- Comment on Game Informer shuts down after 33 years 6 months ago:
You’re joking, right? Pre-2012, it was one of the most visited sites on the internet and in the top 20 gaming sites. They weren’t some no-name blog. Then after they hired Totilo, their shitty pop-tabloid reporting became so infamous even Forbes had articles about it, well before gamergate was ever a thing. This all used to be sourced info on the wiki page.
- Comment on Game Informer shuts down after 33 years 6 months ago:
Nah, Kotaku had a shit reputation for years before gamergate got shat into existence. Their reporting was sloppy and often wrong, most of them sucked at the games they were reviewing, they spammed out vapid clickbait articles about nothing to farm ad rev. The only reason people respect them now is because they were positioned opposite gamergate, as if two things can’t both suck.
- Comment on Volt Recharge - Official Announcement Trailer 7 months ago:
This is from a couple months back. Still excited, though.
- Comment on What is skibidi toilet? [Serious] 8 months ago:
They were popular gags that dominated the millennial YouTube landscape. I can’t say they were American things since I’m not American and they were still popular here. Possible you just missed, the internet’s big
- Comment on What is skibidi toilet? [Serious] 8 months ago:
The hate for skibidi toilet baffles me because it’s literally the same shit we laughed at not even 20 years ago? Does nobody remember pingas and pootis? Fan flashes? It’s crazy how fast people fall into “kids like it so it’s bad”
- Comment on Interactive Loading Screens - High Hell 9 months ago:
Splatoon 1 let you play five different minigames on the wii u pad, including a pretty solid rhythm game, while waiting, nothing else has come close for me
- Comment on Why do passports need to be signed to be valid? 10 months ago:
I personally have a signature stamp. I imagine that would work for anyone who has literally any range of motion, down to “can hold a stamp in their teeth and tilt their head a few degrees to press it against a document”.
For people who don’t have even that, I think a notary is allowed to sign on your behalf, if they can be provided documentation of your disability, but that will vary by country of course.
- Comment on Roblox Studio boss: children making money on the platform isn't exploitation, it's a gift 10 months ago:
Surely they mean entirety as in “the entire monthly player numbers of every game on steam”, not “the quantity of accounts that’ve ever been created”
- Comment on 3 days 🤯 11 months ago:
No, you see, you just get every citizen to pay a little bit into the bridge, and then everyone can use it. Maybe we put some of that money aside and establish a group of people to care for the bridge, upkeep and whatnot. It wouldn’t be fair to just pick them arbitrarily, so we should probably hold some kind of vote. And, well, I guess the money will run out, so maybe we take a little more from everyone every year, just to keep it in good shape
Huh? That sounds like what? Gov–
Oh fuck wait shit i mean DONT TREAD ON ME
- Comment on Form over function, eh? 11 months ago:
Now imagine it in, say, fog, or a storm, or any other low-visibility condition. You can see the vague outline of a car 20 feet ahead, and a blinking arrow pointing to the right, but not in line with where a right blinker should be.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
If Trump and Biden died today, the FBI would see this thread and you’d have some difficult questions to answer.
- Comment on Tom Morello - A Metalhead's Guide to 'Star Trek' 1 year ago:
Project harder
- Comment on Downfall (Steam Standalone) was Breached. Please read. 1 year ago:
This is a free fan extension to Slay the Spire. You can’t buy it, and buying the base game won’t support these devs.
- Comment on China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent. 1 year ago:
A clock whizzing backwards at 60 RPM is right 86,400 times a day!
- Comment on Is the right to abortion a "negative right" or a "positive right"? 1 year ago:
My view on the matter is that access to abortions falls under the umbrella of the right of bodily autonomy; specifically, protection from being medically exploited. Which by your phraseology would make it a “negative right”.
My go-to comparison is, perhaps oddly, bone marrow donation. Someone with bone cancer is likely doomed to die a horrible death, unless they can find a compatible donor who will consent to share marrow with them. For any given recipient, only a few people at best will be a viable match. Maybe only one. But that person has the absolute right to refuse. You cannot be forced to use your body for the health of another person without your consent.
Some people would say, that’s not comparable to pregnancy, and that getting pregnant is somehow consent. But, at least here in Canada, they stress heavily that you can withdraw consent at any point during the procedure. They also explicitly let you know that, at a certain point in the procedure, the recipient’s bone marrow will have been irradiated, and that if the donor backs out at that point, the recipient will die, but that they’re still allowed to do so. The right to bodily autonomy means any ongoing use of one’s body requires their continued consent, even with a living, breathing human person on the scales. Morally is certainly another question, but the diagram of law and morality is not a perfect circle.
