- Comment on What happens if Biden dies before the next inauguration (see inside)? 8 months ago:
Bonus round with the upcoming (small) bird flu epidemic:
What if both die days before the election due to a sudden illness?
- Comment on Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals 8 months ago:
Absolutely. Below zero is more story oriented but still great.
- Comment on Look what I got to spend my birthday money on! 8 months ago:
damn, sorry to hear that. Most of our clients are pretty happy with them,but they usually are somewhat VIP so mileage may vary.
- Comment on Look what I got to spend my birthday money on! 8 months ago:
At least Mayo has decent healthcare most of the time, that’s at least what I hear from my colleagues. The elephant in the room in the US is not only the affordability and access, sadly it’s also very often the quality.
As someone who has changed roles from an actual healthcare provider to a healthcare economist/manager in international health(amongst others)I am often appalled by the qualify some US facilities provide - while others offer astonishing levels of care. And often the former are the more expensive ones.
- Comment on Elsevier 9 months ago:
Well, we could assign the reviewers more “significance” here. We could give them points and if they “upvote” a paper it gives the paper a bit more visibility/reputation. If the reviewer has actually reviewed the paper it gives the paper more points.
How much a reviewer is able to “spend” could be based on the reputation of the institution, their own papers in the same field and the points they get for their reviews by other users.
Just a raw idea,but it seems possible, indeed.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Why not both? There are a fair bit of positions that allow a certain degree of patient sided work. And of course there is always Freelance/Locum work in most countries.
I have switched to a full off-patient role a long time ago and since the beginning of Covid I have worked mostly remotely. But I am still working as a Freelancer for a few shifts per month, depending on my workload.
And I like this model a lot.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 9 months ago:
Sorry,but have you at least read the wikipedia article before writing this post?
Matrix is a standard. Not an App. Just like Lemmy is.
There are dozens of clients (Element, Schildichat, Fuzzychat, Beeper) available to download for basically every system imaginable and in all major Appstores.
You can easily join an existing instance - and with beeper there is even one existing that handles all the bridges for you.
Only when you self-host it gets more tricky-just like it does with Lemmy(as a matter of fact Matrix is far easier to selfhost than Lemmy). And again there are various distributions available. They aren’t as easy as the clients and not as easy as flatpacks, but someone who has done their due diligence can absolutely handle them easily. (And self-hosting should absolutely not be “as easy as flatpacks/snaps” - the risk for both the admin and the net itself is too high). But again: The average user has little incentive to selfhost. Just like you don’t selfhost your Lemmy instance.
The Matrix environment is as easy to use as Signal, Threema, WhatsApp for ages now. In some points I would even argue that it’s more user friendly than Signal,btw.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 9 months ago:
I don’t have the time nor the crayons to explain that to you.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 9 months ago:
Yeah, 115 Million users atm. And as I said - you can easily bridge it to other services so you only use Matrix but communicate with others.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 9 months ago:
Thanks,welcome to the club! It can be a bit “tricky” at times (and I use a container manager,cloudron, meanwhile as I got too deep into the rabbit hole and now host too many things to maintain them myself) but once you get it set up it’s rock solid.
And I am really optimistic for Element X/Matrix 2.0.
It’s a great standard.
- Comment on A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water 9 months ago:
That’s why I am so happy that I switched to Matrix - selfhosted with Signal and WhatsApp Bridges(amongst others) and now I only need to keep one App on our mobiles, Notebooks,desktop,etc. but I can still communicate with everyone. (we have have a few mixed groups now)
- Comment on Am I ruining my liver? 9 months ago:
Paramedic here who worked a lot with toxicology patients: You are entirely right.
It’s always horrific.
- Comment on Anyway to make $20 a day online consistently? 9 months ago:
Ikea is hiring people for it’s Robolox branch. But generally Chat moderation(aka being a fake chat partner in the more,well, infamous partner seeking platforms) is an option, same goes for normal phone support/callcenter work.
Fiverr is an idea, there are similar jobs as well.
- Comment on Let's discuss: The Sims 9 months ago:
I know multiple women who mainly got themselves a PC to play Sims back in the day and who are now in senior IT roles because once they got the PC they kind of “sticked with it”.
That is something we indeed should thank The Sims for.
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 10 months ago:
Read somewhere in an book that sometimes soldiers/aides tried to hurt/kill their officers my minimally reducing their barrel width mechanically when cleaning their pistols for them. Hard to detect and can fuck someone up good.
But while I can see how that would work in theory I don’t see how this could be done without someone noticing it and with the tools at their disposal.
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 10 months ago:
They actually do that with earth barriers sometimes, e.g. at the Aetna.
But there is only so much these barrier can do…
- Comment on If presidential immunity is absolute.. 10 months ago:
Well,what if Biden shoots Trump during a debate? If he would be immune he cannot be put to trial for it.
- Comment on They dared to ask. 11 months ago:
Original full text:…/S1090513824000217#:~:text….
- Comment on They dared to ask. 11 months ago:
So someone listened to at least 34h of porn-audio online for a paper?
That’sa a clever way to get porn access at work.
Tbf, a proper participant based study would have been much more innovative and provide better evidence.
Even when only using 30 cases.
- Comment on How did overalls and jumpsuits went from male work clothe to female fashion without becoming "male fashion" ? 11 months ago:
Follow up question: How are overalls/jumpsuit even remotely practical,especially for women who don’t pee standing up mostly - and especially in the US with its legendary public toilet doors?
