- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 2 months ago:
I do believe a lot of landlords don’t care and will make decisions based on what makes them more money versus the well-being of the people living in their property. But I don’t agree that landlords as a concept are bad, and that they all should sell their extra properties to reduce the crazy prices we’re having.
There are plenty of reasons someone would prefer to rent than to buy, and if there are no landlords or rental houses what happens to those cases? I personally have attended university not at my home city, and I rented an apartment with other students. It makes no sense to buy in that situation. People who intend to live somewhere temporarily would mostly prefer to rent, what would happen then?
There is a problem with regulation, big companies owning whole apartment buildings, and generally small greedy landlords what will make their tenants life hell. But cutting out the whole concept is trading one issue with another.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
I’m pretty happy with the one in my country. I once mixed up some medication times and they escalated to a doctor that then put me on hold to consult a pharmacist just to be sure. I would have spent 7 hours in ER just for a doctor to tell me that I was fine, and instead I just waited a bit on the phone.
- Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
USA, Land of the free
to pay🤷 in my country it’s all completely free. Once I had a bad cold they even called me back the next day to check in if I was doing better. - Comment on How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room? 5 months ago:
Since you’re in the US I imagine my method won’t apply to you, but just in case, or for other people reading: in my country there is a phone number you can call in situations like this. They have doctors, nurses and specialists on call, initially you talk with a nurse that asks triage questions once you’ve explained your problem they give you advice for home treatment, if relevant, or send you to the correct urgency level care, including already sending the information on the triage questions to wherever you are going.
- Comment on How do rainbows work? 8 months ago:
Thanks for the reply, it hasn’t fully clicked yet, but I’ll get there once I think about it some more.
- Comment on How do rainbows work? 8 months ago:
Happy to help! Now what I don’t get under this knowledge is double and triple rainbows. If anyone can explain that to me I would be very grateful.
- Comment on How do rainbows work? 8 months ago:
You’re almost there. It has to do with the angle of the sun and the water drops relating to the view point. Rainbows only show when the sun is behind you, and if you imagine a cone going out from the viewpoint outwards you get the possible paths of the rainbow (different radius different wavelength and therefore color)
A similar concept happens in certain reflective surfaces (metal pots and pans, car hoods and much more). You always see the tiny scratches in circles, but if you alter the angle in any way you keep seeing different scratch circles. This is because the circle you see in any given angle is the exactly the scratches that are turned just perfectly to reflect the light in the perfect way. It does not mean that the scratches you see at any given moment are the only ones. It means there are plenty, and only a few more visible at a time.
To me, playing around with the second concept (much easier to manipulate yourself and see) made me understand rainbows much better.
- Comment on What is a good eli5 analogy for GenAI not "knowing" what they say? 9 months ago:
The way I’ve explained it before is that it’s like the autocomplete on your phone. Your phone doesn’t know what you’re going to write, but it can predict that after word A, it is likelly word B will appear, so it suggests it. LLMs are just the same as that, but much more powerful and trained on the writing of thousands of people. The LLM predicts that after prompt X the most likelly set of characters to follow it is set Y. No comprehension required, just prediction based on previous data.
- Comment on How does a SO feel different from a very good friend? 1 year ago:
In my eyes that distingueshes a “normal” friendship and a life partner is the planning for the future and being a team. You make big life decisions (moving house, career changes, medical decisions) together thinking of the best outcomes for both as a team. You could be a life partner with a non romantic totally platonic friend, but that’s usually not the case you see represented.
- Comment on Is it normal that I feel pretty bad for ignoring homeless people begging for money? 1 year ago:
Thank you for your kind words of understanding. I think gatekeeping acts of kindness will result in less people doing them. Even if the person I gave the fruit to doesn’t like it or can’t eat it for some reason it’s still kindness from a stranger and being treated respectfully for a change. It’s still better than the people who just ignore them and walk away.
- Comment on Is it normal that I feel pretty bad for ignoring homeless people begging for money? 1 year ago:
The type of fruit I was talking about does not get stale at all. It’s completely sealed until it’s opened to eat. I eat them all the time myself, why can’t they? I let them choose what they want when I offer to buy something for them. IMO if that’s the way I’m confortable giving it’s better than nothing at all, and someone that’s confortable giving them money can if they want. Not to mention that I very rarely carry cash anymore
- Comment on Is it normal that I feel pretty bad for ignoring homeless people begging for money? 1 year ago:
One compromise I use is to give them food instead of money. I usually carry with me one of those mashed fruit packets (usually marketed for kids to take to school) in case I get hungry and if I come across someone asking for money I just give them that. Or ask them if they want something from the nearby convenience store/cafe/vending machine. That removes the argument of “they’ll just use it for drugs” that I hear and honestly believe is true to some people. Addiction is hard. Everyone has to eat, it’s always useful to get them food (especially if it’s non perishable)
- Comment on What makes a content creator an influencer?? 1 year ago:
It’s unlikely that there is consensus on where the line that separates them is, but to me influencers are showing their overall lifestyle (day in the life, vlogging, sharing their meals, routines, that kind of thing) and content creators are primarily generating something else that is not necessarily dependent on their lifestyle. I see it as educational content, creative content (arts, DIY, movie commentary, etc) news… I know content creators often expand into what I described as “influencer content”, but that is often not their primary way of getting followers or focus of their attention, so I still think they are content creators.