I don't completely agree with Mav on inflation, but, he provides some useful content.

70s Stagflation explained

In contrast, Snider argues compellingly that bank reserves are not money, there is no inflation, and actually deflation. €urodollar University €urodollar system explained He has done a similar show gor Rebel Capitalist, crypto channels, but he's more or less saying the se thing. ¢hina ¢ri$i$ The collapse of the China housing market ponzi is defintely globally deflationary, but may manifest as nationalised debt default and data manipulation.

Fed Guy, Joe Wang(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6Leb2WhEoA), offers a nuanced ex-fed worker position https://fedguy.com/two-tiered-monetary-system/ https://fedguy.com/can-banks-spend-their-reserves/ Suggesting rate hikes could nudge "inflation" higher, but are we really talking about inflation? What would inflation Jesus Milton Friedman say?

Another nuanced view from a trader perspective Alfonso Peccatiello https://themacrocompass.substack.com/p/qt-explained https://themacrocompass.substack.com/p/japan?utm_source=url