- Comment on Has America Reached Its Tipping Point with Ignorance? 1 week ago:
Pff, hold our beer. We have just under four years to show how monumentally ignorant, apathetic and subservient we can become. After that, who knows? My crystal ball just shows brand-sponsered schools and overflowing private prisons.
If nobody did anything meaningful over the past eight years about this, I don’t think there really is a limit. When the education system takes a nose-dive and what is available is neo-Christian/capitalist indoctrination, it’s only going to get worse. I’d sure like to think the opposing party had the grapes to stop this nonsense dead in it’s tracks, but again - eight years and I guess we are just cool with it all. I want to love my country, but JFC, it is sure hell-bent on ghost-riding it into a christo-fascist idiocracy.
- Comment on How alarmed should I be to see stool in my blood? 4 weeks ago:
Get referred to a gastrointerologist asap. There are a variety of things it could be, and few of those are anything you can get away with ignoring.
If it’s bright red, could be a ruptured blood vessel from straining to defecate to chrohns disease or ulcerative colitis. The later nearly killed me. Dark red to coffee ground consistency can be stomach ulcers. These can be a one off thing or chrilonic and lead to anemia, malnutrition, cancer etc…
Mind, I’m not a doctor, but I had dealt with serious symptoms of UC for over a decade and would be dead by now had I not gotten surgery. Got pretty familiar with digestive tract issues. Don’t take it lightly
- Comment on Anon discovers Japanese jazz 1 month ago:
That is a good album. Those cats jam, and jam well.
- Comment on Trump says Harris should be ‘forced off’ campaign, wants Biden back 4 months ago:
I honestly thought that was an Onion article. JFC, this shouldn’t be as close as it is.
- Comment on Is Ryze Mushroom Coffee Just Another Craze? 5 months ago:
It’s pretty tasty, to me at least. But I like mushrooms so YMMV. That said, it’s not overly earthy or eating a bag of shrooms. If you ever, as a kid, saw a tin that said Hersheys on it in the cupboard and grabbed a spoon; well, it’s like that, but a little better. The cocoa in it is what gives you the caffeine bump IIRC. Assuming the ingredients are legit, then there is good stuff in it, but I think this is really geared toward another group of people than anyone trying to curb coffee. If it was cheaper, I’d drink it every day.
- Comment on Sony Increases PS5 Controller Prices in US, Europe, and More 5 months ago:
Sony is putting hall-effect joysticks in them to increase reliability and justify the increase. Right? …right?
- Comment on Land of the Free: Traveling the American Redoubt, or how Northern Idaho is the new living destination for the extreme right | VICE News 6 months ago:
At least. The aryan nation has been hunkered down there for over 50 years. They set up their headquarters north of Couer d’Alene in '74. Shame, it’s a beautiful place otherwise.
- Comment on Land of the Free: Traveling the American Redoubt, or how Northern Idaho is the new living destination for the extreme right | VICE News 6 months ago:
- Comment on Andy Serkis says Peter Jackson is still working on The Adventures of Tintin 2 8 months ago:
Hell yes! I am all for new Tolkien content, but the first Tintin was such a wild ride and stuffed with enough subtle audio/visual gags. Its amazing that it flew that far under people’s radars. I have recommended it to so many and maybe one person of all of them remember even hearing of it. Crazy underrated.