If I’m protected from being the life support of any person, surely that covers an unfinished fetus.
- Comment on What were some ways old community sites grew before stuff like search engine optimization became prevalent? 1 year ago:
Everyone else has already covered webrings and directories, but there’s a couple things missing imo. Or maybe I just came in too late.
Back in, I want to say 2003 or so, I discovered this absolutely incredible browser extension called StumbleUpon. It was like a crowdsourced version of those contemporary curated link pages; you gave it a list of topics you were into (ranging from vague things like “art” down to really specific things like "), and when you pushed the “Stumble” button it added to your browser, it took you to a random website that matched one of your chosen categories. In turn, when you found a website that wasn’t in the database, you could add it by checking off what category/ies it fit into. I spent hours a day hitting that button and being taken to random new content, and quickly became the clever one in my friend group by finding all the best “cheezburgers” and “demotivationals” and “image macros” lol. Hell, I’d still be using it now, if they hadn’t shut down like five years back.
And let’s not forget Geocities neighbourhoods! Every GeoCities site was a “house” in a metaphorical “city” and at the bottom of their page, you could move between "house numbers’ to visit their “neighbours”. So if you found a good site, you might check out who’s nearby.
- Comment on I always believe what the people around me believe. Is that truth or what? 1 year ago:
Consensus is a kind of testing for truth, but truth itself. Hopefully, people will believe true things in aggregate, but sometimes your peers will agree on an untruth.
A philosopher would say that there is no truth, or at least we can’t be sure we know it. After all, what is “truth” when everything you perceive might not even exist?
An educator would say there are some things we can know for ourselves, like what “too hot” feels like or what “tasty food” is, some things we have to rely on experts for, like “how far away stars are” or “what the earth is made of”, and some things that aren’t objective at all and so can’t be known, like “who deserves this” or “what is immoral”. These are all kinds of truth.
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
On the other hand, I would posit that anyone who would perform a mass shooting is, by definition, mentally unwell, and the loss of mental health resources can only make things worse.
- Comment on Is there a community where I can post anything in case I don't find the appropriate community for it? 1 year ago:
! and ! are both offshoots of r/196, where the only “rule” was that if you opened the sub, you had to post something. So tons of random content ends up there.
- Comment on What android phones do you recommend and why? 1 year ago:
But they default to the opposite of standard Android, for the explicit purpose of making other phones feel unfamiliar to the majority of their userbase that doesn’t switch them.
- Comment on What android phones do you recommend and why? 1 year ago:
Imo Samsung just offers too much of a complete package to pass up.
That’s basically the exact reason I refuse to buy a Samsung, haha. They’re positioning themselves to be the Apple of Androids, offering exclusives to bring people into their ecosystem and making it hard to leave. Down to petty things like swapping the back/menu keys so just using a different brand of phone feels uncomfortable.
- Comment on Military Time vs 24hr? 1 year ago:
You’re not supposed to say “we meet at fifteen thirty”, you just say half past three or, in non-English languages sometimes “three in the afternoon”.
Uh, why not? Absolutely you can say “half past 15 hours”, and plenty of places do.
- Comment on Military Time vs 24hr? 1 year ago:
It’s definitely not standard in Canada. I wish it was. Every time I buy something, I have to figure out how to swap it to 24h mode.
- Comment on Military Time vs 24hr? 1 year ago:
Sort of? Imo you’ll sometimes hear/see things like T+2900, meaning 2900 minutes after T (T being a common placeholder for “the moment the operation began”). But unless the mission started at 0000, T+2900 doesn’t mean 0500, it means +2900 since T
- Comment on Star Trek: Infinite discussion 1 year ago:
Well, I played about 20 minutes before work, and so far the difference I’ve noticed are that autoconstruction doesn’t exist and that instead of spacelanes you just have warp right from the start; there was mention of something called “warp highways” but I didn’t work it out before I had to go.
- Comment on Just watched Balance of Terror 1 year ago:
God, yeah, it was an absolutely incredible episode. I watched it recently too, I was curious after seeing SNW’s treatment of it. I never watched much TOS because it wasn’t very engaging to me as a child in the 2000s, but I was drawn into BoT almost immediately and felt like I barely blinked the whole hour.