I don't completely agree with Mav on inflation, but, he provides some useful content.
In contrast, Snider argues compellingly that bank reserves are not money, there is no inflation, and actually deflation. €urodollar University €urodollar system explained He has done a similar show gor Rebel Capitalist, crypto channels, but he's more or less saying the se thing. ¢hina ¢ri$i$ The collapse of the China housing market ponzi is defintely globally deflationary, but may manifest as nationalised debt default and data manipulation.
Fed Guy, Joe Wang(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6Leb2WhEoA), offers a nuanced ex-fed worker position https://fedguy.com/two-tiered-monetary-system/ https://fedguy.com/can-banks-spend-their-reserves/ Suggesting rate hikes could nudge "inflation" higher, but are we really talking about inflation? What would inflation Jesus Milton Friedman say?
Another nuanced view from a trader perspective Alfonso Peccatiello https://themacrocompass.substack.com/p/qt-explained https://themacrocompass.substack.com/p/japan?utm_source=url
sj_zero@lotide.fbxl.net 2 years ago
This is a really interesting and well researched post that is formatted like weird spam. :P
goldenballs@wolfballs.com 2 years ago
Have some normal spam then. Image