- Comment on Happy April Fool's here's your System of a Down meme 11 months ago:
I was 23. Just a young fella over there. Probably haven’t even broken a hip yet.
- Comment on Why is this so hard 1 year ago:
You can do this between your fingers as well. Just use a motion like you are snapping your fingers just more gentle.
- Comment on Why is this so hard 1 year ago:
Vegetable Farmer here. That shit is already gross. Wash your veggies.
- Comment on Metallica-Breakin-The-Law-Mp3.exe 1 year ago:
I worked as a cable installer in a small town around this time. There were only two employees. Myself and the manager. We just had gotten. The entire town wired so we had lots of folks transitioning from the shitty old satellite internet to wired cable “high speed”. The first month so many kids started downloading from Napster that it would stall out our speeds at night. At the end of the month the overage bills were huge. Kids were downloading so much we spent the next month driving around to each customer and explaining upload and download limits. It was nuts.
- Comment on inches plus coins equals metric system 1 year ago:
I know this cause guns. How imperial of you.