As a man I simply don’t get it.
- Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb 11 months ago:
Steam is a major problem for a lot of reasons,but basically none of the reasons the author gave are the main problem - It sounds more like a whining of a Mac/Apple user. Once again…
There are hundreds of more important problems with Steam.
- Comment on Why do we castrate animals instead of giving them vasectomies? 11 months ago:
Until you ask someone with basic knowledge of feline physiology.
…Cats are intentionally promiscuous and can have litters from multiple fathers. It won’t change a thing. Unless you sterilize almost all male cats. Before that it doesn’t change much - and as vasectomies are far more cost intensive you can actually sterilize less of them. So more fertile male cats will stay in the population.
Besides it is actually kind of cruel as a significant portion of non-castrated feral male cats get injured during these fights - so it adds an unnecessary layer of suffering as well.
- Comment on How is surgery safely performed on the rectum and its connected piping? 11 months ago:
Poop is sadly not the right kind of bacteria, there are different kinds of bacteria depending on the location and the flora in the upper colon is the more interesting - Actual poop is not what you need/want as it is mostly “leftovers”.
- Comment on How is surgery safely performed on the rectum and its connected piping? 11 months ago:
Yeah, Autotransplantation is far more common, actually.
- Comment on How is surgery safely performed on the rectum and its connected piping? 11 months ago:
Normal colonoscopy will not kill your gut bacteria - just don’t eat garbage after it. Amongst others your Appendix will help.
- Comment on How is surgery safely performed on the rectum and its connected piping? 11 months ago:
Absolutely and their role is getting recognised more and more. That’s why fecal transplants and special “gut bacteria growth diets” are becoming more and more important.
- Comment on How is surgery safely performed on the rectum and its connected piping? 11 months ago:
Patients are asked to clean their guts before major rectum and colon surgery,similar to what you do when you get a colonoscopy. Ideally that removes most if not all fecal matter and a significant portion of the bacteria.
Furthermore of course the colon is rinsed before the actual surgery and often during the surgery as well if necessary, if necessary with disinfecting solutions (but far less than one would think - it’s actually important to do so to the least amount possible,see below). Additionally wound closures are done with techniques that allow extremely easy healing in the most problematic parts and often multiple sutures are made to adapt tissue borders on multiple layers and in multiple ways. And during and after the surgery strong iV antibiotics are given to prevent infection. But it’s actually not a good idea to totally get rid of all bacteria. Especially the guts need a healthy bacterial flora to function and,and this is important here, to avoid “bad bacteria” to take over the space. There is more and more focus to make the right bacteria grow back on the colon/and to some extent the rectum, so there are some procedures that are now done with direct faecal transplants afterwards. Nevertheless often patients will not be allowed to eat for quite some time after an operation and are fed with intravascular solution during that time. Not a pleasant experience but sadly necessary. For more external operations (rectum) patients are also given stool softeners (medication that makes the passing of faecal matter easier) and advised to do disinfecting baths often, sometimes three times a day.
And of course the body is quite good at fighting bacteria and the colon and rectum - it is built to do so,the end of the whole “waste producing” system is outside the actual abdomen inside the pelvic sack,separated by a barrier. And the whole area is heavily supplied with blood (which is actually a good thing for infection control).
And last but not least for major operations there is always the option to create an enterostoma - an artificial opening/shortcut for people to get rid of fecal matter through it. These are usually done through the abdominal wall. After everything has healed up (usually after 6 months+x) the now healed colon and the small intestine/unaffected large intestine are connected back together and the artificial opening is closed.
(Sadly this is not always possible - then patients are getting a “Barbie Butt” - a behind without an opening. Mostly for cancer.)
- Comment on That gourmet luxury blend... 1 year ago:
As if that is something someone in Texas cares about these days.
- Comment on Do you ever think that maybe all VPN services are actually secretly owned/funded by governments and that they are only giving you a false illusion of privacy? 1 year ago:
That’s not how these things work - Intelligence agencies use cover companies very differently. They simply provide a few people money to create a company. These people set up a VPN company - and run it like it’s legitimate.
Marketing or legal won’t know that their company is actually a listening post, most Datacenter employees won’t know, only very few people(mostly network engineers and IT security, some managers)would know. And of course the Auditors - which is not a hassle for any decent intelligence agency.
It’s far easier than one would think - how do we know that? Because it would be the same way other intelligence service companies are run like that for decades.
- Comment on How can you drive off a gas station with the hose still connected? 1 year ago:
Never did manage to do that, but was close twice (none of my car would let you drive with a open fuel tank cover).
First was babybrain. Extended periods of not sleeping more than 1.5h in a row and not more than 4h a day in total because your kid is sick/toothing are doing weird things in your brain.
The second time was during COVID. I work as a paramedic part time and we did change our shift model to 24h shifts due to so many sick colleagues. Was the second shift “in a row” (24h on, 24h off, 24h on). Well…None of those shifts were 24h, most were 25-26h. Because we got hammered by calls. Literally no downtime, one critical patient after another. When driving home I had to get gas. Forgot to pay (we post pay here), forgot to take the god damn hose out. Nearly cried when the fucking car didn’t start (due to the hose being in).
So TLDR: Not enough sleep is the answer for me here.