- Comment on Question: 2 hiphop groups in the 90s that came up with almost the same song? 5 days ago:
95 South and Tag Team with “Woot There It Is" and "Whomp There It Is” respectively?
- Comment on Palworld Predecessor Craftopia Gets Massive Spring Update 1 week ago:
I was told the developers were scumbags that abandon all their games, and had abandoned this one to make Palworld, even though they had just updated it at that time as well. Could the idiots review bombing the game on Steam have misled me?
- Comment on Maureen Dowd Ate an Asinine Amount of Edibles Once 1 week ago:
100mg per package, with 10 10mg serving sizes is pretty standard where I live
- Comment on How come in most school in the USA (at least mine) they teach Spain Spanish instead of Mexico Spanish? Would not Mexico Spanish be an obvious choice to teach? 1 week ago:
a couple reasons I can think of:
-choosing which dialects are taught where would be messy and complicated -it would make producing and distributing textbooks and other learning materials more complicated and expensive
- Comment on Moo Deng has had enough 1 week ago:
bottom pic is not Moo Deng, that image has been around for years
- Comment on Truck hits 11foot8+bridge88 and almost backs into ambulance 6 months ago:
I’m thinking it was at 1:22 when they lay on the horn
- Comment on Raccoon washes ice cube 8 months ago:
what an adorable derp
- Comment on Cloudflare Employee records her final meeting where HR tries to fire her 1 year ago:
More than half of the Wikipedia article for Cloudflare is made up of a Controversies section