “fighting for his own relevance.”